Monthly Archives: February 2015

Where Are Criminal Cases Heard in Australia


Victorian criminal law cases are heard in the Magistrates’ Court. This
court has the jurisdiction to hear all summary offences (ie those
punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment, such as drink driving and
driving whilst suspended) and all indictable offences triable summarily.
Your criminal lawyers Melbourne will be able to give you further advice
as to whether your charges are likely to be heard in this court. If you
have been charged with a more serious offence such as rape or culpable
driving, the charges may initially be heard in the Magistrates’ Court
for committal proceedings before proceeding to trial in the County Court
or Supreme Court of Victoria.

Victorian Magistrates’ Court includes specialist divisions. In addition
to the basic mention court, which hears guilty pleas, there is also the
contest mention court (which can require criminal lawyers and police to
negotiate the resolution of charges) and courts for contested hearings.
There is also a Koori court, a drug court, and the Criminal Diversion
Program which allows offenders who have been charged with a first
offence of modest seriousness to participate in the diversion program
which leads to the offender being discharged with no finding of guilt.
Participation in the Criminal Diversion Program ensures that the record
of offending is not available to the public, including potential

If you have been charged with criminal offences, but
your case can be heard in the Magistrates’ Court, you should consider
carefully proceeding in this court rather than taking the matter to
trial. The advantages to proceeding summarily in the Magistrates’ Court
are that there is a saving in time and money associated with the
hearing. There is also a limit on the maximum penalty that can be
imposed by a Magistrate hearing the matter. However, it would involve
proceeding before a Magistrate and foregoing the right to trial by jury.

your Magistrates’ Court hearing, there are three options for further
review of your case if you are not satisfied with the result. In most
criminal cases, including traffic charges, there is the right of appeal
to the County Court against the finding of guilt, and also against the
penalty imposed. There is also a right of review in the Supreme Court in
certain circumstances. Strict time limits apply, so that it is
important to speak to your criminal lawyer early to discuss your

Before your criminal law case proceeds in court, it is
important to obtain advice from a criminal defense lawyer. The lawyer
can give you advice as to whether you should be pleading guilty or not
guilty, and in the event of a guilty finding, how you can ensure that an
appropriate penalty is imposed. Criminal defence lawyers can also give
you advice as to the procedure which applies in your circumstances, so
that you are kept completely up to date as to the stage of your
proceedings as well as the risks and advantages of each step.

Role Played by Car Accident Attorney Fort Worth


Any accidents leave a very bad impact in every bit of one’s life.
Accidents cause lot of damage by way of injury, physical, mental and
also financial. Even death can happen in accidents. The expenses faced
after the accident is so much that one have to get the claim to overcome
the problems occurred due to accidents. The various expenses include
medical expenses, repair expenses etc. There are incidents where people
are so badly hurt that they cannot go for work anymore so they face wage
loss. To overcome this financial crisis he can claim compensation from
the person who is responsible for the incident. To help get the claim
one should involve a car accident attorney Fort Worth who will be of
much use in these situations.

They take the responsibility of filling a complaint against the
insurance companies. Normally the insurance companies take their own
sweet time in paying for the claim, but theses lawyers will send the
legal notices if there is any delay in the payment. Apart from lodging
the complaint in the insurance company, they a file a case in the court
against the person who is accuse of the case to get the compensation
from him. Compensation which one has to get includes wage loss, medical
expenses and any other expenses occurred due to the car wreck. They make
sure that the victim should get the highest compensation possible. They
also see to that the victim gets the compensation on time so that the
victim can pay the necessary expenses on time. They give all the
necessary information to their client so that they are aware of what is
happening in the court.

Car Accident attorney fort worthis the best attorneys who have their
client in every possible way. The first and foremost step to get the
compensation is to file a case. They make a point to present the case in
the court strongly. If the case is weak then the accused can easily
escape from the case even without paying a single penny as compensation.
They make the case strong with all the necessary legal requirements.
They are specialized in dealing this type of case and provide the best
result. They are specialized in the field of car accidents which makes
lot of difference in hiring any lawyer who handles all types of cases,
because they know the techniques in handling such cases.

Lots of Benefits of Hiring an Automobile Accident Attorney


Road accidents are not predictable especially today when there are
millions of vehicles running on the road. People are advised to drive
carefully but some people accelerate their vehicles in order to reach
their destinations on time. Heavy traffic on road doesn’t allow drivers
to accelerate because over speeding can result in accidents and that is
what happens every day. People injured in road accidents have a right to
get full claim from the insurance company of the guilty party. The
injured can make sure that he/she gets full claim with the help of an
automobile accident attorney.

An automobile accident attorney is the lawyer who
practices auto accident cases and he/she is the best person to negotiate
claim with insurance company executives. It is learnt that insurance
companies try to settle the claim with the injured as soon as possible.
The executive is the first person to meet the injured and give him some
money to pay medical bills. Average persons don’t understand legal
terminology and they believe what the executives say and take what the
executives give. If someone tries to discuss the claim with the
executives then the insurance company sends its lawyer to convince the
injured to agree on the claim money.

An average person can never
negotiate claim with insurance company’s lawyers but an automobile
accident attorney has no difficulty in dealing with his/her
counterparts. There are instances when the injured were offered a meager
sum as claim and the injured got huge money when they hired lawyers.
The objective of an insurance company is to earn profit and not to
distribute money to injured persons. It is the injured person who has to
decide whether to hire a lawyer or not. Hiring a lawyer is in your
favor as the lawyer would make sure that you get what you deserve and
not what you are offered.

an automobile accident attorney is not a difficult task as there are
many lawyers who practice auto accident cases. The good thing is that
these lawyers are available online and you can read about their
strengths on their websites. Use Google to find a lawyer near your home
and call the lawyer to discuss your case. You should track more than one
lawyer so that you have a choice. Call every lawyer and hire one that
you find reliable. The insurance company executives would try to
persuade you to except the claim money but you shouldn’t pay heed to
their negotiation.

Business Legal Problem – Two Useful Tips What to Expect From the Lawyer


In Dubai, it is necessary to find a UAE law firm after complete research and you should also know what you should expect from Dubai advocate. >

Any business owner normally has to face a wide range of challenges while operating his or her business. However, the most important one is the legal issue. There are also many people who do not deal with the legal problems because of many reasons like unawareness of government policies, high cost or because of the large amount of time taken.

The legal issues can be in various forms such as:

If any customer fails to pay in an account despite of many promises

You will only get a letter from the government agency

You found out that the former manager of your company has set up a competing business plus also has stolen the best customer as well as one of the key employees

Someone told you that one of your standard form contracts won’t stand up in court and you are worried about it

These are some of the instances where you will need the services of UAE Law Firm.

Seek out legal help at the first sign of a problem

You will need the financial help when you will feel the need to go to a Dubai advocate. For instance, if your competitor is using your name to sell his products, and you are losing customers because of this then you need to file for a claim you will need the services of an advocate.

If you are having a problem with an employee at your company it is also significant to take the appropriate step at the earliest. More you will wait, more it will cost to your business.

An important point here is that seeking advice of a professional as soon you find a problem or before anything has been done in the market can make it worse. The Crisis management is always considered to be more expensive as well as more time-consuming than the early response.

Have a team of lawyers to call on when you need them

Each and every business must have team of on-call lawyers. These are less expensive and complicated than it sounds. You will only require the telephone numbers as well as the email addresses of the trusted corporate, and litigation employment litigation lawyers. Now, depending on the nature of the business, you might also require the intellectual property lawyer, who can deal with the trademarks, patents or copyright.

Author Bio:-

The Author is a professional Dubai advocate in a reputed UAE law firm and can offer you the best services when you are looking for an advocate in Dubai. For more information you can visit

Lawyers When Do You Need One


Normally, when you think of the potential situations in which you would need lawyers, the image of a mug shot and the back of a police car comes to mind. A person who finds themselves in some sort of criminal trouble most likely does need legal representation, but there are many other times in life in which a person might need legal counsel.

It can be difficult to know if you need legal representation. Of course, the need is more obvious and pressing in certain situations than in others. Other than instances in which you are charged with a crime, you will also need representation if you are ever served with a lawsuit, or if you have been involved in an accident where someone was injured or property was damaged. Lawyers can also be necessary if your familial status is changing-if you are involved in a divorce, if you are adopting a child, or in the event of a birth or a death. You could also need legal representation is if there is a change in your financial status, like filing for bankruptcy, losing or acquiring valuable property, or in a real estate transaction.

Then, of course, there are some instances when it is unclear whether or not lawyers are necessary. In most cases, it is better to at least have an initial consultation with an attorney so you can better understand what, if any, legal implications could arise. It is often wise to seek out legal advice first, paying a small fee, rather than facing a potentially disastrous situation, which could cost you a huge amount of money in legal representation and other costs.

If you are unfamiliar with the role of lawyers, you could have some question about the basics of hiring an attorney to represent you. Lawyers are expected to both uphold the laws of their jurisdiction and to protect the rights and interests of their clients. They are also responsible for making sure that their client has a clear understanding of their legal rights and their options, as well as resolving their clients’ needs to the best of their abilities and in an ethical manner. An attorney may not spend the majority of their time assisting you in court. A lawyer may be able to assist you by simply reaching out to any other parties involved in your case. Or, they may conduct extensive amounts of research on your case to better define your legal positioning.

Still unsure if you need to contact an attorney? Lawyers in Lansing, MI are here to assist you. Turn to Fraser Trebilcock for legal counsel. .

Professional Legal Network – A Professional in the Business Laws and Employment Law


Professional Legal Network – Business Law Experts

Professional legal network is definitely an accepted leader that
specializes in business laws transactions and litigation. Basic to their
practice are the acquisition and disposition of every conceivable form
of asset, which includes raw land, commercial, retail, business office,
industrial, master-planned residential, multifamily, mixed-use,
health-care, senior housing, hotel, resort, timeshare, and golf course
projects. Their lawyers also have substantial experience with bad or
contaminated sites and properties destined for redevelopment and re-use,
including military-base and industrial conversions.

to attorney alliance union, legal threats to your company can arise when
you least expect it. A competitor or colleague could act in breach of
contract, appropriate your idea or unique technology, interfere with
your intellectual property rights, or resort to unfair trade practices
that undermine your efforts.

You will need to take the
appropriate steps to secure against these types of risks to your
business, fend them off whenever they arise and be prepared to take
timely remedial action when, despite all prophylactic efforts, damage
control and counter measures are required.

Professional Legal Network assisting people in Employment Law Issues

Professional Legal Network represents both employees and employers throughout California and the country in areas such as –

Class Action Lawsuits –

Professional Legal Network has also represented clients in class action
lawsuits, including both employees bringing suit and employers
defending against them. Professional Legal Network lawyers can also
advise your company on how to reduce your risk of being sued.

Wrongful Termination –

If you are an employee and believe you have a valid claim against your
employer then Professional Legal Network’s consultation can help you.
Examples of valid claims may include violation of an employment contract
or termination proceedings outlined in an employee handbook, or
discrimination based on race, age, disability, sexual preference,
national origin, or pregnancy.

Wage and Hour Disputes –

On the job, numerous disputes arise over wages, overtime, breaks, job
classifications, commissions, waiting time penalties, and the like.
Professional Legal Network attorneys represent both employees and
employers to resolve such disputes.

Professional Legal Network
assists employers with all aspects of the employment relationship. Their
highly experienced attorneys provide counsel proactively; structure and
document the employment relationship; facilitate compliance with labor,
employment, and employee benefit laws; structure and maintain employee
benefit programs; deal with unions and their issues; and represent
employers in negotiations, mediations, arbitrations, federal and state
administrative agency proceedings, and in litigation in federal and
state trial and appellate courts.

Such legal networks represent
industry employer groups and contractors in the construction industry,
multi-employer employee benefit trust funds and their fiduciaries, and
individual employers in the real estate, entertainment, service, and
non-profit industries.

Labor and employment consultation focus
on the issues and provide full service, from counseling and strategic
and preventive planning to preparation of all appropriate agreements,
policies, forms, and other documents, to negotiation, mediation,
arbitration, and litigation

Find out more about professional legal networks, explore –

Resource For This Article –

NJ Divorce Separation Attorney Provides Legal Help for Child, Spousal Support, Alimony & Custody


Child support – When does child support end?
Many people going through a divorce or legal separation tend to be confused about when child support actually ends. The answer is that NJ child support is generally paid until the “emancipation” of the child. Since each state handles this issue differently many people enter into an agreement without knowing all of the facts. In the State of New Jersey, a child is not necessarily emancipated when the child reaches the age of 18 or when a child graduates from high school, as is the case in many other states. There is an expectation by the NJ courts that child support will continue to be paid until a child goes “beyond the sphere of influence”. This means that if a child remains dependent, child support may continue to be paid.
A few other points to keep in mind about child support is that even if you want to waive child support payments in your settlement agreement, child support is a right that belongs to the child and a parent may not waive this right. Also, keep in mind that child support does not necessarily terminate when a child enters their higher education years.
Alimony – How many years do you need to be married to be entitled to alimony?
The question of whether or not alimony (i.e. spousal support) in NJ will be paid is one of the most common questions people have when considering a divorce or legal separation. There are no definitive rules or mandates as to how long you need to be married in order for there to be an alimony award. Rather, the courts in New Jersey will examine a long list of factors which includes:
Length of the marriage; Income for each party; Age of the parties; and Health of the parties.
Generally, as the length of the marriage increases so too does the likelihood that there will be an alimony component to your settlement agreement. However, there are always exceptions. I have been involved in cases where spousal support was awarded for a 2 year marriage but not for a 30 year marriage. Every case is different and your individual circumstances should be reviewed with a Certified Matrimonial Attorney.
Child Custody – When is a childs preference taken into consideration?
It is generally the preference of the courts in the State of New Jersey to leave the children out of the litigation and the child custody decision. However, there are a number of circumstances when a judge might determine that it is both appropriate and helpful to speak with the children. A child will generally need to be 14 years or older and have a maturity level necessary to grasp the situation in order for a judge to even consider talking with the child.
Get Legal Help
The divorce and legal separation process can be very complicated so it is important to retain a New Jersey (NJ) Certified Matrimonial Law Attorney to help you through the process. Since only 2% of the attorneys in the state are Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, using this criteria in selecting an attorney will point you in the right direction. This should not be your only criteria, but it will help you narrow down the list of potential attorneys to handle your matter. Also, take the time to learn about the attorney through their web-site and then schedule a free initial consultation, which many law firms offer. At this meeting, you should assess your comfort level with the attorney since you will be working closely with that professional throughout the process.
For additional information about New Jersey divorce and family law related issues or to download a free copy of my divorce guide, visit my web-site at
Attorney Bari Weinberger is the Associate Author of the book New Jersey Family Law Practice, utilized by virtually every NJ family law attorney. She also served as child custody new jersey lawyer for domestic violence nj, nj restraining order

Divorce Lawyer Qualifications – You Set the Bar


Assuming that you have several prospective divorce lawyers in
mind to handle your divorce or custody case, you must investigate the
qualifications of each attorney. Before investigating the
qualifications of each attorney, you would be wise to set the bar
on the minimum qualifications that are acceptable to you. An
attorney’s qualifications in the following 5 areas will help you in your

(1) Percentage of practice devoted to family law

(2) Years of experience

(3) Certified specialist

(4) Law school and education

(5) Memberships

Percentage of practice devoted to family law

attorney’s percentage of practice devoted to family law will help you
assess how much experience and expertise he/she has with divorce and
custody related issues. An attorney whose practice is 100% devoted to
family law issues, such as divorce and custody, will likely have more
expertise and familiarity with handling such cases than an attorney
whose practice is not 100% devoted to family law.

Years of experience

attorney is often valued by the number of years of experience they have
in a particular area of law. The more years of experience an attorney
has in family law, the more they can typically demand for his/her fees.
Further, the more years of experience an attorney has with divorce or
custody cases, the more likely he/she has worked on a case similar to
yours and help you learn what you can likely expect and what the costs
will be.

Certified specialist

Is the attorney a
certified family law specialist? Some attorneys may seek to become a
certified family law specialist by demonstrating extensive experience
and testing in the field of family law. There are certainly attorneys
with experienced and expertise in family law that have not sought out to
become a certified family law specialist. Attorneys that advertise
themselves as “certified specialists” may demand a higher fee.


The fact that an attorney
graduated from a prestigious law school does not necessarily guarantee
that he/she is more qualified and more experienced in the field of
family law than an attorney that has not graduated from a prestigious
law school. The law school is however still something worth exploring
because it may demonstrate how serious, dedicated, and committed the
attorney was to his/her education. Additionally, some attorneys may
have various education such as being a Certified Public Accountant or
Licensed Clinical Psychologist. You will need to determine the value of
the different education an attorney has and the cost that may go along
with it.


An attorney that has taken
interest in the field of family law will often have memberships to
organizations in the field of family law. Some memberships are
available to any lawyer and some memberships are more difficult to
obtain. An attorney that does not have any memberships to organizations
in the field of law can often create doubt in the consumers mind about
their interest in that field.

The information above about an
attorneys qualifications can often be found through the State Bar
website or through the Bar Association. As you seek to know more about
an attorney’s qualifications, it is ultimately up to you to investigate
the attorneys qualifications and set the bar on the minimum qualifications that are acceptable to you.

Simple Steps to Finding the Best Attorney for Your Case


If you are in search of a DUI lawyer Montgomery County litigator, it
is imperative that you learn some simple steps on how to identify the
best attorney for your case. Being arrested due to a DUI is one of the
most stressful and challenging experiences that may be faced by an
individual. In order to successfully get the lowest level of charges or
to have your case successfully dropped in the State of Pennsylvania, it
is crucial that you have the capability of identifying a Montgomery
county attorney that has the education, expertise and background to take
on your case. In this brief guide, you will learn some simple steps to
discovering the best DUI lawyer Montgomery County litigator for your
individual needs.


In order to discover the best
Montgomery County attorney for your needs, you must ensure that you
carefully research the litigator’s educational background and their
personal experiences – both in and out of the courtroom. Given the fact
that you are facing a DUI charge, it is essential that you only choose
from attorneys that have direct and comprehensive experience in DUI law.
Depending on the specific charges associated with your case, it may be
appropriate to hire an attorney that deals directly with misdemeanor
crimes. However, it is best to choose a lawyer that has the education
and experience to deal with both misdemeanor crimes and felony crimes.
It is extremely important to select only those professionals that have a
personal track record of being highly knowledgeable in their fields and
extremely aggressive in the courtroom. When it comes to DUI cases,
nothing less than the best will suffice in front of a judge.

The Prosecutorial Process

As you search for a Montgomery County Attorney litigator, you must
evaluate the professional’s experience and knowledge in what is referred
to in the legal field as the “Prosecutorial Process”. This process
starts when an individual is arrested, goes into the trial and ends with
the final sentencing. A Montgomery County attorney that matches this
profile typically has relatively close relationships with law
enforcement personnel, private investigators, detectives, the judges
that are appointed to the cases within Montgomery County and several
other individuals that may play a critical role in the final result of
your case. It is also considered to be exceptionally beneficial to find a
DUI lawyer Montgomery County litigator that has experience as both a
defense attorney and as a prosecutor. These lawyers understand both
sides of the playing field when it comes to the courtroom and will know
and understand the tricks of the opposing side and will be properly
prepared to handle those tactics so that you win your DUI case.

In Conclusion

The goal to searching for a Pennsylvania Dui Lawyer litigator is to
look for more than a title. You must identify a professional that has a
solid educational background in law and has a thorough understanding of
the DUI laws in the State of Pennsylvania. You must identify an attorney
that has comprehensive experience in law and is attentive to detail. It
is essential that you discover a Montgomery County attorney that
understands both sides – prosecution and defense. Last, but not least,
it is imperative to pinpoint a lawyer that has a consistent track record
of wins when it comes to the courtroom. By following the steps outlined
in this brief guide, you are sure to discover a DUI Montgomery County
litigator that will assist you in your DUI case.

How to Get More Clients to Visit Your Law Office


In order to truly generate more law office leads, it is vital that
you do your part to enhance public awareness of your law office. Below
you will find some of the best methods of generating law office leads
and getting more clients to visit your law office:

1.) Partner Referrals

The best way to get
local clientele for your law office and generate more leads is by
getting your current and former clients to refer customers to your
office. If you won a difficult case for a client in the past, you will
find that they are often much more likely to refer someone to your
business than to a lawyer they don’t know. You will often only need to
ask people to refer their friends and acquaintances to your law office,
especially if you have a good rapport with those former clients. The
more people you have informing others about your services, the more
likely you will be to generate law office leads through the best method
of advertising: word of mouth.

2.) Cold Calls

While cold
calling is one of the least favorite methods of generating any kinds of
leads, you may find that cold calling will work effectively. Effective
cold calling requires a good deal of preparation on your part, as you
will want to draft a quick, effective speech that will provide others
with information on who you are and what you are, as well as what you
can do for them. You will need to invest a good deal of time into
planning your cold calls, but you will find that effective cold calls
can be one of the best ways to generate leads for your firm. You should
take the time to do some research online as to how to make effective
cold calls, and you may find that cold calling will become fun for you
as you get better and better.

3.) Seminars

Seminars are an
excellent way to increase public awareness of your law office. Giving a
seminar on a topic upon which you are an expert can help to share vital
information with the public, while helping to place you and your
business in the public eye. While you may not like speaking live, being
able to give a live seminar on any topic related to law will be a
valuable way to attract visitors to your law office. If you can pare
down the details and make your seminar as simple and easy to understand
as possible, people will take note that you are interested in helping
them. They will feel much more comfortable visiting your law office to
investigate further into your services.

4.) Trade Shows

shows are an excellent method of generating law office leads, though it
may be hard to find a trade show related to your law practice. If you
can find a trade show that will give you a chance to promote yourself
and your law practice, you will find that thousands of people interested
in exactly that topic will be attending. It is hard to find a more
focused and attentive audience than at a trade show, and you may find
that it is one of the best places for you to generate these leads.

5.) Mailings

monthly, or bi-monthly mailings can be incredibly effective at helping
to increase visitors coming to your law office. Every time that you meet
a new client, get his home or work address. Obtain his permission to
send him a mailing, and be faithful to send out those regular letters.
Even if your client doesn’t need your law services, it is more than
likely that he may know someone who is in need of legal counsel. By
sending out regular mailings, you are keeping yourself and your law
office in the minds of those who would be more than likely to recommend
your services.

6.) Advertising

When it comes to increasing
public awareness, an effective advertising campaign is the best way to
do so. You will need to create advertisements that are targeted at your
specific type of clients, but you can easily advertise in many different
communication media to broadcast your law firm. Radio ads, TV spots,
billboards, commercials, and many other types of advertising are
available to you, and you will find that your advertising potential is
only as limited as your creativity.

7.) Internet Marketing

marketing is the most effective form of advertising in this day and
age, thanks to the fact that more people are turning to the internet to
provide their information. In order to increase public awareness of your
law office, you need to look into all the different online advertising
and marketing methods. Get a website made for your law office, and start
marketing your services on the internet through Adsense, PPC
advertising, social network marketing, and any other method of
advertising that may seem a viable option. You will find that using the
Internet will ensure that a far broader spectrum of potential customers
is informed about who you are and what you do.

8.) Emails

out a regular email to your clients, friends, and acquaintances will
also increase your chance of getting more visitors to your law office.
The more people know about your services, your reputation, and your
success rate as a law office, the more interested they will be in
retaining your services in their legal problems. Sending out emails can
help to remind people of who you are and what you do, and your clients
will remember that you were instrumental in helping them solve their
legal problems. They will be much more likely to refer you to those they
know that need legal help as well.

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