Monthly Archives: March 2015

Residence Permit In Latvia, Immigration In Europe


The recent amendments in the immigration policy at Latvia have made it pretty much possible to get Residence permit in Latvia, immigration in Europe based on employment and investment criteria. With effect from 1st of July 2010 the Republic of Latvia allows obtaining a residence permit on new possibilities. An intending migrant can avail a TRP temporary residence permit in Latvia for a period of 5 years by :-

Starting a business or enterprise in Latvia on a minimum investment of 36,000 EUR and a paid tax of minimum 28,000 EUR

Opening a subordinated deposit in a Bank at Latvia or Latvian origin with a minimum deposit of 300,000 EUR for a term more than 5 years

Buying real estate in Latvia for a minimum 1,43,000 EUR in Urban areas such as Riga or 72,000 EUR at any rural area

The Temporary Residence Permit in Latvia makes it possible for any overseas migrant to stay at Latvia for a fixed duration of time. The visa is attached with a certificate on LTRP along with an identity number. The residence permit in Latvia allows the visitor spend good enough time to establish a business or seek employment. During the validity of the Latvian Temporary Residence Visa the migrant can have unrestricted access to Schengen countries and stay at one for a period of 90 days. The Temporary Residence Visa is meant for the immigrant lot that seeks business opportunities in not just Latvia but the entire Schengen Zone. The Residence permit in Latvia, immigration in Europe is especially unique for it lets the investor to make passive investments at the entire Schengen region along with Latvia. The business investment allows the immigrant to avail the convenience on travel without any strict requirements on physical residence.

The application process on Temporary Residence Visa can be completed in just a span of 30 days from the date of submitting the application along with the documents. The temporary visa however requires a good many documents to be submitted at the time of submitting the application.

A passport size photograph

Passport copy

Duly filled application form for the residence visa

Educational certificates

Certification on Litigation related issues if any

Medical certificate stating that the applicant doesnt suffer from Tuberculosis or any similar epidemic/pathogen

Documents that confirm any place of residence at the Republic of Latvia

Salary documents that confirm that the applicant meets the average wage criteria in the Republic of Latvia, which generally falls on LVL 398

Latvia offers the immigrant population a bundle of benefits similar to any other European nation or city. The immigration policy is such that the investors or migrants can make business investments or seek employment under the Temporary residence visa. A stay of a minimum 5 years allows the immigrant to first settle down in Latvia and then make efforts on a permanent residency status.

The Unsung Heroes Of The Law Office


A law office is an interesting place. Young associates scramble for position among the partnership elite, while the partners themselves try to maintain their foothold in the hope of one day seeing their name on the door. Through it all, there are a number of selfless, hard working individuals who never get to see their “name in lights” atop the law journals on in the headlines of the daily paper.

These are the unsung heroes of the legal world – and without them, a law firm would just be a series of cluttered offices and overflowing coffee machines.

The Legal Secretary

The legal secretary is heart and soul of any law office that wants to stay productive. Responsible for managing the attorney’s time (which is of course, all billable and therefore holds great value) and office “flow” the legal secretary is one of the few people in a law office whose time is not billed out to clients.

The Paralegal

Paralegals handle a lot of the legal “grunt work” that forms the basis for court cases and important legal proceedings. Paralegals are either “lifers” who have devoted their career to this facet of the industry, or they are law students or aspiring attorneys who want to see the industry from the front lines. Regardless, they perform everything from legal research to filings and more – and are billed out to clients for their time (which makes them even MORE valuable).

The Messenger

The computer age has not spelled the end for the messenger. This is especially true in the legal industry, where official signed documents must still be filed with the court or delivered to all involved parties within a case. Messengers don’t generally make a great deal of money, but their trustworthiness and responsibility are relied upon every day by the attorneys the firm.

The Court Reporter

Although the court reporter is usually a “hired gun” that comes into the law office on an “as needed” basis, there is no denying their importance to the process. In addition to providing transcripts of trial proceedings, court reporters also work with depositions, meetings, audio and video transcription and more. A law office thrives on its official legal documents – and those documents wouldn’t be possible without the court reporting services of these individuals.

The Receptionist

Keeping the calls flowing and the office humming is the direct responsibility of the receptionist. He or she is the first impression the company makes on visitors and sets the tone for how people will view the office. Receptionists are often able to glean a great deal from their surroundings – which might be the reason why some go on to become attorneys themselves. In a law firms, associates and partners are the public face of the organization. Their client-work obviously fuels the hours that pay the bills. But without the dedication of the individuals above, attorneys would hardly have time to tie their own shoes – let alone helping clients win their cases.

Personal Injury Lawyers And Family Law Attorneys Why They Are Important


specializing in family law and personal injury laws are extremely
helpful in getting justice and compensation for their clients. Both
these lawyers are highly experienced professionals who are experts in
all the aspects pertaining to their profession.

caused because of negligence have become a menace these days. Thousands
of people suffer injuries, damages, and even death because of such
accidents everyday. If you have also suffered such an accident that
occurred because of someone else’s negligence or malicious intent, it
would be better to hire a personal injury law service for dealing with
it rather than tackling it yourself. American court system gives you
full opportunity to prove that the accident occurred because of the
negligence or spiteful intention of the other party. If you are able to
prove this in the court, you can get compensation for the injuries or
damages caused to you because of the accident. There are several good
legal agencies such as Marathon Personal Injury Lawyer Services that
offer top-notch legal services to their clients.

A good personal
injury attorney will tell you in great detail about what you can expect
to receive in terms of compensation for the injuries or damages caused
to you because of the accident. These professionals will also be able to
tell you whether or not going to the court would be a good idea
considering the nature of your case. If they think that your case is
strong enough and that you will benefit from going to court, then only
they will advice you to do so. Leading legal firms such as Marathon
Personal Injury Lawyer Services are highly experienced in dealing with
such cases and will be able to guide you in a better way. They will also
fight your case in the court so that you get proper justice and
adequate compensation for the losses suffered by you.

cause of concern for a major section of people are the conflicts and
tussles that go on in families and result in the loss of peace of mind.
Petty family quarrels and issues often develop into serious matters that
require legal advice from an expert. Family law agencies such as
Brickell Family Law Lawyer Services can help such people in getting the
issues resolved in the court of law. Family law attorneys are also
experts in splitting the property and finances owned by a couple in a
way that both of them get a fair share. These types of problems are
quite common when a couple files for divorce. Apart from divorces,
family law lawyers also fight cases related to spousal support, child
custody, child visitation, guardianship, etc.

Both these types of lawyers and law firms can help you in getting back your peace of mind and justice.

How Eligibility for a Criminal Pardon in Canada is Changing


The law in Canada is currently and drastically changing. Although
only ten percent of the four million Canadians who held a criminal
record last year applied for a criminal pardon, the Harper government
has still been working to make that number smaller. In this post-9/11
climate of hyper-security and harsher political stances on every issue,
the public and interest groups have been calling for a reform of the
criminal law, specifically in regards to punishing criminals. In the
past few years, the government has slowly been obliging, with Bill C-23
being the first major change. Bill C-23 was split into two parts, part A
being passed last June and part B currently under deliberation in
parliament. It changes the Canadian criminal pardons part of the law
into the Canadian record suspension law. Although Bill C-23A has already
passed, let’s look at what is necessary to be eligible for the current
pardon system in Canada before Bill C-23B is fully passed.

The Canadian criminal pardon system as it stands now is
largely non-judgmental when it comes to distinguishing between offences
to be pardoned. No one is ineligible based solely on the nature of their
past offence (with some noticeable restrictions being applied to
pardons in the case of sexual offenders); if a person has been convicted
of an offence under the federal law, they are eligible to apply for a
pardon. There is, of course, a waiting period before they can apply, and
this period differs in length depending on how serious their crime was.
The waiting period section of the law was the part affected by Bill
C-23A. The most serious offences are indictable (such as manslaughter
and assault) and are tried by a full court, judge and jury. The ones
eligible for a pardon (very serious crimes such as murder are not
eligible) used to have a waiting period of five years; this has now been
changed to ten years. The minor offences are summary (such as causing a
disturbance in a public place and mischief charges) and are tried only
by a judge. They used to have a waiting period of three years and now
have been split into two groups, with the less serious summary offences
still waiting three years and the more serious ones waiting five. The
third and last type of offence one can be charged with is a hybrid
offence (such as certain sexual assaults and driving impaired) which can
be charged as either the more serious indictable offence or the minor
summary offence, depending on how serious a crime the Crown decides it
is. The waiting period after the sentence of a hybrid offence depends
entirely on what level of severity the Crown tried it as.

Canadian criminal pardon applications are accepted, as long as the
paperwork is filled out correctly. There was a 98.3 percent success rate
for Canadian pardons in the 2009-2010 year – 24,134 pardons granted and
425 denied. This is because as the system stands, the basic parameters
for being eligible are the wait times and the “good conduct” rule – the
person must have had good conduct for the past number of years since his
conviction and must be able to prove that the pardon will further their
rehabilitation. As far as rehabilitation goes, the fact that pardons
allow the people to apply for jobs and volunteer positions without fear
of stigma or rejection should speak for itself. Sex offenders are the
inevitable exception to this success rate rule however, as the
government looks to make most of them ineligible for any kind of pardon
or record suspension with C-23B – never mind that they are already
red-flagged when applying to work at jobs or volunteer positions
involving vulnerable people such as children or the elderly.

Do you Need a New Jersey Divorce or Family Law Attorney


Has your spouse moved out and left you and your children without
adequate child or spousal support?Have lost your job and need to modify
or reduce your support obligations?Are post-judgment divorce issues such
as parenting time, life insurance, unreimbursed expenses, etc. driving
you crazy because your ex-spouse just will not pay?Do you believe your
spouse is cheating but do not have proof?Or could it be that your
marriage is simply over and you want to move on with your life?

These are just some of the many concerns and issues that you may be
experiencing. You may feel lost, frightened, alone and unsure what to do
next whether because you have children, are a homemaker, are
unemployed, or for any other reason that has you “frozen” from taking
the action you need regarding your family law matter. At the Law Offices
of Sylvia S. Costantino, Esq., LLC we have the expertise and knowledge
to get you going in the right direction.

The attorneys at practice exclusively in the area of family law.
This is extremely important when choosing a divorce attorney. Both
Sylvia Costantino and Darshan Patel are admitted to practice law in New
Jersey and New York and their combined experience and expertise are what
you need to solve what can sometimes be complex or thorny familylaw
issues like Divorce, Child Custody, Child support, Parenting time,
Domestic violence, Equitable distribution, Grandparent visitation,
Prenuptial agreements, Father’s Rights, Mother’s right and more. The
skillful and talented Monmouth County Divorce Lawyers like Costantino
and Patel understand that a sensitive process like the divorce process
is fraught with uncertainties. They truly believe that it takes a
certain type of attorney to want to devote themselves to family law. You
need to be caring and sensitive to a client’s needs at this difficult
time in their lives. The decisions that get made in divorces and
post-judgment family law matters have lasting and sometimes permanent
effects on peoples’ lives, their family and children. The financial and
emotional issues at stake during the divorce proceedings, especially
when children are involved, are probably the most difficult issues that
you will face in your lifetime.

Choosing a New Jersey family law
attorney is not a snap judgment that you should make.Choosing the wrong
attorney could easily cost you thousands more than you need to spend on
your divorce or family law matter. Decisions affecting your life need
to be made only after careful consideration with an experienced family
law attorney. We want you to feel comfortable with us representing you
and above all to trust that “we are in your corner”. The biggest mistake
that a client makes is choosing a family law attorney who is not local
to the community or someone who is just out to earn a fee from you and
has built up what we call a “callous” to family law matters. You need a
divorce attorney who is committed to you, and who cares about your
family and your individual case. You need a New Jersey divorce attorney
who talks to you, answers your questions and considers you to be
important. You are not just a client. These are rare qualities in a
divorce attorney but we believe you will know it when you meet that
attorney – Sylvia Costantino, Esq. In a word, it’s a “gut feel.”

With the everyday increase in divorce-related issues like child custody
and domestic violence, or the rights of the parents and spouses, your
first choice is the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, where your
unique situation is analyzed with utmost care and sensitivity, and you
are provided with the most strategic and intelligent representation.
Here, we can help you resolve your issues expeditiously, but
economically. The NJ divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Sylvia S.
Costantino, Esq., LLC have represented individuals and families
throughout Monmouth, Ocean, Middlesex, Somerset Counties and surrounding
areas in the State of New Jersey, and to their credit, have gained much
success and fame with their skillful participation and expertise. is the lighthouse to help guide you through
divorce and family law issues. Sylvia S. Costantino, Esq. is the
attorney you need and once you consult with her, you will have no doubt
about this. Read the Google Plus reviews for yourself and see what our
past clients have said about us. Our client’s successes are what drive
us to committing ourselves to what we do best – the practice and art of
New Jersey Family Law.

The attorneys at Sylvia S. Costantino,
Esq., LLC are the few of those New Jersey Divorce Lawyers who have
dedicated their practice to family law. The lawyers here always care
about your case and completely understand that putting their helping
hands forward to you to obtain the best possible result in your divorce
case is just as urgent for the well-being of the financial status of
your future, as it is for your emotional needs and support.
Understanding the nuances of family law can only be learned by eating,
living and breathing family law. Again, this is crucial in choosing a
family law attorney. Visit our website and review our video on how to
choose a family law attorney.

With all this in mind, learn more
about the best New Jersey attorneys at Relax and
worry no more or feel lonely during this sensitive time of your life.
Seeing it is to believe it, as to how these skillful and effective New
Jersey divorce lawyers are always there to help you out effectively.You
have nothing to lose by coming in for a free 30 minute consultation. The
attorneys at the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, Esq., LLC have no
doubt that you will come away from that consultation with a clear
understanding of the steps that you should take going forward and will
demystify this often confusing and scary area of law for you. Let us
take the worry out of it for you. We guarantee that coming in for your
free family law consultation will be the first step in the right
direction. Call today.

How To Select A New Jersey Law Office


There are actually many attorneys in New Jersey, so how can you determine the correct New Jersey attorney for you? Sure, you may have spotted some ads on television and bus stop benches, but are those really the lawyers you would like to represent you? This article will help you recognize what to check for so you can decide on the right New Jersey lawyerfor you.

There are actually numerous things involved in choosing an attorney at law in New Jersey, but the very first thing you must consider, is which type of lawyer you require. Some legal professionals exclusively work on a certain aspectof New Jersey law. Other legal professionals deliver a wide range of New Jersey legal services. There are some that could serve as a personal injury lawyer, criminal defense lawyer, real estate lawyer and more. Acquiring a single NJ law office that will satisfy all of your legal needs tends to make things much simpler in the long run, and will also save you time and money.

By getting a single full service attorney in New Jersey, you’ll always have someone you can call for any of your legal needs. If you’re ever injured, you already have a personal injury lawyer you can call. If you need to sell or purchase real estate, you have a real estate lawyer you can call. Once it gets to be time to create your will or perhaps even a trust fund, you will have a skilled legal professional you can call. Even if you happen to get involved with a little legal trouble, you have a criminal defense attorney already set up to help you. It doesn’t matter what type of legal services you require, you can feel at ease knowing that you have got a familiar N.J. lawyer on your side.

With any luck, this article has helped you understand more regarding what to take into account when finding a New Jersey law office that will help with your legal needs. Get one that offers a widerange of legal services, so they can help you at any stage of your life, and can rest easy knowing that you have a dedicated New Jersey attorney to guide you through some of life’s most challenging times.

Criminal Law – Criminal Convictions And Sentencing


A criminal conviction is when a court of law finds a defendant guilty
of a criminal offense and comes to a verdict. The other of a conviction
is one thing referred to as an acquittal. Within the criminal justice
system, there are flaws and typically guilty individuals are actually
acquitted and innocent individuals are convicted. This can be method
appeals are put in place to avoid and mitigate this problem, if and when
it arises. A mistake in the criminal justice system that results in a
conviction of an innocent person is called a miscarriage of justice.

After the defendant is convicted, the court that she
is tried in, will decide the appropriate sentence in the shape of a
punishment. However, convictions can cause ramifications outside of the
sentence given, that is called collateral consequences of criminal
charges. Such convictions can be referred to as minor convictions, that
are in impact, may be a warning conviction and does not extremely affect
the defendant. An individual with a variety of convictions in their
past can have a lot of collateral consequences of the criminal charges,
and a history of convictions are call antecedents or ‘previous’
convictions. Despite minor convictions not affecting the defendant an
excessive amount of, they still show on a person’s record as a previous

A defendant is sentenced by a judge after she or he
has either pleaded guilty to a criminal offence or been found guilty of a
criminal offence following trial within the courts. A choose or
magistrate can make the choice as to the appropriate sentence for the
defendant’s offence that they committed, by taking into account totally
different important factors, as well as the facts of the case, the
utmost penalty and any sentencing guidelines punished. The law relating
to the criminal justice system is basically found in the Criminal
Justice Act 2003.

Criminal Justice Act 2003 has aimed to provide understandable and a lot
of variable sentencing guidelines. It has included the purposes of
sentencing; the principles behind sentencing, as an example, the
reduction in sentence for a guilty plea, the principles regarding
previous convictions and offences committed whilst on bail, and
statutory aggravating factors; terms relating to totally different sorts
of sentence and after they may be applied; terms relating to the
sentencing of dangerous offenders; and provisions in relation to
unharness of offenders.

The 2003 Act conjointly sets out the most
sentences for specific offences, setting out the most severe penalty a
court will grant and the most sentences depending on the seriousness of
the offence. For offences such as murder, theft and some sexual
offences, the maximum sentence is life imprisonment. These maximum
penalties should be applied to the foremost serious and extreme criminal
cases and it’s the choose or magistrates duty to make a decision the
appropriate sentence for the offence that the defendant has committed.

Services Offered By The Law Office Of Michael Levitis


With recession hitting the US, we can say that almost fifty percent of the country was neck deep in debt. Trust me being in a situation where debt terrorises you can be quite a difficult situation to handle. The situation automatically worsens when you are living in the most demanding and intimidating city of the world, New York. Are you wondering what a common man can do or should do under such circumstances in order to get back his life on track? Employ services from Law Office of Michael Levitis. It is one of the most reputed and leading law firms that have been providing affordable bankruptcy attorney services in NYC for more than a decade now. The firm takes care of all the needs of the clients related to bankruptcy and debt settlement.
Whether you need any kind of advice on your financial matters, intend to file a bankruptcy or want to settle the amount of debt with your creditors, the lawyers at the Law Office of Michael Levitis are more than happy to offer their services and do everything it takes to make sure that you live your life again with dignity. The first consultation at the Law Office of Michael Levitis is completely free of cost, so you can visit their office without any hesitation. Only if you think that you can benefit from their services you can visit them again.
All their bankruptcy lawyers in New York are thoroughly experienced and take complete responsibility of your case once you have decided to join hands with them. Only after thoroughly studying your case and accessing your situation the lawyers come to a conclusion that is the best keeping in mind the present circumstances. Whatever your financial situation may be, the lawyers at Law Office of Michael Levitis try to avoid bankruptcy, until and unless it is the last option available. They completely understand that how filing bankruptcy can affect your credit score and insist on debt settlement as far as possible. These lawyers also take complete care of all the legal hassles and paperwork to avoid any kind of inconvenience to you. All these services are available extremely affordable rates, as the main motive of the lawyers at Law Office of Michael Levitis is to help you get another chance to start afresh with clean financial image.

Protect Your Laws in the Right Manner with the Help of Attorney Lubbock


Whenever you are in need of legal help and want to get rid of any
jurisdiction services, then there are various reliable attorneys, who
are ready to help you. However, always remember on the fact that the law
is not a simple step and there are various divisions, which are to be
followed, under the same area. On the other hand, lawyers are mostly
categorized under two segments, one is a criminal lawyer and another one
is under the civil sector. Their services along with results also
differ. The result of each law will be different from each other, which
depends on the proof presented in front of the judge, who is the sole
decider of any case. However, the rules are also going to differ from
one state to another.

Special cases might get some exclusive answers, even
though the main result is for or against the client. There is no such
stipulated time of a particular case, as one can last for few hours or
else it can also last for years. Court or the jurisdiction level is
mostly divided into three major categories. The top level is known as
Supreme Court, which is judged by chief justice and his helping hands.
The next one is the High Court and the last one can be stated as
Subordinate Court. You need to have proper knowledge about the case
before choosing any lawyer for your help.

It is an inevitable
truth that Attorney Lubbock can only be your one stop solution if you
want any authorized person to fight for your case. However, for holding a
degree in law you need to complete a stipulated law related educational
line. These courses can range for many years, but for maximum cases,
these are for five long years. If you want to gain specialization in any
field, then you have to look for the practical tests along with other
written examinations. Always remember that, without the help of the
license, you are not allowed to practice law in any state or under any
jurisdiction. This can be stated as the basic passport for your
practicing zone.

If you want to get hold of the best Attorney Lubbock, then the first
and foremost option is to check his past works and success records.
After you are completely satisfied with their records, you are ready to
invest your money on them. You can even ask your family members and
friends, in case they have any tip or advice for you.

Gcl States The International Society Of Primerus Law Firms Welcomes Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess,


Wilmington, Delaware, January 29, 2014 – Wilmington, Delaware based law firm, Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess, P.A. has been accepted into membership by the International Society of Primerus Law Firms, a highly selective society of the world’s finest independent boutique law firms. The firm was accepted following a rigorous screening process by the Primerus Accreditation Board. Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess, P.A. will represent Primerus in the state of Delaware for business related matters.

“As Delaware entity law reaches nationally and internationally, there’s often a need for the advice and litigation skills of Delaware counsel. Large law firms and business entities in major money center cities have always been able to find their way to capable, but correspondingly large law firms in Delaware. Through Primerus, we look forward to reaching and serving the Delaware-related needs of our fellow attorneys practicing in smaller firms in their respective regions,” stated Norm Monhait, Shareholder at Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess, P.A.

About Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess, P.A. For more than fifty years, Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess, P.A. lawyers have been on the cutting edge of legal developments in corporate and commercial litigation in Delaware courts. From corporate decisions studied in law schools to cases whose primary importance was to the clients who sought their expertise, the firm has provided effective representation focused on understanding the needs of their clients and achieving the best possible results. Their traditions of diligence in their efforts, excellence of our work product, integrity and dealings with others, as well as fairness in their fees demonstrate the firm’s continuing standards.

About Primerus The International Society of Primerus Law Firms (Primerus) is a society of top-rated, independent, boutique law firms that have earned the right to display the Primerus seal of quality. As one of the most respected law firm societies, Primerus has become the size of some of the world’s largest law firms. Primerus is growing at an unprecedented pace, and is expanding throughout the U.S., Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. With nearly 200 member law firms and thousands of lawyers in the society, Primerus members, collectively, offer the breadth of expertise and jurisdictional coverage that only the world’s largest law firms can offer to their clients, but at more reasonable rates. Law firms in the U.S. and Canada must be AV-rated using the Martindale-Hubbell peer review service. For firms outside of North America, consideration is given to respected resources, such as, Chambers Global Guide, Legal 500 EMEA, and IFLR 1000. Additionally, once approved for membership, every Primerus firm is audited annually to ensure that the legal services they continue to provide to clients are of a consistent, high quality, year after year.

Press Contact:
Derek N. Hoeft
International Society of Primerus Law Firms
Wilmington, Delaware
+1 616.284.3631

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