Monthly Archives: December 2015

Choosing the Right Law Firm


Many of us hope that there isn’t a day when we have to find the
perfect attorney to plead our case. Unfortunately, life’s circumstances
can create situations beyond our immediate control. When many people
find themselves in a situation where they could need legal
representation, they didn’t plan to end up there. Rarely do we consider
our legal options without dire need or reason. It’s a shame that a hasty
decision when choosing a law firm can lead to less than optimal results
when it comes to true legal representation. By setting a standard of
checking credentials and past cases & results, you can find out if
this attorney is the man for the job.

Many attorneys have a public record. Many great
attorneys will advertise their successes. A simple Google search might
be able to merit some past cases which that attorney has granted legal
representation. These valuable sources of information can help you find
out if this attorney is experienced in an instance like your particular
situation and if they have had past successes. These past successes
represent more than a simple verdict; it can represent the wit and
aptitude of that attorney to perform in difficult situations, and it
gives you a confident track record to base the decision off of.

Law firms often have a particular forte. Some law firms would specialize
in things like criminal law, helping defendants to ensure that they
have the best possible defense and representation in the court room.
Other law firms might specialize more in family law matters such as
divorce or possibly bankruptcy. These cases often have very different
proceedings. Due to that, it would always be the right decision to opt
for the lawyer with experience in the field that you need most. In a
more simple sense, you would never call your plumber to rewire the
electrical panels in your home. Beyond the suits and ties, law firms are
often not too different in terms of their strengths and weaknesses.

Finding that premier attorney is of the utmost importance when it comes
to your legal representation. It is always imperative to find someone
with the legal knowledge and understanding to represent you best. It’s
also important to find a law firm which has attorneys who fully listen
and understand your case. An attorney who is invested in their work will
be able to find details in your case solely by understanding more about
the situation and more about you. There is a bright side to this; if
you do your homework and pick carefully, you certainly will find the
right law firm for the job.

A Family Law Attorney Can Help You Solve Issues with Your Spouse


Familial issues can be difficult to deal with. Trying to solve most problems alone, without legal counsel, is not advised. It is usually best to get someone involved who is not a relative, like a family attorney. This type of lawyer typically helps solve issues related to divorce, though other familiar problems are also handled. Consider the ways in which you can get help by a legal representative for a myriad of issues.

If your former spouse is behind on child support payments, you will probably need a family attorney to resolve the crisis. Going without money for your children for long is unacceptable. Your ex needs to be held responsible for his or her portion of payments that are necessary to raise the children. If the matter cannot be solved civilly, outside of court and without legal representatives, then you need to seek an experienced family attorney to get the money as quickly as possible.

Child custody during a divorce is another subject that many lawyers deal with. If your former spouse has been denying you the right to see your children, you need to speak with a lawyer. Perhaps you have been to court already and thought the matter was settled, but your ex is not following court orders. In this case, a qualified lawyer can issue a contempt action, which can help make sure the offending party fully complies with the order. This can result in a change to custody or child support rules, or it could result in mandatory counseling for the parties involved.

Even if you do not have children, you could need a family attorney anyway. This kind of lawyer can help you get alimony owed to you, or help ensure that your ex spouse adheres to the prenuptial agreement. Even if you were recently married or are considering marriage, you might need legal help. For example, changing your name on legal documents, drawing up a prenuptial agreement, and getting an annulment are all matters that this kind of lawyer can help you with.

Some subjects can be dealt with on your own, but you have to ensure that you fully understand them first. Doing the research, filling out paperwork, and making sure that your current or ex spouse adheres to all rules as well can be exhausting. It can also take a lot of time and patience. Hiring a family attorney to help you along can be a big relief, which makes it worth it.

An experienced family law attorney Dallas residents believe, has the skills to help you resolve issues caused by a breakdown in the family relationship. He will stand up for you when you feel like you have no one else. To know more, visit

After an Accident Injury an Experienced Law Firm will Fight for Your Financial Compensation


A car crash can be a very scary experience for most people. Many people
suffer both mental and physical trauma after being in a dangerous
accident with their car. Both types of injuries often require a long
recovery period. Worse, the experience may result in enormous medical
expenses. While recovery from such an accident can be quite difficult,
fortunately there are people you can hire to make this process easier.

If you’ve been in such an accident, a injury law firm is essential. An
experienced attorney can help the victim recover damages that are owed
to him or her in the event of a crash. A lawyer for car crash injuries
can help the accident victim work with their auto insurance company as
well as the auto insurance companies of any other person involved in the

When looking for an effective law firm to be on your
side after such an event, you should take several factors into account.
Such factors include the background of the law firm as well as their
experience in working with accident victims. A good choice for an
accident lawyer will be able to provide you with you several necessary
items in advance. These include multiple references from other cases the
lawyer has successfully negotiated as well as an estimate of the kinds
of fees they will charge and the kind of compensation you should expect
as a result of their efforts.

A good lawyer if you have been in a
serious accident will also be able to demonstrate knowledge of the
insurance company industry. Most car accident victims work closely with
an insurance company. The insurance company is often the primary party
responsible for providing the amount of compensation the victim may
expect. An insurance company may also work with your medical insurance
to process any bills for medical injuries. The insurance company may
also work directly with your auto company to provide an assessment of
damages to the automobile, temporary transportation and even a new car
if necessary.

An experienced lawyer will know as much as possible about all three
industries. The attorney can then represent your interests well when
working with all aspects of your case including medical, automotive and
legal. The lawyer can also often help people to work with an insurance
company that acts in bad faith in compensating accident victims for
serious injuries from car accidents and other types of accidents.

If you have need of legal representation after an automotive accident,
take all of these factors into account. Use them to help find the best
possible legal representation.

Deciding Upon Options To Obtain Legal Transcription Guidelines


Occasionally in the event that unchanged is necessary based upon ones own idea it will be necessary professional justifications, or you’ll indeed be examining the terminology. Yet if really do not need this task, definitely don’t wind up spending money for it You will discover numerous remarkable reasons for having talking to groups of many people, then again never do this to help try decrease the cost It will take months in order to copy out several grouped beyond 2 or three persons

They will also deliver secret products and services since most of the published information issues include things like delicate information and facts that can not be exposed. Before choosing the latest company guantee that top-quality tried and tested, cheaper and monthly products for your convenience. Farther, you’ll want to on top of that make sure that they can conclusion the project in the with time with very little waiting. Most the experienced businesses provide facilities at just for each audio tracks minimal charge. can help to concentration on examine rather then spending some time with having hints.Numerous academic school students, teachers, also doctor’s pupils start looking, at times, to get a good, highly affordable enterprise to accomplish the work they do. This job frequently incorporates those of interviews for that completion of the dissertation. When choosing that supplier, one would probably opportunity the online world and find out just the appropriate solution designed for an individual’s your loved one requires.

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Overview Of Spousal Maintenance Awards In Divorce And Legal Separation


In a divorce or legal separation, spousal maintenance may be ordered by the court to provide important financial support for one party or the other. Maintenance is paid by one spouse (or former spouse) to the other spouse (or former spouse). Some states refer to such support as alimony, others as spousal support. In any case, the purpose and result is the same, as well discuss in this article.

Historical Basis for Alimony — Times Have Changed

There was a time when traditional marriages were entered into with the understanding and agreement that only death could terminate the bond. A divorce was only possible when there was evidence of marital misconduct, or fault. Once fault was established, the court looked to punish the party responsible for destroying the marriage.

Need for Alimony. Alimony was a solution to a very real economic problem. A divorced womans chances of finding work sufficient to support herself, even marginally so, were not promising. Knowing this, the courts were unwilling to let a husband impoverish his wife if he was guilty of marital misconduct. Receiving alimony sustained the wife who had kept her marriage vows, and paying alimony punished the husband who had not.

Punishing the Wife — No Alimony. A wife who caused the marital breakdown often found herself in immediate, serious financial trouble. Alimony was not generally available to her. The court reasoned that her post-divorce financial woes were the direct consequence of her guilty acts, and the punishment was deemed appropriate.

Punishing the Husband — Pay Alimony. As the family wage-earner, when the husband caused the marital breakdown the court granted the divorce and ordered him to continue supporting his ex-wife — support in the form of alimony. The guilty husband could not escape his obligation to support his wife, even after the divorce. The support was paid weekly or monthly, and could keep the ex-wife in the standard of living to which she had become accustomed during the marriage.

If the parties were unhappily married and both were without fault, then there were no grounds for divorce. Some couples colluded to achieve their desired result — ending a marriage they both wanted out of. When both husband and wife were at fault, the court was still unwilling to dissolve the marriage as they deserved each other and, consequently, were stuck in the marriage.

Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act.

By the middle of the 20th Century, sensibilities about the traditional marriage had changed significantly. Wives increasingly became wage-earners alongside their husbands, and the stigma of divorce was fading. In a sweeping legislative reform, Arizona adopted the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (UMDA), as did Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, and Washington.

The UMDA (1970) allowed for the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage, which could occur without any fault. Today, our Arizona courts cannot consider acts of marital misconduct in deciding whether to award spousal maintenance.

Eligibility for Spousal Maintenance — How It Works Today

In general, when determining the appropriateness of a maintenance award the court must conduct a two-part analysis.

First, A.R.S. 25-319(A):
As a threshold question, a spouse must establish eligibility for alimony. In this first step, be prepared to answer questions like the following:

What property does the spouse have? Is the spouse already self-sufficient? Does the spouse need to stay home to care for a child? Could this spouse earn enough money to be reasonably self-sufficient? Did the marriage last many years, maybe a decade? Was the couple only married for a short time, maybe a year or two? Is the spouse at an age that would make self-sufficiency through employment impossible?

Second, A.R.S. 25-319(B):
Second, the court considers all relevant factors in the family law case. Although the court has broad discretion, the 13 factors presented in the statute provide a framework for the judges analysis. Here are some questions that should be asked, and answered, in this second step:

1. Standard of Living
Did the parties live well? Were they affluent? Did they maintain a high standard of living? Did they live modestly? Did they get by with limited resources?

2. Marriage Duration
How many years were they married to each other? Did the couple invest years in their marriage?

3. Age, Employment, Earning Ability of Supported Spouse
Did the spouse seeking support quit working outside the home to raise their children? What jobs did that spouse have in the past? How much could he or she reasonably earn? What education does that spouse have? Would training or an education improve that spouses employment options?

4. Supporting Spouses Financial Ability
How much does the supporting spouse earn? Can the supporting spouse take care of his or her own reasonable needs, as well as provide support for the other spouse?

5. Comparative Financial Resources and Earning Ability of Both Spouses…

Will one spouse substantially out-earn the other under most circumstances? Does one spouses property interests greatly exceed the others? Is there a significant financial imbalance between the spouses?

6. Contributions from Supported Spouse
Did one spouse maintain the household and care for the children, freeing the other spouse to concentrate his or her efforts on career employment?

7. Extent Supported Spouses Lost Career Opportunities
Did one spouse set aside his or her career, education, or employment goals so the other spouse could get ahead?

8. Ability of Both Spouses to Contribute to Childrens Educational Costs
Will each spouse have sufficient funds to help with the childrens educational costs? Will a spouse only be able to help with the childrens educational expenses if he or she receives help in the form of spousal support?

9. Financial Resources of Supported Spouse
Does the spouse have sufficient property to take care of all his or her needs without financial help? What makes up that spouses community assets?

10. Time Needed for Training or Educational Program
Is it possible for the spouse seeking maintenance to get vocational, college, or university training to improve overall employability? With an education, will that spouse be able to build a sustainable career? How much money would be required to get the necessary education or training? How long will it take to get through that training or educational program?

11. Excessive or Abnormal Expenditures and Concealment
Did the spouse hide property and assets or commit other destructive or wasteful acts?

12. Health Care Insurance Costs
What will be the cost of health care insurance coverage for the spouse seeking support after the divorce?

13. Damages and Judgments from Criminal Conduct
Was there a conviction of domestic violence committed against the other spouse or their child? Were there any other convictions in which the other spouse or child was a victim?

Maricopa County Spousal Maintenance Guidelines.

In an attempt to improve predictability and consistency in awards, the Maricopa Spousal Maintenance Guidelines were developed. The guidelines provide a formula from which a monthly support amount and support duration can be calculated with greater certainty. The formula allows for predictability and uniformity from one case to the next.

Guidelines Are Discretionary. As useful as Maricopas guidelines are, their application is purely discretionary with the court. There is no mandate, or requirement, that a judge use any guidelines at all in his or her maintenance analysis. In the case of Ramsay v. Ramsay, 224 Ariz. 467, 232 P3d 1249 (Ariz.App. 2010), the Court of Appeals stated once again that:

There are no legally authoritative guidelines governing spousal maintenance in Maricopa County or any other Arizona county. A.R.S. 25-319(B) vests the trial court with broad discretion to determine the amount and duration of spousal maintenance awards after due consideration of the factors that the Legislature articulated. The statute does not direct the court to refer to any set of guidelines, and the court’s disregard of any such informal reference materials cannot give rise to a finding of abuse of discretion.

The best approach to resolving spousal maintenance issues is by thorough preparation. Substantiating a spouses position on maintenance, with strong supporting evidence on each of the 13 factors, may be pivotal in achieving a favorable outcome in the case.

Three Things to Ask a Prospective Criminal Attorney


You’ve been arrested and are now facing serious felony criminal
charges. You’ve never been in trouble (or maybe you have) and you don’t
know what to do, but you know you hadn’t planned on being in jail this
Christmas. You know you need an attorney, but you don’t have any friends
or family that practice law and don’t know who to call. Regardless of
who you end up hiring, there are several basic questions that need to be
asked any attorney you interview to represent you.

1. Do you handle criminal law?

In days gone
by, many attorneys were “general practice” attorneys who you could call
if you were arrested, needed a divorce, wanted a Last Will and
Testament, or were injured in a car wreck. As the law has evolved and
become more complicated, it is now more common for attorneys and law
firms to focus on one or two areas of law. Many attorneys don’t
represent criminal defendants, or don’t handle criminal cases as a
regular part of their practice. Therefore, before you make a final
decision on an attorney you should probably ask them if they handle
criminal cases as a significant portion of their law practice.

2. Do you handle the type of case that I’ve been charged with?

Even within criminal attorneys, there are attorneys that specialize in
certain types of cases, and attorneys that refuse to handle cases
involving certain crimes. For instance, some criminal attorneys only
practice in State Court, while others also handle Federal Criminal
cases. Federal law is fairly standardized nationally and can be
drastically different than state criminal law practice. There are
attorneys whose focus is on handling federal criminal cases across the
country. Additionally, some attorneys refuse to handle various types of
cases such as DUI, murder or child sex cases due to that attorneys own
personal preferences or prejudices. So another question you should ask
before deciding on which attorney to hire is whether they handle the
type of case you are currently facing.

3. What kind of results have you obtained in cases similar to mine?

While you may have found an attorney that does handle criminal matters
that are similar to your case, you want to make sure that they have
handled such cases with good results for their clients. You may not want
to hire an attorney that routinely pleads all of their clients guilty
to lengthy prison sentences, as you may not be interested in pleading
guilty. You should want to determine if they have ever tried a similar
case to a jury, and what type of verdicts they have obtained. A
determination of the results your prospective attorney has obtained in
cases similar to yours will give you a good idea of that attorney’s
knowledge and comfort level in handling cases such as yours.

has been said that your decision who to hire to represent you in a
criminal case is one of the most important decisions you may make in
your life. Before making such a decision, you owe it to yourself to find
the answers to these

Choose The Right Immigration Firm or Attorney


The immigration process is extremely hectic and tedious. Especially
when it comes to paperwork it tends to become very complicated. There
are so many documents to file. It is natural for anyone to become
overwhelmed. One need to completely understand what is required in the
process and how to acquire all the necessary documents, if one does not
have it with them. Proper check should be made if the documents are
properly attested and verified so that it can be submitted in the
office. This makes the processing process much easy and convenient for
the person who is applying for immigration.

This is the beginning and just a part of the
documentation process is finished. After the initial checks the filing
process begins. This gets to be little tricky because all the
information should be in accordance with the documents and they should
be verifiable. The circumstance becomes even more dreadful when legal
issues and legality is involved. It is best to have a professional
guidance from someone who has experience in the following field and will
be able to give proper advice regarding immigration and all of its
process. Now is the time when an office that deals with immigration or
an attorney should be hired who can help with the entire immigration

The firm or the lawyer that you appoint or choose
should be well versed with the immigration laws. There is a lot of
difference between general practice of law and immigration practice. If
you be careful in selecting the service then one is assured of getting
the best immigration services firm to work for you. This makes the
entire process easy and one gets the required details about immigration
easily with no wrong information or guidance from anyone.

It is
essential that the firm that you hire should be recognized. Its work
should have value so that your immigration will go ahead without any
hitches. Such firms usually will have experienced and qualified staff
working with them. This way the firm and the respective attorneys will
be able to give proper help and guidance to the person who has applied
for immigration. The entire process will go on smoothly and the person
will be able to do the immigration in a refined manner and will be able
to procure all the necessary documents and submit them easily to the
office which later can be verified and cleared.

The lawyer or the firm that one hires to deal with all the immigration
formalities should be licensed and qualified. They should be
knowledgeable and well-qualified. Experience plays an important role and
immigration law keeps changing, so one should be always updated with
the latest change or law about immigration. The firm or the lawyer
should have practical experience in dealing with legal issues,
formalities, government officials and court.

One should make
sure that the service that has been provided matches the money that has
been invested to get the service from the firm or the attorney. The
attorney or the firm should take care of all the steps related to
immigration. They should be there with you from the start till the end.
There assistance and guidance will make the entire process easy and
worthwhile. Because, it is them who are experienced in this work and
will be able to make your immigration smooth and successful. Hiring the
services of immigration firms and attorneys is the best thing to do when
one is planning to move to a different country altogether and starting a
new life at a new place.

Latvia Immigration Visa Processing from India


Latvia is considered for immigration because it is one of European
Union’s fastest growing economies. This nation located in the north of
Europe is a major financial, cultural and commercial centre with the
region’s largest international airport. The country is a member of
premium international organizations like World Trade Organization,
International Monitory Fund, European Union, United Nations, Nordic
Investment Bank etc. It is also an important seaport. All the above
factors make Latvia a very commercially viable centre.

The culture of the country is very open and accepting
towards new immigrants with their cultural diversity. Main practiced
religion of the country is Christianity. The climate of the country
varies from region to region, though at time it gets considerably cold.
The population is a mix of Latvians as well as Russians.

All the
sectors of the country have been privatized and it practices Capitalist
mode of economy. This act has brought good returns to the commerce of
Latvia, contributing in the country’s economic growth as well as
increasing employment and investment opportunities manifold. This
economy also makes the country ideal for foreign investment, as those
investments can reap large benefits due to privatization. The country
favours immigrant investment and business practices.

offers a Temporary Residence Permit to those who wish to settle in the
country for a longer period of time as it enables them to reside in the
country for a particular amount of time and gives them free access to
many territories for business. A Latvia Temporary Residence Permit
allows unrestricted movement and settlement opportunities in European
Union countries.

immigrate to Latvia, it is important that an applicant must first
gather all the essential information regarding immigration and assess
the location’s suitability with regards to self. Since the immigration
procedure is long and tedious, it is advised that the services of a
professional visa and immigration consultant are sought. An efficient
consultant can make Latvia immigration visa processing from India a
piece of cake experience. There are consultants who have been in the
industry for many years and have a lot of experience in cases of Latvia
immigration visa processing from India. Such consultants will take the
burden off the shoulders of the applicant and take care of immigration
procedures like application filing, documentation, Visa interview
preparation and all such major aspects. A good consultant will look
after each and every detail with responsibility.

However, before
choosing a consultant on must ensure that the consultant has experience
in the field of Latvian immigration. Apart from experience, the
consultant should necessarily have all the licenses required to practice
this trade and must be duly qualified for the profession. One must
beware of fake consultants who suggest presenting fake documentation in
order to speed-up the immigration process.

Aurora Motorcycle Accident Law Firm


Quite possibly, one of the greatest rides of your life could be on
the back of a motorcycle. As the rider, you get to experience a free
spirit type of feeling on the open road with the wind in your hair. You
may even feel a certain confidence when traveling at top speeds, much
more so than you can feel in a car. But you must also understand that
motorcycle riding is among the most dangerous means of travel. You are
much more prone to injuries caused by other drivers and circumstances,
of which can cause great bodily harm and possibly even death. It is
important to know safety when riding motorcycles to help avoid
accidents. How safe is safe enough?

To begin with, you have to learn how to properly ride a motorcycle.
Obtaining the right training and familiarizing yourself with how to
ride, start, and balance the bike properly, as well as how to maneuver
in different driving conditions will help you be prepared for the
unexpected. Always be on the defensive when taking curves, too. Learn
how to anticipate what may be ahead in the road. Take note of anything
that could hamper your ability to safely operate your motorcycle. Be on
the defensive when it comes to other drivers. Other drivers do not pay
as much attention to motorcyclists as they should, so you being aware of
where they are can help avoid accidents. Maintain a safe driving
distance from all other vehicles. When riding, try to avoid road rage.
This is a common leading cause for accidents. Let others pass you if
need be, and always yield. When riding at night, take extra precautions.
Always ride with your lights on. If you can avoid night driving, it is
best to do so.

Just like if you were walking or riding a bicycle, you want to be
sure that you are wearing clothing that is conspicuous, especially at
night. Always wear a helmet and other protective gear, as well. Having a
good eye visor is also a good idea to shield your eyes from the
elements. You can also further protect your body by wearing clothing or
jackets that are specifically made for motorcycle riders. Wearing
comfortable footwear is also recommended.

It should go without saying that you should not ingest any illegal
drugs or drink alcoholic beverages when preparing to ride a motorcycle.
Doing so will only serve to cause an accident. Prescription medications
can also cause impaired judgment, so it is best to avoid riding when
having taken these, as well.

If the particular bike is not yours, you should not ride it. Riding a
bike that you are unfamiliar with may lead to severe crashes. Do not
try to impress others, as this could land you in the hospital or worse.

The overall key is that you must use common sense when riding a
motorcycle. Always understand what you are susceptible to and that you
do not have any more than minimal body protection when riding a cycle.

If you have been involved in a cycle accident, it is beneficial to
obtain a competent motorcycle lawyer to help you, whether you are the
victim or the cause of the crash. Having a competent lawyer at your side
will help greatly.

Truck Accident Law – Difficulties in Establishing Liabilities


Truck accidents are far more dangerous than other vehicle accidents.
Due to the size of the vehicle trucks result into more serious
injuries. Victims lose their lives due to the injuries. Disability is
not uncommon either.

If you or someone close has sustained injury from
truck accident, you need to file lawsuit for compensation. However, this
job may be difficult to handle on your own. Filing a lawsuit is a legal
process and you need to have professional experience to understand what
went wrong.

To file a lawsuit successfully, you need to
identify the liable person. This is not an easy task. More than one
person can be involved in this. Driver’s error is a common factor.
Frequently drivers get involved in drunk driving or phone conversation.
In case these are the reasons of the accident, the driver will be
considered as responsible for the mishap.

Apart from the
drivers, there are other entities that can be held responsible for the
accident as well. Owner of the trucking company, manufacturer of the
trucks and even the builder of the hazardous roads can be sued for

It is easy to get confused. Hire a proficient
Texas semi truck accident lawyer to get advice and legal guidance. You
need to gather information about the procedure of the personal injury

Your lawyer will be able to review all the documents and provide your
proper suggestions. Legal counselors are capable of negotiating with the
demands as well. In addition, an experienced profession will be able to
prepare the petition without much trouble. It is your duty to hire the
right lawyer for the task.

Evidence can turn a lawsuit upside
down. With evidence you can prove that you have really been injured in
an accident. In addition, you will be able to establish liability with
proper evidence as well. Therefore, make sure not to throw away anything
related to the accident. Everything is important. In addition, make
sure to take pictures of the accident scene and preserve all the

After the accident you may find attention of many
strangers. Insurance agents will be paying you visits. They will try to
find out whether you have faked the injury or not. In addition they will
try to make you come to a settlement. It is important that you don’t
sign anything without consulting your lawyer first. Another important
thing to remember is – not to talk to anyone about your lawsuit. Stay
away from social media or updating your blog with the details of the