Monthly Archives: July 2016

What Is The Ellis Island Immigration Facility


The Ellis Island Immigrant Facility was the main entry point immigrants had to pass through, from January 1, 1892, until November 12, 1954, in order to enter the United States. It was here that all transatlantic immigrants were inspected, processed, and sometimes held in quarantine About 2% of immigrants were not allowed entry to the United States, and were returned to their home country, earning Ellis Island the nicknames The Island of Tears and Heartbreak Island.

Ellis Island is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, in New York Harbor, between Jersey City, New Jersey, and New York City, New York. It was originally called Little Oyster Island, and was later named after the man who first owned it, Samuel Ellis.

Prior to 1891, the Castle Garden Immigration Depot in Manhattan was used to process immigrants entering the United States.

Immigrants disembarking onto Ellis Island were viewed by doctors; those who were visibly sick or had obvious medical needs had symbols marked on their clothing in chalk. For example, if a woman was obviously pregnant, the letter PG would be chalked on her clothing; the letter C signified conjunctivitis; an X meant the immigrant was suspected of having mental illness; a circled X meant the immigrant displayed definite symptoms of mental illness.

Some managed to enter the country by turning their clothing inside out or slyly wiping the marks off. For healthy immigrants it generally took from two to five hours to be processed before being admitted into the United States.

For those less fortunate, those who appeared to be ill in either mind or body, the process could take days in the facility hospital. Many of the sick died in the hospital. Immigrants with contagious disease, insanity, or criminal background were rejected; so, too, were those unable to work or without any viable skills.

Some of the buildings on Ellis Island were damaged during World War I, but the facility was still used to intern some enemies, as well as process returning injured or sick U.S. soldiers.

The year 1907 was a busy one for the facility: more than a million immigrants were processed. Mid-April of that year saw a day where nearly 12,000 immigrants were processed. But after the Immigration Act of 1924, which restricted immigration and also allowed processing at embassies over seas, Ellis Island became mainly a detention and deportation processing facility.

Today, Ellis Island is a national landmark and historic site and houses a museum.

You Need to Choose Which Type of Solicitors Firm Liverpool to Join


Starting a career in the field of law means that you need to plan early
and make career choices as to the type of law firms Liverpool, or
wherever, attract you. It is not always easy to decide exactly what path
you wish to follow but it makes sense to have an idea about the type of
solicitors firm Liverpool has to offer and the kind of solicitors legal
in Liverpool you wish to become.

It is never too early to start planning your legal career; start by
researching the Liverpool law firms you are interested in and prepare a
shortlist of the law firms to which you will apply. Law is a profession
for which you need to think ahead, plan carefully, be organised and
establish a clear strategy to securing a training contract.

Whilst it is not easy to make such important decisions about your career
two years in advance of commencing your practical training, you should
try to make as informed a choice as possible, because the place you work
in has to be right for you. Combine this with extensive research on the
law firm’s website, internet and legal press / magazines. Also, attend
your university careers centre, graduate open days and law career fairs.

It is a very good idea to keep a portfolio of research on the
law firms that you are really passionate about working for; include
articles regarding current issues and pertinent issues affecting those
firms and their clients, which will help you to demonstrate your
knowledge and understanding of the firm during the application and
interview stages. There are so many solicitors in Liverpool and all over
the country to be honest, that you need to work hard at securing a

There are different ways of approaching the problem of finding a
suitable training programme and you need to make sure that you do all
your research beforehand. If you get to the interview stage you need to
be fully prepared to show that you are better than the other candidates
and that you can offer something unique.

Even if you’re entirely
certain that you want to work as a solicitor, it can be difficult
choosing which type of law firms to apply to. Differentiating factors
include location, size, range of practice areas (i.e. the type of work a
firm specialises in), and salary and perhaps whether it’s the head
office you’d work in a regional/international branch of the firm.

Aspiring solicitors in the Liverpool area should be realistic about
what studying and practising law involves. All law firms have a
selection criterion for choosing their applicants. In the same way, you
must also formulate your own criteria for the firms you chose to apply
to. The more experience you gain of different types of law firms and the
culture of the firms, the easier it will become to select the ones
which most closely match your criteria. Once this is done, you will find
that it is easier to decide.

Criminal Law Marital Coercion


Though the terminology used by judges and writers is by no means
uniform, the term ‘coercion’ is generally reserved for a special defence
that was available at common law only to a wife who committed certain
crimes in the presence of her husband. It was then presumed that she
acted under such coercion as to entitle her to be excused, unless the
prosecution was able to prove that she took the initiative in committing
the offence. The exact extent of the defence at common law is
uncertain. It did not apply to treason or murder; Hale excluded
manslaughter as well and Hawkins ruled out robbery.

authorities allowed the defence only in the case of felonies but later
it seems to have been extended to misdemeanors- but excluding
brothel-keeping; ‘for this is an offence touching the domestic economy
or government of the home in which the wife has a principal share’.

theoretical justifications were advanced for this rule- the identity of
husband and wife’s subjection to her husband and her duty to obey him-
but practical reason for its application to felonies was that it saved a
woman from death penalty when her husband was able, but she was not, to
plead benefit to clergy. This reason disappeared in 1692 when benefit
of clergy was extended to women, yet the rule continued and its scope

In 1925, however the presumption was abolished by the Criminal justice Act 1925.

presumption of law that an offence committed by the wife in presence of
her husband is committed under the coercion of the husband is hereby
abolished, but on a charge against a wife for any offence than treason
or murder, it shall be a good defence to prove that the offence was
committed in the presence of, and under the coercion of the husband.

first sight, it would seem that all parliament has done is to shift the
burden of proof. But there are difficulties about this, for the
question at once arises, proof of what? And it is not very easy to
answer. Coercion at common law was really a fiction applied when the
wife committed a crime in the presence of her husband and there was no
evidence of initiative by the wife. The common law gives little guidance
as to what is required now coercion is a matter of affirmative proof. A
case of procuring a passport by deception, the court said that the wife
must prove on the balance of probabilities that her will was overborne
by the wishes of her husband so that she was forced unwillingly to
participate in the offence. Neither physical force nor the threat of it
is required.

Different Types of Criminal Law Cases in Vancouver


This article will throw some light on criminal laws.

The Criminal Law Vancouver is a governed body of
rules that is a part of the laws of the state and that briefly defines
land and provides the punishment to the culprits. As the term indicates,
this branch of law generally focuses on the crimes committed and
punishments or brings perpetrators to justice. It majorly signifies
crimes, their nature, and suggests the best effective ways or approaches
that can be followed for their punishment.

Similar to other
laws, the Criminal Law Vancouver has two facets, which are, procedural
and substantive. Under a procedural aspect, the rules of criminal
procedure provide the procedures of prosecuting and defending criminals
before the courts of justice. On the other hand, the substantive aspects
of the law, define and provide the fundamental elements of the crime.
It clearly explains the essential things for an act or omission to fall
within a crime or another. The principles of the crime are explained
under the substantive aspect of the criminal law.

A crime is
always against the state, and when a criminal is sentenced or punished,
it is a reward for the state. There are several types of criminal laws
that are tried in the court that are categorized into Driving under
Influence (DUI)/Traffic offences, Sex offences, White Collar crimes to
name a few.

The category of crimes that can be listed under
general category includes physical assault, abduction, manslaughter,
robbery, murder, embezzlement, lying while under an oath, theft. The
crimes that fall under DUI/Traffic are aggravated driving, driving on
suspended license, careless driving, driving under the influence of
alcohol or drugs.

is another category of sex offences that are committed against the
dignity of the person. It includes sexual abuse, child molestation,
sexual assault, sexual harassment, pornography, etc.

If we talk
about white collar crimes, they are very much notorious in the today’s
scenario which includes environmental crimes, fraudulent crimes,
extortion, money laundering, regulatory crimes, racketeering.

is the principle that states that offenders must undergo through some
kind of suffering or they should suffer in some way or the other. This
is the primary goal that is formed by state and barristers and lawyers
who have been appointed by the victims. When the culprits have taken
undue advantage of others, and have made their victims’ lives agonizing
with pain, then it is considered to be right that they too should suffer
in way or another.

Tucson Criminal Lawyer – Phoenix Dui Attorneys – Thrush Law Group In Arizona


PHOENIX DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence, it is defined as the act of operating a motor vehicle or any means of transportation after consuming alcohol beverages or other intoxicating substance that could alter a driver’s mind and ability to drive. DUI is considered a felony when it causes accidents such as severe injuries, fatalities, and extreme damage of properties. If you drive under the influence, it can expand to a serious crime and can possibly charge you of committing felony.

In September 2007, new Phoenix Dui laws went into effect and instituted new penalties for driving under the influence (DUI). These new DUI laws are being vigorously enforced by local police and prosecutors. It is more serious and expensive than ever if you are convicted on DUI charges. Therefore, it is important that you promptly consult with an experienced criminal defense PHOENIX DUI ATTORNEY who can assist you with any DUI charges you are facing. There is more mandatory jail time for convictions of Extreme DUI.

In addition, it is mandatory that drivers convicted of DUI have an ignition interlock device installed on their vehicle. Also, being charged with PHOENIX DUI can result in a suspension of your driver’s license for a time period of 90 days, and in some cases, up to a full year. When you are pulled over and arrested for PHOENIX DUI the police officer will take your driver’s license on the spot. If you refuse to take a blood alcohol test, your license is automatically suspended for a full year.

Thrush Law Group is a leading Arizona law firm. Our Phoenix Dui Attorney provide you with the service you deserve and promise to leave no stone unturned in our quest to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. At Thrush Law Group we have a reputation of excellence. Our successes are the result of years of practice and learning. No matter what your legal issue may be, our tempe dui lawyer will strongly fight for your interests from :

Criminal Law/DUI
Misdemeanor Crimes
Felony Crimes
Misdemeanor DUI
Felony DUI
DUI Defense Strategies
Traffic Offenses
License Issues
Personal Injury
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Premises Liability/Slip and Fall
Wrongful Death
Family Law
Car Accidents
Premises Liability

Thrush Law Group our tempe dui attorney are staunch defenders of the innocent, passionate advocates for the disadvantaged, and firm believers that there is no greater calling than serving others and their community to the best of their professional ability, and their dedication to and compassion for their clients comes through in all they do.For experienced, knowledgeable legal help from a team of Arizona attorneys with a proven track record of success, there is no better resource than Thrush Law Group.

Increased Regulatory Scrutiny Contributes To Legal Outsourcing Boom


Following the global financial crisis, businesses are facing increased regulatory compliance pressures. To tighten regulatory oversight in the UK, the UK government restructured financial regulation and divided the Financial Services Authority (FSA) into two regulatory bodies — the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulatory Authority. Across the pond, the US enacted the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which changed the American financial regulatory environment and almost every part of the nation’s financial services industry. In the wake of these sweeping regulatory reforms, companies in regulated industries, such as finance and healthcare, must be hyper-diligent with their compliance programs.

Today, industry regulators in the UK and US are aggressively investigating any allegations of corruption and bribery, particularly related to foreign jurisdictions. Subsequently, the number of investigations and litigations has increased significantly, and companies face heavy fines for noncompliance and even risk criminal prosecution.

When an investigation occurs, corporate legal departments often need to provide huge amounts of information to satisfy regulator requests. The traditional ways of gathering and collating this information and reviewing it for relevance are no longer feasible. Legal departments need to have the ability to review information quickly and cost effectively, so they can respond efficiently to regulatory notices.

Law firms may not be the ideal choice to manage large volumes of information and data in a timely and cost-effective manner. Collecting and ESI processing, forensic analysis, storage, database management, hosting, and software configuration and maintenance are non-legal services that can be provided by non-legal specialists. Legal outsourcing providers (Legal Process Outsourcing) are better positioned to handle these tasks because they typically offer advanced technology and more focus on these skill sets, which are now essential for both litigation and regulatory investigations. Seasoned LPOs are geared up to provide exactly this type of predictability of costs and time lines for disclosure and can work to a fixed budget. This provides more certainty and allows clients to control costs particularly in complex investigations or litigation cases.

At the same time, the courts are mandating a wider and deeper review of electronic documents in legal proceedings as well as an explanation of what steps parties have taken to recover potentially relevant e-documents. Again, LPOs are well-equipped to provide end-to-end data management, allowing clients to confidently outsource document management and review work in regulatory matters. Some clients are even setting up panels of LPOs and requiring their external law firms to work collaboratively with these LPOs to ensure that the potential cost savings are properly and appropriately realized.

The global financial crisis has forced corporations to develop new strategies to cost-effectively and efficiently handle investigations and litigation. As more companies look to manage the associated costs and risks resulting from regulatory scrutiny, document review and e-discovery are likely to be growth areas for LPOs.

Check more info about : San Francisco lawyers association and Intellectual Property Conference USA

Exposed! The Legal Loophole That Lets You Wipe Out All Of Your Credit Card Debt.


There are literally millions of credit cards in the world today and even with the current credit crunch, the numbers of cards being issued is still on the increase, so the ramifications for the credit card industry are immense and for them at least, difficult to comprehend.

During the good times, credit card companies issued cards under the guidelines of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. However, in their greed to attract even greater numbers of customers each month, they forgot to ensure that their consumer credit agreements they issued to customers were legal and above reproach. This situation changed in April 2008 with the creation of new rules and regulations that fully covered every lending institution that issued a consumer credit agreement.

However (and this is the good part), there are literally millions of potentially flawed agreements in existence that mean you, the consumer, can wipe out your total credit card debt in an instant, legally and ethically/

The other thing to consider is that legal loophole applies to all unsecured debt such as personal loans, car finance, mortgages and PPI. They all have to abide by the Consumer Credit Act (CCA) 1974 and if they do not, then they could be left open to all of their customers making a claim against the vaibility of their credit agreement.

This is the hottest topic in the financial services industry at the moment as credit card companies frantically look to avoid claims and the potential for huge losses. They are full aware of this situation and are bracing themselves for the fall out as this dwarfs anything we have seen from the ‘reclaim your bank charges’ scneario that has been on the news for the last 12 months.

The process itself is simple to administer if you know how and if you have the right Barrister contacts. The Barrister in question must have an understanding of the legal process and the ensuing legal complexities of wiping out credit card debt. But remember, it is happening now and hundreds of thousands of people have started to wipe out their debts and ensure that they can start living a debt free life once again.

Los Angeles Assault Attorney Explains California Assault and Battery Law


Assault and battery are frequently mentioned together as if they are
one crime. While the two crimes do go hand in hand, pursuant to
California law, they are different offenses. Assault occurs when a
person intentionally physically attacks another or threatens to cause
harm through physical force. To rise to the level of assault, the threat
must create such fear in the victim that it is perceived to be
authentic, imminent, and well-founded enough that the person who makes
the threat is perceived to likely follow through with the threat. No
actual physical harm is required or physical contact made for assault to
be accomplished. Battery, on the other hand, occurs when a person
intentionally makes physical contact with another and is responsible for
either striking another or causing some object to strike another
against that person’s will.

If you are arrested in an assault or battery incident, representation
by an experienced Los Angeles assault attorney is a necessity. People
who suffer bodily harm as the result of a violent incident or the threat
of physical harm are typically aggressive in the pursuit of justice as
such an incident is both emotionally devastating and traumatic.
Consequently, pursuing a criminal, and sometimes a civil, lawsuit
against the perceived perpetrator of an assault and/or battery may prove
to be cathartic-an argument not easily dismissed.

What Is and What Is Not an Assault

While most of us think of an assault or battery as a crime of
opportunity that occurs between strangers, most assault and battery
crimes occur in familiar places and involve familiar perpetrators. Most
often taking place at work, at home, and in vehicles, these types of
altercations often involve domestic violence, sexual assaults and
reckless motor vehicle operation. Usually defined by what an assault
and/or battery is, most allegations can be best defined as what an
assault or battery is not. For instance the following situations are not
considered to be assaults or batteries.

Every assault and battery is a matter of degree. Your Los Angeles
attorney is your best resource for determining if your situation rises
to the level of a crime of assault or battery. Consequently, for your
Los Angeles assault attorney to effectively represent you, you must
openly discuss the event that led to your arrest and provide all
details, good or bad, so your attorney can craft a solid strategic
defense for you.

One of the most important decisions you’ll make
if you are charged with assault or battery in Los Angeles, is who your
Los Angeles assault attorney will be. Having the right attorney who is
capable of earning your trust and assessing your case objectively will
prove to be your greatest asset when your case goes to trial. While
early representation is important when it comes to any criminal charge,
you’ll want to take your time choosing a Los Angeles assault attorney to
represent you. After all, it’s your future and your freedom at stake.