Monthly Archives: August 2016

Family Law – What Is A De Facto Relationship


In the case of Pike & Howlett [2010] FMCAfam 802,the Federal
Magistrates Court of Australia was recently asked to decide what
constitutes a de facto relationship under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)
(‘the Act’)?

The facts:

Mr Pike and Ms Howlett entered into
a romantic relationship in or about 2002 and started living together in
March of that year.Friends and family often heard them refer to each
other as either boyfriend/girlfriend or partner.Initially their finances
were not intermingled: they kept separate bank accounts and maintained
individual responsibility for their own financial matters.

By the
end of 2002, Mr Pike and Ms Howlett came to share finances – they
became financially and emotionally interdependent.By 2007, Ms Howlett’s
parents were invited to move into the couple’s home to live.

is little more information from the case however Mr Pike and Ms Howlett
agreed that their relationship ended in March 2009.

The case:

matter went to court because Mr Pike and Ms Howlett could not agree on
the date of the commencement of their de facto relationship.The parties
asked the court to identify that date to assist in assessing
contributions in their pending property/financial case.

The case
ran for two days, involved several witnesses and testimony about whether
Mr Pike and Ms Howlett entered the relationship for convenience, for
sexual purposes only or on a genuine domestic basis.

The law:

are two starting points for determining what constitutes a de facto
relationship under the Act.The first is section 60EA which reads:

a person is a de facto of another person if the person is in a de facto relationship with the other person.

and, the second is section 4AA which reads:

1. A person is in a de facto relationship with another person if:

>> the persons are not legally married to each other; and

>> the persons are not related by family (see subsection (6)); and

having regard to all the circumstances of their relationship, they have
a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.

Paragraph (c) has effect subject to subsection (5).

Working out if persons have a relationship as a couple

1. Those circumstances may include any or all of the following:

>> the duration of the relationship;

>> the nature and extent of their common residence;

>> whether a sexual relationship exists;

>> the degree of financial dependence or interdependence, and any arrangements for financial support, between them;

>> the ownership, use and acquisition of their property;

>> the degree of mutual commitment to a shared life;

whether the relationship is or was registered under a prescribed law of
a State or Territory as a prescribed kind of relationship;

>> the care and support of children;

>> the reputation and public aspects of the relationship.

No particular finding in relation to any circumstance is to be regarded
as necessary in deciding whether the persons have a de facto

3. A court determining whether a de facto
relationship exists is entitled to have regard to such matters, and to
attach such weight to any matter, as may seem appropriate to the court
in the circumstances of the case.

4. For the purposes of this Act:

>> a de facto relationship can exist between 2 persons of different sexes and between 2 persons of the same sex; and

a de facto relationship can exist even if one of the persons is legally
married to someone else or in another de facto relationship.

The Immigration Services For Canada


you are traveling to any foreign country for work or for any other
reason then, you require Immigration Services to arrange the permission
for you. Immigration is a lengthy process and it takes some time, and so
if you need to go out of your country then, it’s always better to start
the preparations as early as you can. There are a lot of things to be
taken care about in order to make sure that your application is
approved. The services are there to help you travel abroad as long as
you are traveling legally with the proper permission.

The Immigration Services
will get you a visa, which is the most important thing you need to
travel outside your own country. You need a lot of research and decision
makings for this, and you must find the right services for immigration
too. You can find an immigration consultant for help and can get a visa
when going abroad for business or studies. There are many rules and
regulations that you have to follow and apply for visa by submitting the
form. You will need to fill the visa application form very carefully
and you can get the visa for six months or less time.

services for immigration will help you to get the visa once you declare
the reason for going. As if you are going to another country for studies
then you surely need an F-1 visa, which is a visa for long term
immigration. You just need to apply for it through a service for
immigration with stating the cause clearly. Visa extension has some
regulations to be followed and the service provider can help you through
the entire process. Your consultant can answer all your queries so that
you can take the right steps and make sure that the application for
visa is approved.

The rules for Canada Immigration

The rules for Canada Immigration
are designed to make sure that the number of migrated people remains
under control, and so you need to find out about the regulations clearly
before applying for a visa to go to Canada. However, in recent times,
Canada has loosened up the rules and regulations a little so that they
can open door for workers from other countries. You need to go through
all the procedure to complete the immigration process by getting the
permission. There are two kinds of Visa for Canada which includes
permanent visa and temporary visa.

It is easier to have temporary
visa for Canada than a permanent visa. You can get a temporary visa if
you are going to Canada work for a limited time, study in an institute
there, and spend vacation and reasons like that where you don’t need to
stay there for ever. However, if you intend to be in Canada to work
permanently, start a business or be a part of a family then you need a
permanent visa. The Canada Immigration rules and regulations are
available online, and the services for immigration will help you with
the entire process for sure.

Best Immigration Consultants By Visa for Immigration


Country keeping various prospects in hand so as to avail best migration
benefits at each step. But migration is often related with a typical
procedure involving dense migration related rules and regulations that
makes the entire process often dense and complicated. With more and
people willing to migrate, the Immigration and visa service providers
have researched towards offering a more hassle-free migration scenario
to the aspirants. There has been thus establishment of various online
immigration services that are solely meant for the purpose of offering
an easy immigration scenario to the candidates at every step. The entire
process is made online evaluating service steps that ensure highly
effective eligibility evaluation process removing all the hassle and
complication. These services are thus said to be preparing a whole new
life for the candidates who are willing to migrate and settle in their
dream destination. The online immigration services have opened up a
rigid and broad platform collaborating towards a minimized and often
affluent service pathway that leads towards successful migration
procedure altogether.

There have been thus establishment of several immigration service
providers who are leading the migration industry opening up wider
service doors opening comprehensive migration services to their clients’
leading their migration dream with full support. They are further
minimizing the immigration disruptions pointing towards a transformed
service path that utilizes all the Immigration related aspects extending
all the share point tools and services at every step.

In the growing migration service scenario the one organization that is
standing on top notch offering industry best visa and migration
assistance to aspirants is Visa For Immigration. We are an enterprise of
an immigration law firm and are thus extending a complete legal
immigration service ground for its clients’ refraining the entire
Immigration service process on their part. We have been constantly
updating and transforming our services as per the needs and demands of
our clients’ ensuring a hassle-free migration process altogether. Visa
For Immigration is not only a leading online visa provider but we even
assist the clients’ by offering all the connecting migration assistance
as well strengthening the entire immigration thing on part of our
clients’. We have a skilled and experienced team of immigration lawyers
with us who represent our services well offering great legal
representation at every governing step. Along with the lawyers we even
have visa consultants who extend great consultation representation to
every client ensuring that they feel confident about their migration
dream making it a happy reality. Visa For Immigration always takes pride
in assisting its clients’ at every step transforming the entire
scenario in favor of clients’ making sure that the clients’ get best of
the visa and migration services. We pride ourselves as best and top
migration service provider seeking huge clientele woerldwide.

Dealing With Fraud Companies With The Help Of An Investment Lawyer


Market is flooded with various offers and deals that promise you to make a millionaire within few weeks. A wise and sensible person who is interested in investments would definitely seek an advice from an investment lawyer before venturing into such things. Over the years, fraud companies and fake people have been an integral part of the market and many people around the world have fallen in their trap. Some of those, who were involved with small capitals with those companies have forgotten the entire episode and have moved on with their deals in a more safe and secure manner. But, those who were a part of majority of shares of such companies needed an investment lawyer to take them out from the mess. The investment facet of the economy has definitely boosted up peoples courage and will power to put in their money in heavy investments. The investment sector has constantly expanded with the help of various investment tools and securities but also equipped with an elaborate legal side that provides a legal backing to all the investment activities. The best person to learn and observe the legal side of all the investment activities is an investment lawyer.

There are so many companies and firms that are run by the best Investment Lawyer of the town. People who are running big companies seek their advice before making the smallest investments in the ventures they believe in. The role of an investment lawyer is simple yet complex. He would study and analyse a company in which you are interested in investing and then would give a green or red signal to you. With the kind of complexities that stock market, bonds, mutual funds and real estate deals have, an experienced and thoughtful advice from an investment lawyer can save you from landing up in trouble. When individuals plan to put in their money in various schemes that are booming up in the market, they must seek an general advice from any investment lawyer they know, whether to go for it or not. There have been instances where people have landed themselves in trouble because they did not understand the legal language of the documents which they signed.

Most of the biggies of the corporate world always hire the best investment lawyer that they can afford, though their limits of affordability are never questionable. It is becoming a trend that one company invests in another, and the entire legal proceedings are carried under the observation and analyses of an investment lawyer. An experienced investment lawyer is well equipped with all the laws and rules that govern the investment business and thus provides a safe and secure environment to its clients. These lawyers are responsible for advising their clients about various arbitrary matters along with investment management, security of their investments and other compliance matters and litigation. One must choose them wisely and should not make any compromise on that front as that can cost you a lot at a later stage.

Some Tips On Finding The Right Law Office New York Offers


If you or a loved one happens to find yourselves in a position to need legal representation, regardless if it is a personal issue/case, civil case/matter, corporate case/matter, or a criminal case/matter, you can rest assured that New York’s legal industry has the right one for you. Since the need for legal representation can be a stressful and sticky situation, you want to make sure you pick the right law office New York has to offer. Here are some tips that can help you do just that.

1.Choosing a Law Office for Your Needs

The first thing you will want to do is to look for law offices that specialize in the area of law in which you need. There are many law offices that will practice in different areas of the law while specializing in certain ones, so you have an option of securing one for your specific need at the moment, or you can choose one that specializes in the ‘now’ need but practices other areas as well. With the latter you can build a relationship in the event you require legal advice or representation in the future.

2.Compare Fees

After you have decided which type of law office for your needs, you can begin focusing on the charges and what you can afford to pay for services. The fees among law offices vary with their fee schedules. Some of them charge a flat rate for certain types of legal matters. Some will charge by the hour. You can expect that the law office or attorney will require a retainer which is an up-front security fee for their service.

There is an exception to the fees charged by law firms that handle personal injury, civil cases, medical malpractice and some employment law offices will provide their services on a percentage basis. A percentage basis means that they will work on your case and upon conclusion of it, they will take a percentage of the monies paid to you from your case if you receive any. The percentage is discussed up front and must be agreed upon before any representation will take place.

It will be necessary to contact the law office New York provides for you in order to get the rates and/or fee schedule.

3.Check Credentials

Once you have chosen a few to compare, you should check the credentials of each of them whether it is a law office, New York practicing attorney, or firm. You can find a wealth of this information online. Because of the growth of the world wide web, many New York legal representatives display their accomplishments online on their web sites. You can find out their age, years in practice, as well as, client testimonials.

There are some companies, which also can be found on the internet, that will provide, for a small fee, detailed information about the law office New York practicing attorney, or law firm you are considering.