Monthly Archives: December 2016

Tips for Finding Dallas Criminal Law Attorneys


Crime does not pay and if you have been charged with a crime in the State of Texas, then you know that all to well. It does not matter what you have been charged with because, in all cases, there will be legal costs and restitution fees, besides jail time, in most cases. The cost for your crime will put you in the poor house for sure and for that reason you should contact Dallas criminal law attorneys.

A Dallas criminal lawyer is an expert in criminal law with years of education and experience. If you are facing a DWI charge or were in the possession of drugs, a Dallas DWI attorney can help you fight your case in a court of law. A narcotics sales charge can carry some very heavy and stiff penalties, besides possible incarceration. A criminal law attorney does have the knowledge, skill and experience to get jail time and legal costs lowered or even get your case thrown out of court.

You must do your research on any Dallas criminal lawyer before you hire one. Any lawyer will tell you that there are the best qualified attorney to handle your case but that is not always true. First, you need to look for a lawyer that will not charge you an initial consultation fee. Most lawyers will not. Next, you should look at their track record. What is their percentage of cases won? If it is not very high, then move on to another potential lawyer. What about their fees for taking your case? Can you handle what they will charge? Those are questions that only you can answer.

Dallas criminal law attorneys will have a a whole slew of questions to ask you, so be prepared to answer to the best of your knowledge and be truthful. Any lawyer is at their best to defend you when they have all the evidence against you in order and that are true and factual. The job of the attorney is to disprove the state, because it is the responsibility of the state to prove you are guilty.

People can tell you that crime does not pay and the way to stay out of trouble is to not get into it in the first place. The person charged with a crime is the only person that can say for sure, that yes, they committed the crime. If you committed the crime, then paying the consequences is what you will need to do. A Dallas DWI attorney or a criminal lawyer can help defend your rights while you go through the unpleasant process of having your case presented in a court of law.

Getting Through The Screening Process With Your Lawyer Resume


When employers are reviewing lawyer resumes, they tend to focus first on items that will immediately eliminate them from the yes or maybe pile, and turn them into the rejection pile. Why? When you consider that employers can receive hundreds of resumes per position per week, a quick form of triage is often the most time-efficient way to get through a lot of resumes. In other words, looking for screen-out factors in lawyer resumes provides an easy way for employers to narrow down the list of candidates to contact for an interview. How can you get your lawyer resume through this screening process? This article will identify some of the most common screen-out factors, and describe how to address them so that your lawyer resume can make the first cut.

Numerous Short Transitions

Employers universally favor hiring lawyers that have had few transitions in the course of their practice. Therefore, to the extent that you can avoid changing jobs every couple of years or so, you should. That being said, with current economic times, and depending on ones circumstance, thats not always achievable. Why are numerous short transitions a potential problem? When your lawyer resume shows numerous short-term stints with various employers that can send a signal to an employer that you are not likely to stay long enough to justify the expense of hiring, training, or relocating. Worse, it may place doubt into the employers mind as to the quality of your job performance, as well as your level of commitment.

Some lawyers who are aware of this potential screen-out factor, opt to omit their dates of employment altogether. You should never remove the dates of employment on your lawyer resume. Rather than help your case, your omission will now raise a red flag. It will only bring more attention to the fact that you have made a lot of transitions in a short time period. This is something you do not want to highlight any more than necessary. Therefore, rather than omitting the dates, use years, rather than months and years, to help soften the transitions. You may also want to use a functional rather than a chronological resume to highlight your skills rather than your work history.

Gaps On Your Resume

If you have a gap in your work history, you are not alone. However, gaps can be viewed as red flags by employers who are evaluating your performance, commitment, and marketability. While some hiring managers will give some weight to economic circumstances, gaps can quickly become screen-out factors if they are long, numerous, or unexplained.

If the gap is created in ones last position, providing the end date of employment and sending out the resume without any explanation is a mistake. Whether the gap is created when a lawyer is no longer employed, or because of unaccounted time between jobs, these gaps need to be addressed. Whenever possible, you should aim to fill a gap with professional experience or other practice-related activities. If your gap is going to last more than six months, consider pursuing and LL.M., doing contract work, joining a non-profit organization, or setting up your own solo practice. If it is not possible for you to fill the gap with professional or educational activities, be sure to explain it.

Whenever possible, you should address the gap directly onto your lawyer resume. For example, if you were part of a practice group recruited from one firm to another, and there is a six-week gap between firms, explain the reason for the gap in one line of text under the firm you eventually joined. If the gap is longer than a few weeks and you were unemployed for any length of time, you may want to include this in a special section of your lawyer resume, assuming you were engaged in some form of professional activity. If you have a long resume gap that is due to family, personal, or other circumstances, you should describe this gap in your cover letter. You should provide a couple of lines to describe the reason behind the gap. Again, there is no need to provide an expansive explanation; a short and to the point explanation is best.

Non-Legal and Irrelevant Experience

Many lawyers like to include all of their experience on the resume, including non-legal positions and activities, in a misguided attempt to highlight a diverse background. Unfortunately, not being selective as far as the experience that is included on a lawyer resume will make it appear unfocused. While you should include all of your legal positions, non-legal positions should be excluded from your lawyer resume, unless you are a junior-level lawyer with little professional experience, or the non-legal position is related to your practice or current job search. For example, if you are an intellectual property lawyer and youve worked as an engineer, that type of experience should definitely be included in your resume. If you are an energy lawyer, and you worked as a plant manager for an energy company, that type of non-legal position should also be included as it is relevant to your job search.

Typically the best way to identify what non-legal experience to include is to ask yourself whether it is relevant to your current practice or job search. The same rule applies to activities and hobbies. Your lawyer resume is not a biography. It is a marketing tool designed to land you an interview. Therefore, it’s best to keep personal interests, hobbies, and other non-essential materials for the interview. If you are keen on listing organizations, affiliations, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities on your lawyer resume, only list those that are relevant to your practice as a legal professional, or that are directly related to your targeted job. Again, if its not related to your practice or the position you are applying to, do not include it.

Typos, Misspellings, and Grammatical Errors

As a lawyer, your resume is considered a writing sample and work product. Therefore, you cannot afford to have any typographical errors, misspellings, or grammatical mistakes, as these errors will immediately raise concerns about the quality of your work and attention to detail. In other words, your lawyer resume must be flawless. This is definitely a time where you should be sweating the small stuff.

Lawyer resumes containing typos and spelling errors almost never make it passed the initial screening stage. While resumes do not have to adhere to the strict rules of grammar, cover letters do. To address problems related to typos and misspelling, make sure to use a spell-check using your word processing software. You can also run a grammar-check, but beware that some of these are not always accurate. Whatever you do, dont stop there. Some errors cannot be detected by spell-check or grammar-check software alone, which is where most of the errors on your lawyer resume, will arise. Therefore, be sure to follow up with a thorough proofreading, and review the resume several times before you submit it. The last thing you want is a typo getting between you and the job of your dreams.

Australia Immigration Services Providing Great Migration Representation to The Migrants


Human migration has always been a great trend from ages. It has always
been a demanding scenario that plays great role in the strengthening
economic, cultural and development ties of the society. Migration has
always offered migrants and migrating country with widening development
options in various areas. It has always been known for delivering
positive outcomes. There are several factors that create demand of
migration phenomenon like climatic conditions, war, development aspects
and many more. Thus it can be said that the overall migration phenomenon
is a process of strengthening the developmental ties across the globe.

Australia is one of the countries that are known for strengthening
migration ties across globe. Australia immigration has always offered a
benchmark to the overall migration phenomenon of the world thus creating
high demand of Australia visa services. There are several types of
Australia visa services that are distinguished keeping in mind the
varying demands of the migrants. Australia immigration offers extensive
education, ample number of job opportunities, best public facilities
thus attracting prospect migrant who are looking to migrate to the
country creating demand of Australia visa services. Student visa,
skilled migration visa, spouse visa, working holiday visa are some of
the common types of Australia visa services offered by the country to
the migrants. Every visa holds varying time validity of stay in the
country along with age, education, professional criteria that need to be
fulfilled. The migrant also needs to show clear criminal and health
record to avail the Australia visa services. The overall migration
procedure involves implication of Australian immigration rules that
require strict understanding and following at every step. There are
various service providers in different parts of the world who are
creating a highly competitive and great migration environment for
migrants to make then easily flourish their dream of Australia

Immigration overseas specializes in offering visa
services to clients’. With our registered experts holding extensive
experience are offering high- quality services ensuring happy settlement
of the clients’ in Australia. Immigration overseas is a highly regarded
and reputed migration partners expanding our rich services at global
level. We expertise in offering permanent residency visas to clients’
with key migration services assist clients’ to settle well in the
country. Immigration overseas expert professionals provide prompt and
efficient migration advice to the clients’ ensuring high success rate in
the migration case of every client.

With immigration overseas services you can now dream bigger and bigger towards your migration to Australia.

Car Accident Aftermath Economic Costs And Legal Consequences


The US Department of Transportation said that car accident is one of the leading preventable causes of death in the country, killing at least 43,000 people every year.

With the seriousness of car accident aftermath, many studies have focused in finding the causes and trends about this preventable accident.

Some remarkable findings about car accidents conducted by the Fatality Analysis Reporting System in 2007:

Thirty-two percent of deaths involving car crashes was caused by drunk driving.
The occupant fatality rate decreased by 8.5 percent compared to the previous year.
Twelve midnight to 3 am is the period when most car accidents occurred.

Economic Costs (based on the study made by motorist advocacy group AAA)

Each year, car accidents cost each American more than $1,000 (the cost includes police service, lost of productivity, property damage, medical expenses, emergency service, and loss of lives).
Auto accident is two-and-a-half more expensive than traffic jams in the country. According to the advocacy group, road congestion costs around $67.6 billion every year, or $430 for each individual.
People living in urban areas with a population of more than 3 million pay two times the cost of traffic jams for car accidents.
People living in small towns with a population of less than 500,000 pay seven times the cost of traffic congestion.

Legal Consequences of Car Accidents

If a driver hit a pedestrian and did not stop, it is considered to be a criminal offense.
In the US, personal injury claims is the most common type of tort law that will allow victims to be rightfully compensated.
Some states administer the suspension of a drivers who has violated the traffic rules.
In some states like South Carolina, all traffic violations have been criminalized.
Some states have its criminal law separate from its traffic law.

Some Common Causes of Car Accidents

Using mobile phone while driving. In California alone, nearly 4,700 car accidents involved cell phone use behind the wheel, resulting to 30 deaths and 2,800 injured every year.
Road design. According to a study, nearly 30 percent of car accidents are caused by poor roadway design.
The vehicles design and its condition. According to a study, SUVs are prone to rollover crash with its higher center of gravity. Some vehicles which are vulnerable to rollover are: Isuzu Trooper, Suzuki Samurai, Ford E-series, Ford Bronco II, Mitsubishi Pajero and Montero, and Jeep CJ.
Poor vehicle maintenance. Breaks and tires which are in a bad condition are one of the most common causes of road accidents worldwide.
Driving above or below the average speed. According to the US Department of Transportation, driving below the average speed makes people more vulnerable to accident than driving above the speed limit (this finding contradicts the common belief that slow drivers are safer).
Driving under the influence of alcohol. This substance is proven to diminish a persons reflexes and decision-making skills, making him prone to road accidents.
Heavy rain or snow. Bad weather condition also accounted for many car crashes in the country.
Reckless driving.

The DUI Attorney Assistance In Your Darkest Hour


If you’ve been charged with an offense, you need an experienced and qualified DUI attorney on your side to help represent you and guide you through the legal process. If you are innocent of the charges, you may think that is all you need to slide through the system, arriving safely on the other side unscathed. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. Good people wind up entangled in the system every day and without a good lawyer to fight for their rights, they could wind up facing punishments they don’t deserve. But whether you’re innocent or guilty, you have the right to be heard in court and you deserve proper legal counsel.

Intoxication charges can often mean more than fines or even jail time. They often mean the revocation of your driving privileges that in turn can mean loss of income. You can see how one charge can easily send your life spiraling down the drain. It is for these reasons why it is so vital to make sure you have a good DUI attorney by your side.

If it can be helped, you should contact one before speaking to the police. Obviously, you will have talked briefly with the cops upon your arrest, but you don’t have to give them any more information after that. As they say in the warning, anything you say can and will be used against you. Don’t think for a minute that you can talk your way out of trouble.

What many people don’t realize is that a number of driving errors can potentially lead to a DUI or DWI arrest. A qualified DUI attorney can get to the bottom of the story and make sure that all of the relevant information comes out in a way that will influence both a judge and a jury. Perhaps the weather conditions were to blame for your erratic driving. Perhaps you are taking medication that you didn’t realize would affect you in the way that it did.

No one is trying to make excuses for driving drunk. It is a dangerous thing to do and many lives have been cost as a result of these actions. However, that doesn’t mean that the legal system should be subverted in an attempt to crack down on offenses. Everyone is entitled to his or her rights.

Police and prosecutors will often try to pressure offenders into pleading guilty and saving the state time and money when it comes to trying the case. If you have a leg to stand on; however, you may be better off fighting the charges. Consult a good DUI attorney and make sure your rights are upheld.

A Macon dui attorney can help you fight for your innocence. To learn more, visit: