Categotry Archives: Attorney

Selecting A Qualified Wayne County Divorce Attorney


No decision is more critical for a married couple than dissolving a
marriage. In fact, family therapists and marital counselors have
theorized that a divorce is just as stressful as the passing of a loved
one. Obtaining the services of a competent Wayne County divorce attorney
can do much to relieve the tension and angst a divorce can cause.

To get divorced in the state of Michigan requires
filing the appropriate documents in court. Any final decree will decide
complex arrangements like the division of property between the couple,
custody of any offspring, and court ordered support for the children.
Since these critical issues will settled before a judge in a court of
law with finality, it is critical that partners seeking a legal marital
dissolution decree be acutely aware of the issues involved.

the emotions that will surface during a marriage dissolution proceeding
is a difficult undertaking. Many spouses involved in dissolving
marriage have sought professional help to cope with anxious feelings,
fear, and pain. It is vital that couples experiencing a breakup not make
weighty decisions during this difficult time.

Competent legal
help can be an invaluable resource for stressed litigants; experienced
lawyers can help a couple engulfed in marital difficulties to consider
other viable alternatives. Before filing legal documents, a couple
should attempt to work out their differences and avoid terminating the
marriage altogether. In this regard, an attorney can recommend marital
counseling to help estranged marriage partners.

If one of the
parties has been a Michigan resident for at least six months, a petition
can be filed in a county court. Once a petitioner has submitted
paperwork, the respondent has twenty-one days to respond. If no response
is filed, legal difficulties and the loss of certain rights could
result– leading to legal rulings of an adverse nature.

for litigants seeking a split, the importance of having legal counsel
cannot be overemphasized. Dissolving a marriage has permanent
consequences. Therefore, before going through the process of seeking the
dissolution of a marriage, it is critical to have a skilled qualified

There are a number of commercials that advocate seeking
a marital dissolution without professional legal help, this course of
action should be ignored. It is important not to risk a disaster when
facing litigation. Having a Wayne County divorce attorney can ensure
legal issues get resolved in a manner that lessens stress, pressure, and

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Long Term Benefits Of Hiring an Injury Attorney in San Diego


If you have found yourself suffering an injury as a result of working in a specific environment, you might want to contact an injury attorney in San Diego so that you can begin reaping the benefits of this type of assistance. One of the best things about a great injury attorney in San Diego is the fact that their help can assist individuals in the long and the short term, and so it is important that potential clients get to know all of the advantages before making a decision concerning whether to hire them. Those that are unsure about the long term benefits of hiring the right professional for the job might want to take some time to locate this information so that they can make a sound decision when the time comes for them to pick the right lawyer for the job.

Not all injuries heal quickly, and this means that an injury attorney in San Diego will often have to get to know the extent of the issues before they begin working out how much compensation they will need to ask for. A professional who has a lot of experience within this field might be in a better position to determine how much compensation should be sought for a specific type of injury, and this is because they have probably dealt with similar situations in the past. It is important for your lawyer to focus on the individual characteristics of your case, however, since there will be certain elements that differ from other cases.

In the event that you suffer a disease that will span the rest of your life, or at least the next few decades, your injury attorney in San Diego will need to ensure that you are covered, financially, during this period. Dealing with a chronic illness or injury can be difficult, which is why you need to make sure that you have the right legal team on your side to assist you.

When you put in the time and effort to ensure that you are legally covered in the event of a work injury, you can rest assured that you will get much more out of the process in the long run. Ultimately, the right injury attorney in San Diego should assist you in getting the compensation that you require so that you can focus on healing without having to worry about the financial issues that might arise as a result of not being able to work.

For more information about injury attorney San Diego, visit our website.

Florida Securities Attorney Michael Scaglione Charged in Money Laundering Scheme


On July 10, 2013, Michael J. Scaglione, a Coral Gables securities attorney, was arrested by the FBI and charged in the the Eastern District of New York, with laundering more than $750,000 he believed were the proceeds from a penny stock scam.

According to the indictment, the hapless Scaglione was caught in an FBI sting operation similar to the infamous Bermuda Short. An FBI agent posed as a shady penny stock promoter and told Scaglione that he was working with corrupt broker-dealers willing to inflate the price of worthless penny stocks in exchange for high commissions. The securities attorney assured the undercover FBI agent that he could easily run the money though his attorney-client trust account to clean it up, and then deposit it in the agent’s own account with a Long Island, NY bank. .

The FBI agent handed over $750,000, including $88,000 in cash, in the lobby of a Miami hotel. Scaglione deposited the money in his trust account, and then transferred it–being careful to send sums no larger than $10,000 at a time–to the Long Island bank. He was paid $25,000 for his services.

Along the way, according to the indictment, Scaglione told the FBI agent that they couldn’t be caught, because their conversations and actions were covered by attorney-client privilege. Apparently Scaglione failed to recognize he was not acting in the capacity of a lawyer providing legal services to his client. Immediately prior to his arrest, the lawyer gladly accepted an additional $500,000 said to be ready for laundering.

United States Attorney Loretta E. Lynch drily remarked that Scaligione had “crossed the line from attorney to defendant.”

As a securities lawyer, Scaglione is no stranger to scammy penny stocks. He’s currently secretary and 12.2% beneficial owner of Marine Exploration, Inc (MEXP), currently trading at no bid by $0.0001. Marine Exploration fell into delinquency in its home state of Colorado in 2010, was reinstated by Scaglione in 2012. SEC filings relfect that he also served as counsel for Freedom Environmental Services (FRDM) until he was fired in 2012 for threatening to sue the company’s auditor without notifying the company, and for failing to disclose that his law partner, Michael Bon, had been indefinitely suspended by the State Bar of Florida for “engaging in a pattern of fraud, misrepresentation and theft.”

If convicted, securities attorney, Scaglione will presumably go to prison and lose his license to practice law. There are, unfortunately, all too many attorneys like him, willing to hijack public shells, write fraudulent opinion letters, and violate federal and state securities laws in a variety of other ways.

Hamilton & Associates

Securities Lawyers Brenda Hamilton, Securities Attorney 101 Plaza Real South, Suite 202 North Boca Raton, Florida 33432

Guidelines To Hire A Family Law Attorney


Divorce and family law attorneys in Gloucester County, New Jersey help individuals in issues regarding family matters, care of the elderly, retirement planning, and estate administration. These lawyers additionally represent people contemplating divorce, separation, applying for child custody or retirement.

A family lawyer has to deal with cases that involve divorce, child support / custody/ visitation rights, paternity suits, adoption, restraining orders, domestic abuse, enforcement actions / contempt, post judgment motions, pre- and post-nuptial agreements, and many more.

A majority of family law services are billed on a flat fee basis or at an hourly rate. A pre-payment is usual and the fees will differ depending on the complication of the legal issue. Contested divorces where the parties disagree on various key issues present more complexities and so the lawyer charges are more. Uncontested divorces where the parties have solved the key issues amicably are billed for a lesser amount.

These are the important things to keep in mind while hiring a family law attorney in Gloucester:

* Do not feel obliged to select the first family law attorney you speak to. Instead speak to more than one lawyer and then select one who you feel best understands the complexities of your legal situation.

* When you hire an attorney, select someone who is specialized in the area in which you need help. You may not help yourself by hiring a general attorney with little or no experience in the type of charges you are going to file or are facing.

* You are supposed to additionally receive customer services from the law firm. It is the right of the client to get benefits such as help in paperwork, information gathering, and so on. Ask whether the firm will help you with these.

* Clarify the fees as well as the hidden costs. You need to know how much fees you have to pay for hiring the services of the lawyer. It is advised that you compare the service charges of various attorneys before you choose one to handle your case.

* You need to be aware of the details of the case you have filed or the charges you are facing. Do not let your attorney deceive you into believing that case is extremely complicated and hence merit higher service charges. Also, read similar cases and why they succeeded or failed. Keep yourself abreast with the latest laws which you have to deal with.

To consult any family law attorney- Gloucester (NJ) residents along-with the dwellers of neighboring areas may click on The seasoned lawyers at the office of David K. Cuneo are knowledgeable and experienced enough to handle even the most complex of legal matters.

Family law attorney Gloucester NJ – The Law Offices of David K. Cuneo provides the highest quality of legal services in criminal defense, personal injury & family law cases to their clients.

The DUI Attorney Assistance In Your Darkest Hour


If you’ve been charged with an offense, you need an experienced and qualified DUI attorney on your side to help represent you and guide you through the legal process. If you are innocent of the charges, you may think that is all you need to slide through the system, arriving safely on the other side unscathed. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. Good people wind up entangled in the system every day and without a good lawyer to fight for their rights, they could wind up facing punishments they don’t deserve. But whether you’re innocent or guilty, you have the right to be heard in court and you deserve proper legal counsel.

Intoxication charges can often mean more than fines or even jail time. They often mean the revocation of your driving privileges that in turn can mean loss of income. You can see how one charge can easily send your life spiraling down the drain. It is for these reasons why it is so vital to make sure you have a good DUI attorney by your side.

If it can be helped, you should contact one before speaking to the police. Obviously, you will have talked briefly with the cops upon your arrest, but you don’t have to give them any more information after that. As they say in the warning, anything you say can and will be used against you. Don’t think for a minute that you can talk your way out of trouble.

What many people don’t realize is that a number of driving errors can potentially lead to a DUI or DWI arrest. A qualified DUI attorney can get to the bottom of the story and make sure that all of the relevant information comes out in a way that will influence both a judge and a jury. Perhaps the weather conditions were to blame for your erratic driving. Perhaps you are taking medication that you didn’t realize would affect you in the way that it did.

No one is trying to make excuses for driving drunk. It is a dangerous thing to do and many lives have been cost as a result of these actions. However, that doesn’t mean that the legal system should be subverted in an attempt to crack down on offenses. Everyone is entitled to his or her rights.

Police and prosecutors will often try to pressure offenders into pleading guilty and saving the state time and money when it comes to trying the case. If you have a leg to stand on; however, you may be better off fighting the charges. Consult a good DUI attorney and make sure your rights are upheld.

A Macon dui attorney can help you fight for your innocence. To learn more, visit:

When to Seek The Help of a Criminal Attorney


If you charged with the conviction of being a criminal then you
can’t judge that you are really the culprit or not, because that’s the
job of the court. However, you have all the rights to fight for your
case in order to prove yourself innocent if possible or at least to get
minimum punishment. But getting convicted for some criminal case is a
very big matter and definitely need professional assistance in order to
put your case strongly. There are certain convictions, which you can
handle on your own, but for criminal cases you must take the help of the
criminal attorney, as these are real bad situation and only some
learned in legal matters can help you to get out of this. Listed below
are the times, when you must contact a criminal lawyer:

On being caught under any of the above
mentioned situation, you surely need the professional help. These
criminal attorneys can help you in your tough time because they are well
acquainted with the legal laws and rules in Philadelphia, and can see
your case through the same perspective that the court judge will take
on. You being a common and busy man, you can’t be that aware of the
legal acts and further consequences that can befall on you. You may not
what are the chances of nullifying the charges against you. Hence, it’s
important that you don’t take up risk of not approaching a lawyer,
irrespective of the fact that you are convicted of some misdemeanor or
felony charges.

However, hiring the right attorney is important;
hence you must make a good search before finalizing anyone. You can
take the help of your friends, who have hired any such attorney in the
past or you can check the internet and get hold of law firms or
individual practicing lawyers. Initially you can approach those
professionals who offer initial free consultancy. This will help you to
understand the capabilities and expertise of the lawyer to an extent.

The criminal Attorney will first evaluate your case, give you advice
accordingly and then fight your case to offer you the requisite

You must Know About Your Criminal Defense Attorney


Criminal Justice System in New York is a complex matter. It is not very prudent to defend yourself if you are charged in any such case. You need an attorney who can present the best defense for you in the court of law. However, selecting a good attorney itself is very challenging and you must do certain checks before you hire a criminal defense attorney to defend you in a New York court of law.

Your attorney is open to -plead guilty’ option

If you have committed crime, your attorney should be open to exploring the option of pleading guilty in exchange for a reduced crime.

You will have an attorney personally looking after your case

An attorney handles more than one case at a time. If you hire a law firm, ensure that they assign one attorney for you. He should be your point of contact whenever you need to.

Attorney shares the plan and line of defense with you

Keep yourself informed about the progress and defense in your case. Don’t leave everything to your lawyer. Your attorney is open to discussion, ideas and suggestions

Hire an attorney who explains you and listens to you. He is a person who is open to suggestions and looks at every point of view before weighing his options.

Your attorney has been in this court

Hire an attorney who has practised in the court in New York where your case is being heard. The lawyer has good reputation in the court and it will be advantageous for you to be represented by such a lawyer. What are your duties?

For a good defense in your criminal case, you must – Provide a clear and complete account of the case, don’t hide anything. Listen to your lawyer’s questions without interrupting Provide clear and concise answers Don’t be hesitant in putting your point of view but let your attorney lead the defense Victory is not guaranteed. accept the fact that your attorney can only do his best Must cooperate with you attorney all the time Pay his fees and charges in time

If you have a case or any question, call him for a free initial consultation. Phone: 212.385.1961 Email: Address: The Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3601, New York, NY 10118 Web:

Los Angeles Assault Attorney Explains California Assault and Battery Law


Assault and battery are frequently mentioned together as if they are
one crime. While the two crimes do go hand in hand, pursuant to
California law, they are different offenses. Assault occurs when a
person intentionally physically attacks another or threatens to cause
harm through physical force. To rise to the level of assault, the threat
must create such fear in the victim that it is perceived to be
authentic, imminent, and well-founded enough that the person who makes
the threat is perceived to likely follow through with the threat. No
actual physical harm is required or physical contact made for assault to
be accomplished. Battery, on the other hand, occurs when a person
intentionally makes physical contact with another and is responsible for
either striking another or causing some object to strike another
against that person’s will.

If you are arrested in an assault or battery incident, representation
by an experienced Los Angeles assault attorney is a necessity. People
who suffer bodily harm as the result of a violent incident or the threat
of physical harm are typically aggressive in the pursuit of justice as
such an incident is both emotionally devastating and traumatic.
Consequently, pursuing a criminal, and sometimes a civil, lawsuit
against the perceived perpetrator of an assault and/or battery may prove
to be cathartic-an argument not easily dismissed.

What Is and What Is Not an Assault

While most of us think of an assault or battery as a crime of
opportunity that occurs between strangers, most assault and battery
crimes occur in familiar places and involve familiar perpetrators. Most
often taking place at work, at home, and in vehicles, these types of
altercations often involve domestic violence, sexual assaults and
reckless motor vehicle operation. Usually defined by what an assault
and/or battery is, most allegations can be best defined as what an
assault or battery is not. For instance the following situations are not
considered to be assaults or batteries.

Every assault and battery is a matter of degree. Your Los Angeles
attorney is your best resource for determining if your situation rises
to the level of a crime of assault or battery. Consequently, for your
Los Angeles assault attorney to effectively represent you, you must
openly discuss the event that led to your arrest and provide all
details, good or bad, so your attorney can craft a solid strategic
defense for you.

One of the most important decisions you’ll make
if you are charged with assault or battery in Los Angeles, is who your
Los Angeles assault attorney will be. Having the right attorney who is
capable of earning your trust and assessing your case objectively will
prove to be your greatest asset when your case goes to trial. While
early representation is important when it comes to any criminal charge,
you’ll want to take your time choosing a Los Angeles assault attorney to
represent you. After all, it’s your future and your freedom at stake.

Role & Responsibilities of a Domestic Violence Attorney


Role of a Domestic Violence Attorney Las Vegas:

A domestic violence attorney is a professional who is
generally approached and hired when stuck in issues related to violence
and abuse in a family or home. This domain of law has various different
aspects. However, most will stress on the cases in which two or more
adults are engaged. Usually, the cases of domestic violence take place
among the people who have relations with each other and may be
responding to inside or outside factors among them.

Responsibilities of a Domestic Violence Attorney Las Vegas:

Undoubtedly, the responsibilities of a domestic violence lawyer vary
from case to case. Some of the major responsibilities of domestic
violence lawyer are as follows:

If you are stuck in any domestic violence case, then it is better to look for an experienced lawyer to represent your case.

Attributes That You Should Look For in a Dallas Wrongful Death Attorney


There comes a time in life when you have to make grim decisions such
as appointing a Dallas wrongful death attorney to avenge the death of
your loved one or settle claims with an insurance company. Any sort of
delay on your part can lead to unjust consequences. Dallas wrongful
death attorney may be able to secure proof and present it in the court
of law. This would affect your case adversely. We all understand the
loss of a loved one and the need to grieve for that loss. However time
is of essence for fighting such a case. You wouldn’t want the guilty
party to go scot free or live without the compensation that is due after
the death of your beloved for family support.

Choosing the right Dallas wrongful death attorney is
immensely important for building a strong case against your opponent.
The pain of losing a loved one can cause a lot of suffering for the
person who is left behind. However while you are grieving you can still
help the other members of your family if you choose a competent Dallas
wrongful death attorney. Grief stricken people tend to ignore various
attributes that should be present in a Dallas wrongful death attorney,
indecision and lack of mental stability can drive them to choose the
first attorney they come in contact with. They must look at the
following attributes to make the right decision:

These attributes hold true for any lawyer even a Dallas car accident
lawyer. Wrongful death can be a heart breaking affair for the family
similarly a person hit by a vehicle can also cause a lot of trauma for
the family members. If a person survives the vehicle hit he may have
incurred injuries that would keep him in bed for a long time. This could
hold him back from filing a court case thereby a family member must
look for a competent Dallas car accident lawyer to fight the case on
behalf of the injured person. You can hire a Dallas car accident lawyer
that deals exclusively in such cases or hire a practitioner that has
knowledge of different aspects of law cases. By hiring a Dallas car
accident lawyer that is experienced in this field you can be assured
that he will have extensive knowledge about such cases. Look for a
Dallas car accident lawyer that has won many cases in his career and
takes no consultation fee. Don’t think that all lawyers are expensive to
hire some can be very generous and only take minimum percentage of the
money you have won from your case.

Affordability is an issue that has plagued many clients of a lawyer
however many lawyers in this day and age charge you a fees after they
have won their case for you.

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