act committed in the violation of a public law is called as a crime.
The criminal defence lawyer defends people charged with various offences
such as robberies, drugs, murders and several others. He provides
legalized presence to the victim in the court of law.

lawyer gathers information and put the negative and positive aspects of
the case in front of his clients. He obtains information from
witnesses, police and many more. He looks after all the aspect of the
case and also hires investigators for collecting evidence.

Qualities Possessed by Lawyer

life of a criminal lawyer is not an easy one. He is an integral part of
any criminal offence and is solely responsible to represent the facts
before a court of law. There are some parameters on the basis of which a
criminal defence lawyer should be selected. The qualities which he must
possess are briefly highlighted below.

Experienced: The lawyer
must have years of experience in the field of criminal law and must have
handled the cases of specific domain as well. He should also have
successful track record. Friendly and well connected: A Good criminal
lawyer must have strong ties with authoritative persons, police and
legal authorities. Well versed with all the dimension of jurisdiction:
The lawyer must be aware about all the legal proceedings and offer
appropriate assistance to the client in criminal cases. Upfront – He
must be capable to take initiatives in legal proceedings and also easily
available for the support and guidance to his clients.

– He must have confidence to represent his client in the court of law. A
lawyer possessing a high level of confidence makes a good defence
option. Passion – He should be passionate about law and strives hard to
provide fair trial to his client in the court of law.

Importance of Lawyer

people who are accused of committing crime understand the importance of
the services provided by a criminal defence lawyer. He plays a very
important role in defending individuals charged with several offences
namely impaired driving, assault, robbery, theft and murder.