Most car accident lawyers will offer you the chance to have a free consultation before proceeding with your personal injury claim. The purpose of this consultation will be to allow you the opportunity to decide if this is the right Las Vegas car accident lawyer for you, and to allow the lawyer the opportunity to decide if your case is worth pursuing. For this reason, this initial consultation is arguably the most important part of choosing a car accident lawyer. Consequently, it is incredibly important that you are adequately prepared for this consultation. In order to help you do this, I would like to offer you a simple three step process that can help you prepare for your consultation with a car accident lawyer in Las Vegas.

Step 1: Complete and return any paperwork which is sent to you by the lawyer you will be consulting with.

Typically, the first thing that a Las Vegas car accident lawyer will do after scheduling your initial consultation is to mail you questionnaires which must be filled out. In most cases, the lawyer will request that these questionnaires be sent back to them prior to actually meeting face to face. This is because the purpose of these questionnaires is to provide the lawyer with all the information they need in order to best prepare themselves for your consultation. This is why it is always best to take the time to complete these questionnaires and mail them back before moving forward with your own preparation. If the lawyer’s office is located close to your home or office, you may find that it is best to deliver these questionnaires personally to ensure they are received in adequate time to allow for any follow up questions the lawyer may have.

Step 2: Create a list of questions which you will need answered during your consultation.

Perhaps the most important part of your consultation with a car accident lawyer in Las Vegas is the opportunity for you to collect a wealth of information on both the lawyer you are consulting, and the process which will be required in order to pursue your personal injury claim. Unfortunately, many people fail to take advantage of this opportunity because when the time comes they simply cannot recall all of the questions which they intended on asking. This is why it is always a good idea to commit all of your questions to paper prior to the date of your consultation. This will help to ensure that you do not forget to ask any of the questions which are important to your process of choosing the best lawyer to represent you. Keeping this list in a convenient place such as your refrigerator until the date of your consultation will allow you to easily add any questions which may come to you as you prepare yourself for this important meeting.

Step 3: Gather all documentation and evidence which is relevant to your case.

Finally, you will need to take the time to gather any documentation or evidence that you currently have in your possession or can easily gain access to. The reason for this step is to allow you the opportunity to convince the lawyer you are consulting with that your case is worth the risk they will be taking by choosing to represent you. Documents which can help you to accomplish this goal will include police reports from the day of your accident, all medical reports and documentation which pertain to your injuries, witness statements from people who were present when your accident occurred, and any photographs which you may have of either the accident scene or your injuries.