Tag Archives: Canada

Canadian Immigration Questions Submitted By Our Website Visitors


Canada Immigration and citizenship department – CIC has opened year
2013 on a very positive note with initiation of federal skilled
occupations scheme – FSTP. Closely followed to opening up of this scheme
was recent announcement by honorable immigration minister Jason Kenney
in regards of incorporation of start us visa arrangement from April this
years for business owners who wish to open up business establishments
in country with assistance of venture capital establishments in Canada.
These announcements have set the tone for migration for maple country
once again as casual information seekers and serious migration aspirants
have started visiting our web portal with numerous for relevant
information. Every day we are witnessing an enormous traffic of guests
and handling a huge quantum of Canadian Immigration Questions Submitted
By Our Website Visitors.

The enquiries vary in the intensity and objective,
while some of the visiting guests target a subjective view of the newly
announced programs and yet to be launched federal skilled migrant scheme
– FSWC others make more objective inquiries into the eligibility
parameters and specifications of each program that is currently in
operation and the ones which are expected in the near future.

try to take each question and address it individually. The answers are
based and linked to the facts that have been revealed after the analysis
of the statutes and their interpretations. Generally it has been found
that answering objective inquiries is far more easier than giving a
subjective view, because you can never assess and match the wave length
of the person putting a query. We always try to address these subjective
questions in abroad perspective and leave enough room for our guests to
assess our answers and rate us accordingly.

It has been often
noticed by us that those casual subjective enquiries by the guests have
fetched us concrete leads and cases. These casual information seekers
are often those people who trying to evaluate a migration consultant’s
commitment and the dedication to handling the Questions Submitted For
Canadian Immigration By Website Visitors. The migration aspirants often
follow a judicious process of short listing an agency which has the
experience and technical competence to handle their migration case and
are also honest in their approach.

Generally talking many migration consultancy organizations have a
policy of releasing only a controlled quantity of information to create
inquisitiveness among the visitors. This strategy is often used to weed
out casual information seekers and filter in serious contenders and
probables. Once you put a question on website, you will be answered in
part meal and rest of the information will be linked to a link provided
for further assistance and once you press the further assistance button,
you are automatically led to a section which invites you for a face to
face session with one of the counselors. In some cases you would be
asked to furnish your phone details so people can reach you for further
assistance. Once you have furnished the phone details or have met in
person, you will be on the hot list of the aggressive counseling team of
the organization and you are endlessly led through a pestering phase.

Our approach has been quite contrary to the conventional practice of
roping in clients with aggressive pursuals and we have remained
committed to answer any nature of query posed to us by any casual or
serious emigration probable. We answer the Questions Submitted By Our
Website Visitors For Canadian Immigration or any other destination
clearly and in detail. We have been acknowledged for our proactive
approach and people have accepted our policy as client friendly.

The Importance Of Understanding The History Of Auto Accident Law


Throughout the history of Canada, studies have been created to
analyze the likelihood of risks that people may take. In one poll, it
suggested, that in our lifetimes, we will be involved in at least one
type of accident, causing injury and an insurance claim. Despite an
advancement in laws to protect citizens from themselves, motor vehicle
and slip fall accidents remain the most common types of accidents for
people to be involved in. As a result, it is absolutely pivotal, to
familiarize yourself with auto accident law, so you understand your
rights after an accident. Here is a guide to help you along.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an
automobile accident, it is absolutely important that you do two things,
stay at the scene until help arrives, and contact a personal injury
lawyer. Being involved in an accident is never an enjoyable experience
for anyone, but your life can become a whole lot more difficult if you
leave the scene of the accident. Essentially, whether you were at fault
or not, staying at the scene can show the courts and insurance adjusters
that this was in fact an accident and you behaved in the right way.

by staying at the scene of the accident, it will allow you to document
everything that is important to your case. This important list should
include: writing down the information of the other driver involved
included their full name, insurance company, vehicle number, type of
vehicle and address. You should also document your own damages, such as
those to your vehicle and injuries you and the people in your car may
have. All of this information will be pivotal when your attorney helps
you create your claims letter to seek compensation from your insurance
company for benefits.

will also need to obtain a police and medical report, as they will be
used to give a third party account of your accident and injuries.
However, as we noted throughout, you should contact a personal injury
lawyer to go over your rights. For this reason, do not, and we mean do
not blurt anything out regarding your accident, besides driving contact
information. In laymen’s terms, only speak when necessary, but do not
admit fault or accuse the other driver of fault. That is not your role.
By staying silent, it is the best defense, since the insurance providers
can’t find a way to lower your claim.

As we mentioned earlier,
you will need to provide your attorney with a medical report of your
injuries. This report alone can make or break your case. Make sure the
doctor examining you needs is as detailed as possible in their report.
You should be open and communicative about how you are feeling and the
effects of the stress, anxiety and any possible pain. With a slew of
insurance reforms coming into play recently, the more detail the better
odds you have of receiving compensation. With this in mind, having your
doctor write out full descriptions of your injuries, instead of bullet
points will be important.

Migration For Canada By Immigration Overseas Experts


If you are a migrant and have done a bit of research by now, then you would be aware of the fact that migration is tangled process which involves myriad formalities that are to be followed for a proper migration. Also the whole process takes a very long duration to be completed. It can even take years for the authorities to properly process your application. Migration for Canada is also a very lengthy process and it also involves such complications. However these complications can be simplified if you are under the guidance of immigration consultants. Immigration consultant expertise in the department of handling complex migration laws with ease. They provide guidance to their customers for a hassle free migration. Apart from handling the immigration laws, they provide effectual services to their clients like medical insurance, pre-arranged accommodation and such others. These services facilitate the whole process of immigration.
Immigration consultants can really make a big difference in the way of your migration by saving your time and money. Still there is a thing you need to take caution of before taking assistance from this migration for Canada firms. There are many firms who will try to steal of your money without giving you proper services and by not carrying out your process even after charging you for those services. First they exorbitantly charge you then not provide you with satisfying results. For not to become a victim of such firms what you can do is check for the accreditation that the particular firm has received. Accreditations are a very important factor in deciding the reputation of any firm as they testify that the firm is a legally accepted enterprise. Then you can see for the experience they have in the migration domain. Experience means that they have handled many cases in that department and have the relevant expertise in tackling any complex situation which might arise.
Immigration Overseas is the firm which can be the end to your migration for Canada search. Here you will find some of the best and exclusive services that will make your migration experience memorable. This firm is affiliated from several government agencies like Migrants Agents Registration Authority (MARA), Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) & ICCRC. They have the experience of more than a decade, in which Immigration Overseas have handled complex migration cases.

Take Help Of An Immigration Lawyer For Immigration To Canada


There are various individuals who are fascinated by immigrating to Canada as this is often one country that gives tremendous opportunities and choices to explore for brand new immigrants. Folks prefer immigration to Canada than other country as it has higher job opportunities for immigrants. In fact, the majority of people return here to figure, to start out a brand new life. And, this can be one country where you’ll notice relatively low degree of racism and discrimination within the society, as people living here are terribly open minded and they are ready to welcome people from alternative countries. Most of the privileges extended to Canadian citizens are enjoyed by immigrants. Immigrating to Canada permanently is an exciting opportunity.

Immigration to Canada has a ton of benefits and also the Canadian Government encourages it as helps in economic growth and creates cultural diversity and understanding of different nations. When immigration to Canada one gets the right to live and work anywhere in the country. One can assume for immigration to Canada along with their alternative relations, as well as children.

Immigration to Canada is lengthy method and there are tons of paper works to handle. The best manner to use for immigration to Canada is by contacting an immigration Consultant. In Canada, there are various good immigration lawyers who can facilitate your out with visas, work permit, refugee claim and tons more. Immigration lawyers provide immigration advice and facilitate to visa candidates, sometimes for a fee. But, hiring an immigration lawyer is up to you as it is nothing like your application can be given special attention or it will be done faster.

However, there are several things you ought to think about before hiring an immigration lawyer.

Hunt for an immigration Consultant counseled by individuals you trust. In fact, talk to a minimum of two to three potential advisers before selecting one.

Inquire concerning the training and expertise the immigration lawyers have and the areas they expertise.

Hire an immigration Consultant who is a professionally certified licensed member of the ‘Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants’.

Collect info regarding the services they supply and their fee structure. Get this information in writing.

Avoid hiring immigration lawyers who refuses to answer your queries or are not giving satisfactory answers.

Scan the written contract fastidiously before you sign it. The contract should have all the promised services listed properly and even the fee structure should be clearly set out.

Never leave your original documents needed for immigration to Canada with the immigration lawyer.

Before signing up the applying kind create sure it not blank. If there are some papers or documents that you don’t understand. Keep copies of any documents that are ready for you safely as you might would like it in future.

Raise the immigration lawyer to update you on the status of your application on a regular basis.

Illegal Immigration Law Not Complied by The Agencies


The Government has made tough laws against Illegal immigration, which
basically includes people trying to enter the nation by illegal means.
The illegal immigrants cannot do this act alone, but they get support
from the agencies that are basically meant to promote legal immigration.

The government has laws which say that a person
caught entering the nation illegally or somebody who favors such an
entry would be detained for a period of as many as 10 years, he might
get imprisonment sentence or he might have to wait for a period of five
years to apply for permanent residency status and they may be declared
ineligible to come to Canada never again.

In spite of such a stringent law in place there are agencies that are not reported of not complying with the laws immigration.

Enforcement Review Board of Georgia has reported more than one thousand
cases against the agencies which are not complying with the laws of
Immigration system by the Government.

D.A King, an illegal
immigrant activist has suggested a change in Bill 87 so that the
Government employers with two or more employees are made to file annual
reports about their contractors and workers. This would help in
understanding if they have any immigrant and if at all he is illegal or

Most of the agencies have failed to submit a report on the accounts which they are supposed to submit by December 31.

The Officials have their logic of being overworked and unfamiliarity of law as the reasons for not filing the reports.

The auditors lack a complete list of Government agenciesthat have more or less than two employees.

per the list available with the auditors, the Agencies have been issued
a warning letter wherein they have been informed that the failure in
submitting reports would lead them to non-availability of grants and
also a fine or $5,000.

Chairman of Immigration Enforcement review
Board, Ben Vinson says, “It would be difficult for the board to take
action concerning so many agencies.”

He also said that his board
has reported cases against agencies that are helping Illegal immigrants
not only to enter the nation but also to stay here illegally, manage to
get a job and being sheltered. The agencies are helping the illegal
immigrants to travel within the city and earn moony for their survival.

board has appointed a committee of three members to look into the
various aspects of the complaint. The Committee would also investigate
the matter to understand the causes behind the same so that the
wrong-doers could be caught and punished.

Vinson has assured that “the committee would be asked to submit an interim report about this issue.”

complaint has rung a bell against the offenders and has also raised the
curtains behind which illegal immigrants have been imported for a
handful of employers who get their work done at a cheaper rate than they
could have.

A deeper investigation will throw light on the real issues pertaining to illegal immigration.

Need Of A DUI Criminal Defence Lawyer


Driving Under Influence is a serious criminal offence. It demands representation from an experienced criminal defence lawyer.

Driving under Influence (DUI) is a serious criminal
offence and is punishable under the Criminal Code of Canada. In
Vancouver, DUI cases have been on a rise with startling facts indicating
the rise of negligent and prohibited driving in the city.

there are instances when a driver needs serious legal assistance to
prove his innocence and here the criminal defence lawyers come in handy.
Criminal lawyers offer legal representation to the individuals charged
of DUI in the court of law. They offer initial consultation and legal
services to the accused to prove his innocence or reduce the punishment
for the accused.

A Driving under Influence guilty has to face a
long trial and once proven guilty, he has to serve a maximum sentence
and also pay a fine. A negligent driver can be charged under various
sections in the Canadian court of law. Some of these include Driving
under the influence of Alcohol, Driving under the influence of
psychoactive drugs, Drunk and Driving, driving while prohibited, Driving
while 90-day administrative suspension, rash driving, over-speeding

are serious allegations which can be levied on an accused for DUI and
Impaired driving charges. These serious criminal offences greatly affect
the professional as well as the personal life of the guilty as well as
the accused. The guilty person faces court trial, is either sentenced to
jail for a given time period or has to pay a heavy fine as a penance or
as a payment for damaged induced.

An experienced criminal lawyer
in Vancouver with years of experience in the Criminal law domain will
be able to assist an accused better. He will have the adequate and
appropriate knowledge about the intricacies of Canadian law and the
possibilities of reducing the punishment. They offer legal advice and
assistance throughout the trial and prove instrumental in resolving
cases through legal consultation as well.

Family and Divorce Law – Need Practical Legal Solutions


Family and Divorce Law is all about legal separation of husband
and wife. And modern law firms have been offering practical legal
solutions for individuals and families.

Federal government in
Canada sets the family & divorce law which is applied fully and
equally all parts of Canada. This article will help you to get some
useful information related with the said law and practical solutions
which modern law firms have been offering to individuals.

Divorces begin with application

application is given to the court and this is the beginning of the
divorce. The application is all about making it clear that there has
been a breakdown of marriage and required to use Divorce Act. The
application explains several things including the place where marriage
took place, children, and custody of the children, paying for child
support, grounds or reasons of divorce and much more.

It also
includes the detail of family property. Certified copies of birth
certificates and marriage certificate are also attached with the

Claim for support

Corollary relief or
claim for support may be for the spouse or/and children. Claims for the
custody of children also come under the same. As per the law, it is
asked to prepare a financial statement explaining details of family’s
monthly expenses.

Once the application is contested, hearing for
the case is scheduled and both the parties as per Family & Divorce
Law are cross-examined by their respective lawyers. This is the place
where professional law firms play an important role.

This is the fact professional law firms with personal
injury lawyer, etc, offer practical legal solutions to their clients for
Family Law.

Family law matters

Family & Divorce
Law involves several things along with divorce of the couple.
Considering this, the firms keep account of working on behalf of clients
for family matters including separation agreements, Cohabitation
agreements, Co-ownership agreements, prenuptial agreements, Division of
assets and Property transfers.

Custom solutions

different family situation, the firms are known to offer custom legal
solutions to tailor the services as per the specific need s of clients.
In-depth familiarity with court and thorough knowledge on trial
processes of Family Law helps the firms in serving the clients properly.

Cost sensitivity

than difference in situation, budget of individuals also vary. And the
firms are responsible to offer their professional and ideal legal
solutions with cost sensitivity. They consider the budget during the
representation of clients for court proceedings, collaborative divorce,

The fact is hiring a knowledgeable lawyer by taking help of
professional law firms can help one to get ideal solution for Family
& Divorce Law.

Finding a Toronto Immigration Lawyer To Gain Citizenship As a Skilled Worker


Canada draws many different people from all over the world to visit it for the scenic views and abundant opportunities. Many people find themselves visiting Canada for the purpose of employment and then become settled and very happy with their surroundings and do not want to leave. For these people the prospect of returning to the country they are from is a daunting prospect and one they would rather not want to live out. These people are in a great place to apply for Canadian citizenship and should consult a Toronto immigration lawyer. Other factors that will impact your ability to apply for Canadian citizenship include your ability to fluently speak English and/or French. If you speak broken English or French it does not mean that it will be impossible for you receive citizenship however; it may be slightly more difficult. You should never evaluate your own situation. Retaining one of the many qualified Toronto immigration lawyers is the best way to gauge the likelihood of achieving citizenship. If you are a skilled worker and are a vital component of your employer’s business as well as financially stable you stand a great chance to achieve Canadian citizenship. The Federal Skilled Worker Application Package can be found and printed out online and may be submitted by you although; you would be better off consulting a Toronto immigration lawyer prior to filing it. The most minute mistake or wrong wording on an immigration application could cause it to be denied. In all legal matters it is vital to have the necessary knowledge to utilize all of your rights in a way that will increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. If you happen to make a mistake on your application it could take months to correct it and by that time you may be forced out of the country. The fees associated with filing for Canadian citizenship can be substantial, consult one of many qualified Toronto immigration lawyers in order to minimize costs as much as possible. Being in good standing with your employer and other members of your community will greatly aid your application for Canadian citizenship. Be sure to have them all write recommendation letters for you so that you will stand a greater chance of achieving citizenship. Remember that every situation is different and only your attorney can accurately appraise your situation and inform you of the options you have.

About the Author Working with one of the many qualified Toronto Criminal Lawyers helps to ensure an equal field between the crown and the defendant. In many cases, the lawyer chosen serves as the only individual within the Canadian Justice System that stands on the same side as the defendant. It is the responsibility of a Toronto Criminal Lawyer to maintain an unbiased opinion of their client and act solely on their behalf.

Immigration Benefits The Nation or The Immigrants More


Most of the developed countries have a major percentage of their
population occupied by the immigrants. Most of the countries like USA,
Canada, Australia and UK have considerable number of immigrants who make
their presence felt in every corner of these countries. Immigration has
made the world a small globe wherein people can move freely from one
end to the other as per requirement and wish.

The much debated issue is whether the concept of
“Immigration” benefits the nation where the immigrants come or it
extends larger benefits to the immigrants themselves.

The Benefits Immigrants enjoy

come from various other nations which supposedly have lesser job
opportunities and narrower options of earning a good livelihood. The
other optionsAmy include the facility available at various Universities
in the developed countries and even the lifestyle which is different and
free from “social judgement”.

The pay outs better in developed
countries than the underdeveloped countries; the hard work is
reciprocated with a better remuneration.

There are world class
universities which have all modern technology to impart education.
International students learn a great deal and earn a degree which is
recognized worldwide. In fact, many of these countries have the option
of offering jobs to the pass out students which makes things easier for
them. The social structure is also quite different in these countries as
it allows everyone to live in his own way.

Benefits that nation get out of Immigration

of the developed countries have galore of options available on job
front but their own natives sometimes do not take them up, as they are
either not happy with the timings or with the remuneration.

The immigrants pick up those jobs at a lesser pay out and are ready to work for even more number of hours.

skilled workers meet ends on behalf of these nations and come with new
inventionsintotheir respective fields which are credited to the country
and rarely to the immigrant.

Immigrant investors bring money
toinvest in foreign country ether by strengthening their economy. Even
the internationals students contribute majorly to their economy by
creating huge revenues teach and every University which enrols foreign

The contention

How Eligibility for a Criminal Pardon in Canada is Changing


The law in Canada is currently and drastically changing. Although
only ten percent of the four million Canadians who held a criminal
record last year applied for a criminal pardon, the Harper government
has still been working to make that number smaller. In this post-9/11
climate of hyper-security and harsher political stances on every issue,
the public and interest groups have been calling for a reform of the
criminal law, specifically in regards to punishing criminals. In the
past few years, the government has slowly been obliging, with Bill C-23
being the first major change. Bill C-23 was split into two parts, part A
being passed last June and part B currently under deliberation in
parliament. It changes the Canadian criminal pardons part of the law
into the Canadian record suspension law. Although Bill C-23A has already
passed, let’s look at what is necessary to be eligible for the current
pardon system in Canada before Bill C-23B is fully passed.

The Canadian criminal pardon system as it stands now is
largely non-judgmental when it comes to distinguishing between offences
to be pardoned. No one is ineligible based solely on the nature of their
past offence (with some noticeable restrictions being applied to
pardons in the case of sexual offenders); if a person has been convicted
of an offence under the federal law, they are eligible to apply for a
pardon. There is, of course, a waiting period before they can apply, and
this period differs in length depending on how serious their crime was.
The waiting period section of the law was the part affected by Bill
C-23A. The most serious offences are indictable (such as manslaughter
and assault) and are tried by a full court, judge and jury. The ones
eligible for a pardon (very serious crimes such as murder are not
eligible) used to have a waiting period of five years; this has now been
changed to ten years. The minor offences are summary (such as causing a
disturbance in a public place and mischief charges) and are tried only
by a judge. They used to have a waiting period of three years and now
have been split into two groups, with the less serious summary offences
still waiting three years and the more serious ones waiting five. The
third and last type of offence one can be charged with is a hybrid
offence (such as certain sexual assaults and driving impaired) which can
be charged as either the more serious indictable offence or the minor
summary offence, depending on how serious a crime the Crown decides it
is. The waiting period after the sentence of a hybrid offence depends
entirely on what level of severity the Crown tried it as.

Canadian criminal pardon applications are accepted, as long as the
paperwork is filled out correctly. There was a 98.3 percent success rate
for Canadian pardons in the 2009-2010 year – 24,134 pardons granted and
425 denied. This is because as the system stands, the basic parameters
for being eligible are the wait times and the “good conduct” rule – the
person must have had good conduct for the past number of years since his
conviction and must be able to prove that the pardon will further their
rehabilitation. As far as rehabilitation goes, the fact that pardons
allow the people to apply for jobs and volunteer positions without fear
of stigma or rejection should speak for itself. Sex offenders are the
inevitable exception to this success rate rule however, as the
government looks to make most of them ineligible for any kind of pardon
or record suspension with C-23B – never mind that they are already
red-flagged when applying to work at jobs or volunteer positions
involving vulnerable people such as children or the elderly.

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