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Canada Immigration – Immigrationdirect.ca


Immigration Direct has empowered thousands of immigrants to successfully prepare their immigration applications. We make it easy so you can do it yourself. You could work through CIC forms and requirements on your own, but using Immigration Direct is easier, more accurate and less stressful. Complete your Canada Immigration forms online and Canada permanent residency and Canada citizenship. We help Canadian immigrants complete error-free forms easily.

Canadian citizenship is also known as Naturalization and gives individuals the right to fully participate in the Canadian democratic system. Learn the advantages of becoming a Canadian citizen.

The Permanent Resident Card is the official proof of your status as a permanent resident in Canada. This wallet-sized plastic card is required for all permanent residents of Canada seeking to re-enter Canada after international travel. This exception is even more limited. It allows you to count days spent outside Canada towards fulfilling the residency requirement if you are accompanying your spouse or common law partner, or if you are a child under 22 years of age and you are accompanying your parent, but only if your Canadian citizen or permanent resident relative was employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province during the period you accompanied him or her. In addition, you must be able to show that your permanent resident relative meets his or her own residency obligation. Let’s break this down: You can count days spent outside of Canada in order to meet the residence requirement if you are accompanying your Canadian citizen or permanent resident spouse or parent, but only if your spouse or parent is employed by a Canadian organization during the specified travel, and only if your spouse or parent meets his or her own residency requirement.

In practice, it is hard to see how this exception could be helpful, unless you’ve spent so much time out of the country that every extra day counts.

You may count each day you worked outside Canada for a Canadian organization or affiliated organization or in the public service of Canada. You can also count time you spent outside the country as a client of a Canadian business or the Canadian public service.

To qualify, you must show that you worked in a full-time capacity, and you must be able to show an employment relationship or contract.

In order to meet the Canadian residency obligation, you must be physically present in Canada for at least half of the last five years. If you haven’t been a permanent resident of Canada for five years, then you need to show that you can meet the residence requirement at the five-year mark.

The Immigration Services For Canada


you are traveling to any foreign country for work or for any other
reason then, you require Immigration Services to arrange the permission
for you. Immigration is a lengthy process and it takes some time, and so
if you need to go out of your country then, it’s always better to start
the preparations as early as you can. There are a lot of things to be
taken care about in order to make sure that your application is
approved. The services are there to help you travel abroad as long as
you are traveling legally with the proper permission.

The Immigration Services
will get you a visa, which is the most important thing you need to
travel outside your own country. You need a lot of research and decision
makings for this, and you must find the right services for immigration
too. You can find an immigration consultant for help and can get a visa
when going abroad for business or studies. There are many rules and
regulations that you have to follow and apply for visa by submitting the
form. You will need to fill the visa application form very carefully
and you can get the visa for six months or less time.

services for immigration will help you to get the visa once you declare
the reason for going. As if you are going to another country for studies
then you surely need an F-1 visa, which is a visa for long term
immigration. You just need to apply for it through a service for
immigration with stating the cause clearly. Visa extension has some
regulations to be followed and the service provider can help you through
the entire process. Your consultant can answer all your queries so that
you can take the right steps and make sure that the application for
visa is approved.

The rules for Canada Immigration

The rules for Canada Immigration
are designed to make sure that the number of migrated people remains
under control, and so you need to find out about the regulations clearly
before applying for a visa to go to Canada. However, in recent times,
Canada has loosened up the rules and regulations a little so that they
can open door for workers from other countries. You need to go through
all the procedure to complete the immigration process by getting the
permission. There are two kinds of Visa for Canada which includes
permanent visa and temporary visa.

It is easier to have temporary
visa for Canada than a permanent visa. You can get a temporary visa if
you are going to Canada work for a limited time, study in an institute
there, and spend vacation and reasons like that where you don’t need to
stay there for ever. However, if you intend to be in Canada to work
permanently, start a business or be a part of a family then you need a
permanent visa. The Canada Immigration rules and regulations are
available online, and the services for immigration will help you with
the entire process for sure.

How Canada Immigration Consultants In Delhi Can Help You!


Canada is a much thronged after nation and one of the best places to immigrate to. There are several reasons behind the peoples fascination for this lovely country. It enjoys a rather high standard of living. It welcomes businesses and investment with open hands. People of the country live longer. Citizens of the country enjoy a good education system and universal healthcare. Canada is also quite safe to live in, and one of the most striking nations in the world.

Its new Immigration and Refugee Act {IRPA} governs the entire process via which those hoping to immigrate move into the nation. Race, nation, color and sex are not the grounds on which the eligibility or otherwise of an applicant is assessed. Prospective immigrants are assessed on their ability to adapt to life in the nation. To work in the country, one must have a job offer from an employer, who initially may have made efforts to give the same job to a citizen of Canada or a permanent resident but may have not been able to do so due to one reason or the other.

If one is interested in citizenship, then he would do well to fulfill all the necessary residence requirements. He should be staying in the country for three out of four years as a permanent resident. Besides, he must not be over 18 years and be a permanent resident of the country. Those applying for immigration also need to remember that most employers are looking for Canadian work experience. They also need to have a good working knowledge of computer and be Internet savvy, and have no hesitations whatsoever to start from a junior position.

Those living in Delhi and interested in Canada Immigration should contact Canada Immigration Consultants in Delhi. As such consultants have several years of relevant experience behind them, and as they know the long drawn out process of immigration to the country inside out, their services can be made use of for a hassle-free and smooth immigration process.

It needs to be mentioned that Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the other day, came out with a chain of advertisements warning that they refuse applications drafted by illegal immigration representatives. Many applications containing fake job offers or bogus documents have not been entertained. Though the CIC’s overall rate of acceptance has not been very impressive, the success rates for immigration applications drafted by expert firms and Canada Immigration Consultants in Delhi are as high as 95%.