Tag Archives: Criminal Law

Rehabilitation in Criminal Law


short and plain terms, rehabilitation primarily suggests that the path
to restore a criminal to a helpful existence in society. This path is
usually paved with lots of hours of therapy, pertinent education and

actually restore a perpetrator to smart condition so he or she will be
able to operate efficiently in the $64000 world once more requires time
and a lot of analysis. The right decisions would like to be created from
the beginning almost about the proposed rehab plan. The main assumption
made by the advocates of rehabilitation is that a person is not
criminally inclined for all times, which it just takes the right process
or processes to straighten out the mind of the convicted person.

most purpose of rehab, then, is to prevent the recurrence of against
the law that has previously been committed. This prevention of habitual
offending is the cure that is seemingly to allow the state in that the
convict is situated to gift the person or girl back to society with a
assured outlook. Being able to once once more contribute to himself or
herself further because the greater society is that the achievement that
is to be expected (or a minimum of hoped for) once lengthy
rehabilitation schedules.

Where will punishment match into all
this? There are two colleges of thought on this note. The first is that
sure punishment, like community service, probation orders and any
different types of punishment are complementary to the rehab plans
ordered by the court and sanctioned by the state.

other side of the coin is the precise opposite. It may truly be
unhealthy for the convicted person to be subjected to a lengthy jail
term that’s abundant longer than the schedule for rehab. Suppose
concerning it – the chance of a prisoner returning out of a penitentiary
when fifteen years in confinement with rosy cheeks and a smile on his
face is pretty slim, is not it? More likely, he has it in for society
now, no longer being on the same wavelength as the folks in the real
world he left behind many years ago. This is often the danger of long
prison terms for non-violent crimes. For violent offenders, the longer
the jail time the better – a minimum of this is how several people see

For a lot of information on rehabilitation law, check your
local library for your town’s past criminal cases and also the resultant
jail terms and rehab schedules. This will be the best resource to
perceive the law in your local area.

Civil Law vs Criminal Law


When the average layperson thinks about breaking the law, they by default are thinking about criminal law. However, there is also civil law to consider, which has its own set of characteristics. Here are some of the principle differences between civil and criminal law.

Legal Definitions

Criminal Law – In criminal law, the government will file the case. In order to prove their case, the burden of proof is always on the government. They must prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the defendant is guilty and win a unanimous decision from the jury.

Civil Law – Cases are filed by private parties in civil cases and deal with the disputes between people or organizations where compensation is awarded to the plaintiff. While Federal courts require an unanimous verdict, in most civil case the plaintiff only has to prove that the “preponderance” of the evidence favors them. This can also be referred to in simpler terms as “more likely than not.”

This varies from state to state though. In Missouri, the decision of the jury must be 9-3 for the plaintiff to win. But in Federal courts, the plaintiff must get a unanimous verdict.

Punishment Comparison

A defendant in civil litigation will not be incarcerated and certainly never executed. Losing defendant in civil litigation only reimburses the plaintiff for losses caused by the defendant’s behavior. Either party (plaintiff or defendant) can be found at fault.

Criminal Law – The crimes are divided into two basic classes: felonies and misdemeanors. The defendant is found guilty when the jury decides unanimously in favor of the plaintiff. If they are found guilty, the punishment is a fine (paid to the government), imprisonment, or death, in states that allow for the death penalty. The decision is and dry: guilty or not guilty.

Civil Law – There is more flexibility with guilt in a civil case. Both the plaintiff and defendant can be found partially right or partially at fault. Either way, the party found guilty cannot be imprisoned and certainly not put to death. But if they are found guilty, they must pay what’s called punitive damages as determined by the judge.

The Appeals Process

Either party may appeal the decision in a civil case. However, in a criminal case, only the defendant can file an appeal. If the person(s) found guilty want to appeal, they have a limited time to file their appeal.

If you want legal assistance chose Brickell Criminal Law Attorney


This is court of law and not a court of justice. Here the cases are
absolved only on the basis of established legal precedence and statutes
provided in the books of law. One cannot be said guilty of an offence
until and unless proved. And this requires a criminal law attorney to
precede the case in the house of law- court, to prove that the said
person is guilty or innocent.

It is not always easy to get the cases to be heard prejudicially in
the court of law in case of criminal offences. The attorneys need to be
very careful with the cases related to criminality as it involves the
matter of life and death. The crime is not always done with the cruelest
intentions instead it may be an act of self- defense or due to
circumstances. It is not always that the criminals are involved in
crime; it may be a sudden disburses of emotion of simple man. But the
court needs enough proofs and arguments to justify the innocence of the
culprits, which can be only provided with the expertise and
knowledgeable Criminal Law attorney.

There are law firms in Brickell which have well versed law attorneys,
who have a better understanding of the criminal procedures in the
cases. If you are guilty of some crime but you are innocent, first you
need to go to the attorney with your case. The Brickell criminal
attorney thereafter read your case before going to the court for the

Anyone who is not a criminal but charged with a crime would feel and
have a frightening experience. This is true in the cases of those people
who have never been in contact with the criminal justice before.
However, being charged and getting arrested isn’t the end of the world
for the people. There is always a hope with the attorney, who will look
after the case in the court to prove one’s innocence to get one justice.

Often people are charged with DUI (driving under the influence).
Sometime they are guilty and sometime they haven’t had any drug but
accidently are found under the influence of drug. In cases like this,
the first time offenders feel that this is the end of the road for them.
But, the Brickell DUI lawyer, who are specifically there to look after
the cases like this, can be a lot helpful to prove your innocence.