Soft is now an official Maryland State Bar Member Association (MSBA).
Easy Soft now offers a 10% discount on legal software for active members
of the Maryland Bar.

Since 1986, Easy Soft has been one of the nation’s leading providers of law office software.

Easy Soft Products

company’s offerings include seamless and integrated legal billing and
account software , such as Easy Time Bill (ETB), time billing software
which has received rave reviews from lawyers and technology publications, and Easy Trust, our easy-to-use trust fund accounting software.

real estate lawyers and settlement agents, Easy Soft provides the
country’s no. 1 choice for software that helps them navigate and
generate the tricky HUD settlement statement (or HUD-1 form )-especially
in light of the new RESPA rules. It’s called Easy HUD, and it automates
most HUD form calculations-simplifying the financial portion of the
transaction, enabling pain-free adjustments and errors, and more-while
leaving the legal work to you.

For divorce lawyers, Easy Soft
produces Divorce Financials, family law software which simplifies
financial modeling for divorces. The divorce software has a vast array
of capabilities, but one of its best is the ability to show you and your
client-precisely and powerfully-the real-world financial impact of a
given divorce settlements, including analyses for present value, and
income taxes for both parties.

The “Easy” in Easy Soft

philosophy behind all of Easy Soft’s law office management software is
simple: you shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you work on a
case. At the outset, every piece of Easy Soft software captures case
data-one time only. For law office management purposes, that data is
inserted into your invoices, your ledgers and balance sheets, and your
trust fund accounting.

your clients’ cases, that data gets inserted into every piece of
documentation the case requires: be it a legal form, financial statement
(such as the HUD settlement statement, or HUD-1 form), and
correspondence with your client, or opposing lawyers. In some cases, the
software generates comparative analyses-and provides

In most
cases, our law office software performs any necessary calculations on
your behalf. If you’ve slaved over a calculator or an Excel spreadsheet,
or tried to get generic small business accounting software to deliver
needs specific to the management of a law office. This prevents simple
yet costly numerical mistakes-such as one that would be paid out over
the course of years (in divorce settlements), one that would affect your
title (in a HUD 1 situation), or one that would jeopardize your good
standing with your state’s attorney ethics department (in terms of your
trust fund accounting).

What’s Included

Typically, law firm software costs upwards of $400 for procurement, and hundreds of dollars more for training and support.

most of our software packages, our annual fees are just $300. All Easy
Soft software includes training, technical support, ongoing educational
support, frequent software updates and improvements, certain practice
customizations, and personalized (read: actual receptionists versus
phone menus) service.

With no limitations.

That is our level of commitment to our customers.