Tag Archives: DUI

Criminal Law Cases Some Major Types


Criminal law also known as penal law is defined as the body of law
which deals with crime, prosecution and defence. It is all about crimes,
their classifications, the way they should be charged as well as the
possible penalties.

Criminal offence is the infringement of law which may
result in causing an injury to the community. If a person violates a
law causing harm to the public, he or she is charged with a criminal
offence. Such an individual requires a powerful representation in the
court of law. So, he or she needs to hire a criminal lawyer to defend

Let us discuss about the major types of crimes common these days. These days:


is one of the major categories of criminal offences. Some of the crimes
which fall under this category include aggravated assault,
embezzlement, perjury, resisting arrest, theft, false statements,
kidnapping, manslaughter, robbery, murder, etc.


offences are very common these days and affect both accused as well as
the victim. Individuals caught in such cases have to face bad
consequences. Some of the c rimes that fall under this category include
sex abuse, computer crimes, public sexual indecency, molestation of a
child, sex assault, public misbehavior with a minor, etc.


is another major type of criminal offence. It is related to breaking of
traffic rules and driving under the influence of alcohol or some other
drugs. Some of the major crimes that fall under this category include
aggravated DUI, driving on suspended license, drag racing, aggravated
driving, extreme DUI, misdemeanor DUI, endangerment, irresponsible
driving, etc. Those who are caught in such cases can face bad outcomes.
They can be fined heavily, lose their right to drive, etc depending on
the nature of crime committed.

White collar crimes

crimes are known as white collar crimes. These include money
laundering, professional licensing issues, fake schemes, extortion,
racketeering, regulatory crimes, etc.

These are some of the
common crimes. Individuals charged with any of these crimes need to get
represented in the court of law. In such cases, hiring a criminal lawyer
becomes very important. There are innumerable criminal lawyers that are
helping the accused in this regard. But you need to choose the one with
a good experience, qualification, skills, knowledge and understanding.
If all the factors are considered before selecting a particular lawyer,
you would definitely achieve the desired results out of your case.

The DUI Attorney Assistance In Your Darkest Hour


If you’ve been charged with an offense, you need an experienced and qualified DUI attorney on your side to help represent you and guide you through the legal process. If you are innocent of the charges, you may think that is all you need to slide through the system, arriving safely on the other side unscathed. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. Good people wind up entangled in the system every day and without a good lawyer to fight for their rights, they could wind up facing punishments they don’t deserve. But whether you’re innocent or guilty, you have the right to be heard in court and you deserve proper legal counsel.

Intoxication charges can often mean more than fines or even jail time. They often mean the revocation of your driving privileges that in turn can mean loss of income. You can see how one charge can easily send your life spiraling down the drain. It is for these reasons why it is so vital to make sure you have a good DUI attorney by your side.

If it can be helped, you should contact one before speaking to the police. Obviously, you will have talked briefly with the cops upon your arrest, but you don’t have to give them any more information after that. As they say in the warning, anything you say can and will be used against you. Don’t think for a minute that you can talk your way out of trouble.

What many people don’t realize is that a number of driving errors can potentially lead to a DUI or DWI arrest. A qualified DUI attorney can get to the bottom of the story and make sure that all of the relevant information comes out in a way that will influence both a judge and a jury. Perhaps the weather conditions were to blame for your erratic driving. Perhaps you are taking medication that you didn’t realize would affect you in the way that it did.

No one is trying to make excuses for driving drunk. It is a dangerous thing to do and many lives have been cost as a result of these actions. However, that doesn’t mean that the legal system should be subverted in an attempt to crack down on offenses. Everyone is entitled to his or her rights.

Police and prosecutors will often try to pressure offenders into pleading guilty and saving the state time and money when it comes to trying the case. If you have a leg to stand on; however, you may be better off fighting the charges. Consult a good DUI attorney and make sure your rights are upheld.

A Macon dui attorney can help you fight for your innocence. To learn more, visit:

Why You Need Houston The Best Criminal Lawyer


The criminal law in Houston, Texas is very strict. Defaulters are
subject to lots of penalties and charges which might even lead to
jailing. Many legal cases are classified under criminal law a few
include traffic ticket, driving under influence, assault, bail hearing,
manslaughter, drug trafficking, murder and so on. Driving under the
influence of alcohol (DUI) and traffic tickets are very serious criminal
case in Houston, Texas. If care is not taken, these cases might lead to
the loss of driver’s license. This should be avoided by leveraging the
services of a professional lawyer in the Harris County.

Besides damage on your driving history, traffic ticket and DWI can cost
you lots of money if not handled appropriately. You might spend
thousands of dollars in settling the case and also run the risk of high
insurance premium for a long time. Insurance companies simply begin to
see you as irresponsible and reckless and thus raise their insurance
premium. These and many more can be avoided by leveraging the Benavides
law firm, your best Houston criminal lawyer.

Benavides law firm
is dedicated to helping you in the best way it can to receive your
freedom no matter how serious the case is. There is no need of hiring
low quality or inexperienced lawyers. This might lead to the loss of
your freedom in toto and also result to spending lots of money. Of
course, you have only 15 days between the time you are charged to court
and the time your license will be temporarily suspended to avoid the
suspension. The simplest way to avoid the suspension with respect to a
DWI case is by employing the service of a Houston dwi lawyer.

Benavides law firm handles different cases relating to traffic which
include reckless driving, speeding tickets, driving when your
registration has expired, driving without an insurance coverage and so
on. The legal professionals will fight aggressively for you in order to
ensure that you regain your freedom and also cut down or dismiss the
charges which may be placed on you.

The professionals will help you appear before the court of law and
defend you by leveraging the most professional legal tools. You can go
about your day to day activities and be rest assured that your case is
defended. To leverage this professional service in order to obtain your
freedom, simply contact the Benavides law firm through their website.
You can also call the professionals today, the door is open for you to
access the services. Besides these amazing services, the Benavides law
firm does not charge high costs for rendering the services to you.

The Houston criminal lawyer can offer you quality advices which will
help you to handle the case and subsequent issues with regards to your
driving career. The sole aim of the law firm is to help its clients live
free and avoid the overbearing charges that come with being convicted
in criminal cases.

Covington criminal attorney the best aid during the legal criminal charges


Criminal attorney will help reduce the legal charges and the consequences of the crime if the client is found guilty of. A criminal attorney specializing in that field of handling particular criminal case should be hired.

An experienced knowledgeable criminal attorney needs to be hired if one has been charged of a crime or has been slapped with huge fines or facing jail terms. If one has a criminal record and needs a qualified attorney to present their case to the court then this also stands as another important reason to hire a quality Covington criminal attorney. Criminal cases if not handled by the experts criminal attorneys will have the great impact on the rest of the life of the individual, while hurting their chances of federal clearance, employment and military services and many more. The need for hiring a tenacious legal defense on the client side is really needed if they have been accused of a crime. These experts will be able to properly represent the case to the legal courts. A legal attorney who gives a serious consideration to all the cases should be hired. One will be able to handle tough situations by the consequences with the professionalism of this legal team. This will also help the individual to prove their innocence and reduce penalties.

Roles of a Criminal attorney!

An effective criminal attorney is needed no matter whether the criminal charges are minor or serious. To ensure the rights of an individual are protected an effective aggressive representation is needed. A criminal attorney will have extensive knowledge of the criminal laws of the state in which he or she is working. The legal loopholes or the police mistakes that will help the client to lead an acquittal or reduced consequences will be brought about by the professional criminal lawyers. Although an expert attorney might handle all kinds of criminal cases there are few who specialize in handling the particular criminal cases. The specialization fields of criminal attorney include the violent crimes, domestic violence, shoplifting or petty theft, drug crimes, juvenile crimes, DUI cases and many more.

The best time to hire a criminal attorney!

The need for fetching assistance form the criminal attorney need not be only sought out for when one has been formally accused of a crime. The situation where the individual feels that he has been accused of a crime or there as been a legal accusation for a major criminal case, and the charges has not yet been filed, this is probably the time to call in for a criminal attorney. This is probably the best time to discuss the case with the criminal attorney and is known as the pre time. There are Covington criminal attorney who adhere to the attorney client privilege by virtue of their bound to the code of ethics. This means the discussions between the client and the attorney once the attorney has been hired is truly confidential and protected. The seriousness o the criminal charges that would be faced will be reduced by the attorney if they have been contacted before the charges have been filed.

Brain Injuries and Legal Liability


Who Bears Legal Liability for Brain Injuries?
Traumatic brain injuries are devastating to one’s health, enjoyment of life and finances. When someone else’s negligence caused the injury, they are liable for its costs.
There are many different causes of brain injuries: About half are from auto accidents, but what is referred to as TBIs – traumatic brain injuries – can come from simple slip-and-fall accidents, industrial or workplace mishaps, violent impacts in sports and recreation, and criminal acts such as a blow to the head or a bullet wound. A brain injury usually follows an impact to the head, but severe shaking of the body can also damage brain tissue.

What individuals with TBI share are disabilities that can affect them the remainder of their lives. In addition to severely reduced or eliminated lifetime earnings, the individual suffering a brain injury will experience medical costs, expenses related to therapy and caregiving, and pain and suffering. .

Whenbrain injury is caused by someone else’s mistake, the injured individual should recover these losses through litigation.Consider these specific scenarios where the liability lies with another person’s mistake:
Negligent (including DUI) driving -As it happens in a large percentage of cases, an individual’s decision to drive recklessly or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol can inflict catastrophic damage on others.

Poorly supervised athletics – Evidence mounts that amateur and professional sports can cause meaningful brain damage over time. But bad coaching, negligent oversight of athletic facilities or faulty equipment can cause immediate and serious brain injury.

Medical error -For example, -off label- use of Botox as encouraged by its manufacturer has been found responsible for a severe brain injury suffered by a Virginia man.The jury awarded him $12 million, in part to cover his 24-7 care. The work of the brain injury lawyer is to identify the cause of the injury and who bears liability for that cause. A simple slip-and-fall on a stairway at home is usually the misstep of the victim. But if negligent hospital treatment of that individual is found to have worsened the effect of the fall – perhaps when a decompressivecraniectomy is mistakenly used -some liability can fall on the healthcare provider.

A personal injury attorney with brain injury experience can guide the injured and his or her family through the process of determining lifetime costs and the lawsuit itself. Expert counsel is almost always required in such cases.

Get The Right Legal Solution And Assistance From Qualified Cobb Criminal Lawyer


Life is unpredictable and sometimes, minor problems turn into major one and leave people in dilemma of taking the right step to come out of these problems. If for any reason, an arrest warrant is issued against you or one is trying to sue you in the court, then you should keep patience and look for professional lawyers who have expertise enough in the profession. Nothing can be the better way than this one because qualified lawyers know what to do and how to get you come out of the situation successfully and with clean slate. Another point to keep in mind is that one can be the victim of these problems anywhere and anytime. If you are the resident of Cobb and have been charged for any criminal or any kind of other legal matter, you should immediately look for qualified lawyer as they are the professionals who guide you at every step.

Qualified Cobb criminal lawyers leave no stone unturned in providing you precise solution in criminal, serious felonies, misdemeanors and similar other legal matters. In other words, they provide you precise solution and legal help in DUI defense, civil litigation, juvenile crimes, white collar crimes, violent crimes, sex crimes, drug offenses, theft crimes, probation violation and the list goes on. For those facing criminal charges in Cobb County, it is very important to hire professional lawyers as they are the people who help you like a true friend and take you out of all the problems. First of all they go into the entire matter deeply and they find out the solutions.

Multiple counts of child molestation and sexual battery on a child, for instance, are one of the main crimes. The possible sentence of this crime may be lifetime imprisonment. If you are not wrong at your side or you want the decision in your favor, you are supposed to headed towards a reputed law firm that provide you comprehensive solutions in criminal legal matters. Cobb County criminal defense attorneys are the best legal helping hands for you ensuring that you have better way to get the right help in the entire criminal process. In addition, prosecution is endowed with aggressiveness and without leaving a stone unturned. In addition to this, qualified Cobb County criminal attorney also provides you with aggressive representation in courts in the most successful and impressive way. If one is trying to prove charges on you, then you need not worry about it as you will overcome them efficaciously and circumvent a conviction.

Why a DUI Attorney is a Good Investment


It is a given that hiring a DUI attorney is always better than
trying to go it alone in court. Driving under the influence laws can
vary considerably from state to state with some of these being very
severe in penalties. Having adequate legal representation is always the
best way to handle this kind of case.

This kind of case is not usually one in which people
can pay a fine and walk away from the situation. Most states have
multiple sentences that are handed out with each charge. While some of
these may be monetary only, others can limit or remove a person’s
ability to drive and have the potential for jail time. An experienced
lawyer will know what is possible for sentencing, know how to handle the
case and what to say in court that will work the best for the client.

In some states, there are also techniques that an attorney can use that
the average person cannot. One of these is the Department of Motor
Vehicle hearing process, which is available to Californians and in a few
other states. This process says that the accused has a ten-day window
of opportunity to request a hearing with the DMV that can question the
legitimacy of the DUI stop. The ordinary person would likely not know
what to do to manage this kind of hearing or how to obtain the right
evidence to support this claim. Having an attorney handle this kind of
hearing can be a good idea because if it succeeds, it will remove the
charge from the person’s record.

While many people are
embarrassed that they were charged with this kind of offense, that is
not the worst of it. This kind of charge often has long-term
consequences even after fines have been paid. One of the biggest impacts
people may suffer is long-term or even permanent loss of driver’s
licenses. This can really complicate life for many people, as they will
no longer be able to drive to work or to get medical care. It also
limits life on a practical and social basis for many.

The other problem with this is it almost always means increased costs
for car insurance. Most people will experience a jump in premiums but
some will also find that their insurance will be canceled.

Working with a DUI attorney is the only real way to handle this kind of
case. Most of the time there are too many variables and issues at stake
for an individual to handle their own case.

Three Things to Ask a Prospective Criminal Attorney


You’ve been arrested and are now facing serious felony criminal
charges. You’ve never been in trouble (or maybe you have) and you don’t
know what to do, but you know you hadn’t planned on being in jail this
Christmas. You know you need an attorney, but you don’t have any friends
or family that practice law and don’t know who to call. Regardless of
who you end up hiring, there are several basic questions that need to be
asked any attorney you interview to represent you.

1. Do you handle criminal law?

In days gone
by, many attorneys were “general practice” attorneys who you could call
if you were arrested, needed a divorce, wanted a Last Will and
Testament, or were injured in a car wreck. As the law has evolved and
become more complicated, it is now more common for attorneys and law
firms to focus on one or two areas of law. Many attorneys don’t
represent criminal defendants, or don’t handle criminal cases as a
regular part of their practice. Therefore, before you make a final
decision on an attorney you should probably ask them if they handle
criminal cases as a significant portion of their law practice.

2. Do you handle the type of case that I’ve been charged with?

Even within criminal attorneys, there are attorneys that specialize in
certain types of cases, and attorneys that refuse to handle cases
involving certain crimes. For instance, some criminal attorneys only
practice in State Court, while others also handle Federal Criminal
cases. Federal law is fairly standardized nationally and can be
drastically different than state criminal law practice. There are
attorneys whose focus is on handling federal criminal cases across the
country. Additionally, some attorneys refuse to handle various types of
cases such as DUI, murder or child sex cases due to that attorneys own
personal preferences or prejudices. So another question you should ask
before deciding on which attorney to hire is whether they handle the
type of case you are currently facing.

3. What kind of results have you obtained in cases similar to mine?

While you may have found an attorney that does handle criminal matters
that are similar to your case, you want to make sure that they have
handled such cases with good results for their clients. You may not want
to hire an attorney that routinely pleads all of their clients guilty
to lengthy prison sentences, as you may not be interested in pleading
guilty. You should want to determine if they have ever tried a similar
case to a jury, and what type of verdicts they have obtained. A
determination of the results your prospective attorney has obtained in
cases similar to yours will give you a good idea of that attorney’s
knowledge and comfort level in handling cases such as yours.

has been said that your decision who to hire to represent you in a
criminal case is one of the most important decisions you may make in
your life. Before making such a decision, you owe it to yourself to find
the answers to these

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney- Experienced Legal Services


A Chicago criminal defense attorney offers some of the best legal
assistance to defendants charged with various criminal or traffic issues
or in circumstances when their constitutional rights are threatened.
These attorneys are highly qualified and capable enough to defend their
clients whether charged with charged with a misdemeanor or felony
offense. Criminal defense attorneys are often approached by clients when
charged with a wide array of offenses from retail theft to burglary.

Criminal defense attorneys defend those charged with crimes including
petty offenses, DUI, battery and other such charges. A defense lawyer
offers legal assistance to the clients by helping them to achieve
justice. These lawyers concentrate in various areas of criminal law
which include theft, drug offense, domestic violence, indecent exposure
and so forth. People may be indicted or charged with various types of
cases related to pornography, criminal damage to property and unlawful
trespassing. The defense lawyers in Chicago are experienced enough to
handle all types of criminal cases.

Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney- Important Tips

It is important to maintain a professional relationship with the
attorneys to achieve the best representation. Lawyers should be
furnished with all the relevant details so that they can be successful
in their case. It is also pertinent to discuss the fees and the terms
and conditions before availing the services of a defense attorney.

What to Expect From the Criminal Defense Attorneys?

It is quite necessary to understand what to expect from a criminal
defense attorney before seeking their services. The attorney will meet
with the clients and build the case according to the facts as related by
the clients. A defense lawyer requires time to build a case as he needs
to gather relevant information regarding the case. The attorney
requires time to create a defense. All the details provided by the
clients are kept confidential by the attorneys.

The lawyers
represent the case in the court but the court system takes time to
provide a court date. However, in Chicago the criminal defense lawyers
can sometimes request for the case to be advanced or request a
continuance for more time to properly prepare the case.

criminal defense lawyers defend their clients before the judge and the
jury. They represent the clients and fight for justice aggressively. So
it is very important to choose from among the best criminal defense
lawyers in the state. It is also important to trust the attorneys as
they defend the clients in the best possible manner. The trials may take
a few days to a few weeks and a case may last months or sometimes even
years. When the client has a better understanding of the legal
procedures, it becomes easier to deal with the entire procedure.

Some of the best Chicago criminal defense attorneys affiliated with top
law firms charge competitive legal fees. The fees charged by these law
firms include flat charges rather than hourly charges. Some of the firms
offer various payment plans to their clients.

The Truths Top Criminal Law Attorneys Wish More People Were Aware Of


There are many “truths” that are helpful if you find yourself in need of a criminal defense attorney.

1.) Do not retain a criminal law attorney or DUI defense lawyer based upon the attorney’s office location.

many hard working people, it is simply easier to go to a local criminal
law attorney blocks away to make legal decisions that could land you or
a loved one in jail and/or effect one’s livelihood forever. While a
general practice attorney is often acceptable for non specialty areas
such as the drafting of wills, contacts, etc., criminal and drunk
driving defense has become a specialized field requiring unique training
and attention. For example, most police departments have officers who
are trained to do nothing other than pursue drunk driving arrests or
drug crimes. As a result, it is often critical that your attorney be one
that has devoted himself or herself exclusively to the practice of
criminal law or DUI defense with more training in the field than the
officer who has arrested you. In an age where most all top criminal or
DUI attorneys are accessible for free phone or computer consultations,
there is simply no reason not to consult with as many capable criminal
defense law attorneys as possible before making the all important
decision of who will defend you in a criminal court of law.

Be wary of a fee arrangement that requires you to pay a criminal law
attorney or drunk driving attorney base upon an hourly rate.

is often the practice of top criminal attorneys to have a client pay an
initial retainer fee for their criminal defense, followed by a detailed
fee for services performed beyond the initial retainer fee, or down
payment. While not a problem limited to criminal law attorneys or DUI
lawyers, a professional paid by the hour has a financial interest in
prolonging services for their financial benefit. Within the context of a
criminal prosecution, this financial arrangement can too often prove to
be a lose lose situation for an uniformed client. This is so because
not only is a client faced with the prospect of limitless and often
frivolous professional fees, but also the potential of creating
unnecessary conflict between defense counsel and a prosecutor who will
often attribute delays in settlement to a client who is punished for the
needless actions of a criminal arrest attorney with financial thoughts
on his mind not always consistent with an effective criminal defense.

Never speak to law enforcement without a criminal law attorney and be
especially pro active in retaining a criminal law or DUI defense lawyer
at your earliest opportunity

One who has been arrested for a
felony or misdemeanor crime or accused of a criminal offense must always
be aware that an arresting officer or detective is not your friend. No
matter the kindness and sympathy one in law enforcement may extend to
you, the fact that you are a professional, veteran of the armed forces
or contributor to the sheriff’s department is not going to legally aid
you in providing a legal defense. Only a rookie or inexperienced
detective or police officer will yell and scream at one being
investigated for a crime. Rather, an effective law enforcement officer
is usually trained in the art of gaining a suspect’s trust and in turn
the potential for an incriminating statement without the assistance of a
capable criminal defense law attorney to protect you. Do not let the
truth get in the way of reality. It is an officer’s job to thoroughly
scrutinize a statement given in good faith for any possible
discrepancies in an effort to incriminate one subjected to a criminal
investigation. Once that statement, no matter how innocently intended or
misinterpreted has been made, the job of your criminal law attorney has
been made infinitely more difficult. If you or a loved one is the
target of a criminal investigation and have not given a statement
without the presence of your criminal attorney, consider yourself
fortunate. You have the benefit of securing the services of a top
criminal defense lawyer prior to charging decisions and settlement
options being made within a prosecutor’s office.

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