Tag Archives: Georgia

Illegal Immigration Law Not Complied by The Agencies


The Government has made tough laws against Illegal immigration, which
basically includes people trying to enter the nation by illegal means.
The illegal immigrants cannot do this act alone, but they get support
from the agencies that are basically meant to promote legal immigration.

The government has laws which say that a person
caught entering the nation illegally or somebody who favors such an
entry would be detained for a period of as many as 10 years, he might
get imprisonment sentence or he might have to wait for a period of five
years to apply for permanent residency status and they may be declared
ineligible to come to Canada never again.

In spite of such a stringent law in place there are agencies that are not reported of not complying with the laws immigration.

Enforcement Review Board of Georgia has reported more than one thousand
cases against the agencies which are not complying with the laws of
Immigration system by the Government.

D.A King, an illegal
immigrant activist has suggested a change in Bill 87 so that the
Government employers with two or more employees are made to file annual
reports about their contractors and workers. This would help in
understanding if they have any immigrant and if at all he is illegal or

Most of the agencies have failed to submit a report on the accounts which they are supposed to submit by December 31.

The Officials have their logic of being overworked and unfamiliarity of law as the reasons for not filing the reports.

The auditors lack a complete list of Government agenciesthat have more or less than two employees.

per the list available with the auditors, the Agencies have been issued
a warning letter wherein they have been informed that the failure in
submitting reports would lead them to non-availability of grants and
also a fine or $5,000.

Chairman of Immigration Enforcement review
Board, Ben Vinson says, “It would be difficult for the board to take
action concerning so many agencies.”

He also said that his board
has reported cases against agencies that are helping Illegal immigrants
not only to enter the nation but also to stay here illegally, manage to
get a job and being sheltered. The agencies are helping the illegal
immigrants to travel within the city and earn moony for their survival.

board has appointed a committee of three members to look into the
various aspects of the complaint. The Committee would also investigate
the matter to understand the causes behind the same so that the
wrong-doers could be caught and punished.

Vinson has assured that “the committee would be asked to submit an interim report about this issue.”

complaint has rung a bell against the offenders and has also raised the
curtains behind which illegal immigrants have been imported for a
handful of employers who get their work done at a cheaper rate than they
could have.

A deeper investigation will throw light on the real issues pertaining to illegal immigration.

Get Legal Representation With The Help Of An Injury Attorney, Atlanta


Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to deal with an injury attorney? Atlanta is a big city in Georgia where day in and day out we come across cases of auto accidents, property damage, medical malpractice, and work related injuries. It is but inevitable that people would want to exercise their legal rights and claim the damages they have incurred in the form of compensation. If one expects to receive the compensation he or she deserves and that too in a speedy, hassle-free way, the engagement of services of an efficient injury attorney is an absolute must.

You might think that you could make your own case and represent yourself in the court of law. Well, that is possible but it does have its own drawbacks. First of all you are not a legal expert. You might gather all the information you need from books and from the internet. But you still lack the professional expertise that a legal representative would possess. There are several legalities and nuances that you might find difficult figuring out. On top of that, the physical, financial and emotional losses that you have faced would get in the way of a practical and comprehensive approach to the case from your end. You might miss out on tiny details that could in turn weaken your case. Besides, there is no real substitution for legal representation of an injury attorney who has had years of field experience and has handled various such cases of different natures and peculiarities.

Unknowingly you also could have already made your case weak by making some common mistakes such as giving a statement to your insurance company about the accident or talking about the accident to people who might indirectly cause you further damage. These are some of the things you need to avoid under all circumstances. A personal injury law firm is best approached to handle your case. You have every right to hire an attorney to get an honest and fair representation. It’s crucial to get the right advice and at the right time. This is something only an injury attorney can provide.

Look out for a law firm that has qualified, credited and licensed legal professionals. Most law firms take their payment on a contingency basis so you need not worry about making upfront payments. Take your time to discuss all angles of the case with your lawyer and brief him of all the facts surrounding your case. The more comprehensive and detailed information you provide the better will it be for you. So don’t trouble yourself further by wanting to do a self-representation. Avail the services of an injury attorney and stay hassle-free.

Injury attorney Atlanta – If you are suffering a personal injury in the Atlanta area and in need of a qualified injury attorney, Contact Darrell L. Burrow, Attorney at Law. They handles all serious personal injury cases in Atlanta.

DUI Defense Attorney in Georgia


Whenever a person is charged for the case of driving under the
influence, the first thing which comes in mind is about the experienced
and the efficient DUI defense attorney. Choosing the right and the best
DUI defense attorney is the most important part of every case because
your future totally depends on the lawyer whom you are hiring. Lawyer
should be reliable so that one can feel free to tell each and every
problem without any hesitation. As if your lawyer is aware of all your
problems then only he can guide you the best path to save you.

Laws of the state Georgia

person can be charged under the DUI laws if he or she is found with an
automobile driving under the influence of drug or alcohol. The penalties
under this crime are very harsh which can affect your life in a worse
way. Your license can be suspended or you may have to face imprisonment
or also you have to pay heavy fines. Having the best DUI attorney is the
most difficult work not in the place of Georgia because Georgia is the
place where Glen. P. Burn lawyer is present who can solve your DUI/DWI
case so efficiently. He is an expert and has experience of more than 15
years which he can use for your case and top represent you in the better
way in the court. If you hire the best lawyer, Glen. P. Burn it is sure
that you will definitely be able to save you as he has the power to
minimize the penalty which is imposed on you or also can save your life
from so many years of imprisonment.

A driver can be caught and
arrested by the police if the blood alcohol test is found less than the
0.05%. This is the minimum level which is declared so that person should
understand that it is very risky to drink and drive which affects the
life of the human being. The person can be tested in different ways
through checking the breathe of the person or the blood alcohol test.
For the commercial drivers the limit is 0.04

% because if it is not 0.04% than it may cause various hazardous
problems. The commercial drivers need to control themselves as they
drive too fast and if they drive under the influence than they may lose
control and can affect the life.

Penalties under the Georgia Law:

And so many other penalties and if you are caught again and again for
the same reason then you have to face the more difficult situations. So
if you are facing the situations of any of the crime doesn’t forget to
contact the best federal criminal defense attorney Glen. P. Burn, visit
the website http://www.glenburnlaw.com/ for further information.