Tag Archives: Immigration Act

Legal citizen of U.S requires a tough process, know about it


Dreams may be big or small for all, but dreams are seen by all. Everyone loves to be in a dreamy world and some people are so very determined about their dreams that they turn no stones unturned to make it happen. Elaborating of business is an aspiration for all. All the business people want to have a bigger platform for their business to expand. US are one of the biggest nations over the world. Everyone tries to own a place there so that their lives can be better and bigger as well. The availability of the platform in US is not found that easily. The process of getting US platform is very tough and a person has to go through a lot of rules and regulations to achieve it.

What is EB5 Investment?
Let us jot down some of the points that will make you get to know how about who to make your base over US. The first step to enter over the US world is through EB5 Investment Visa. This is the visa that is used for the foreign nationals for acquiring of the green card and become a legal citizen of United States. The process of getting this visa is not at all easy. For making your business appear in a bigger platform you have to appear for the investment visa. This visa act is created by the Immigration Act of 1990 and is considered as the United States visa. For obtaining that visa it is a long process and the person has to go through a detailed process mode. If anyone wants to obtain the visa then the individuals must invest $1,000,000 or at least $500,000 in a “Targeted Employment Area”, creating and preserving of atleast 10jobs for the U.S worker by each of the migrated company.ny.

Going through such a process will help you to get the EB5 Investment that will help you to acquire a great life and a prosperous business over the world’s most influential state. The business gets a great increase very easily. When you have acquired this then it can be made for sure that you will get a citizenship of the country as well. EB5 Green Card holders are found very rare and they have to go through a tedious process to posses it. Getting green card means that you have the rights to access all types of benefits for its citizens in US. Being a legal citizen is a great achievement for all who have acquired it. it helps the betterment of your life easily.

Now let us focus a bit on what does franchise opportunity all means. It is about to increase your business in a much easier way. The more the outlets of a business, the more its popularity and also the profit benefits are also increased very easily through this opportunity. In short it would not be wrong to say that business gets expanded when the franchises are more.

Illegal Immigration-Hot Topic in the World


For immigration purposes Marriage fraud is a misleading Union where a man and a woman will get married for the sole purpose of one of them obtaining permanent resident status in the United States or other countries. Many people see this type of marriage as a trade agreement between two people. On behalf on Immigration Marriage Fraud Act 1986 was amended by the Immigration Act of 1990 to permanently ban the marriage of a citizen of the United States to a foreign citizen for immigration purposes. Some even try to obtain residence by pretending to go through a genuine marriage. A person those not a U.S. citizen or who tried to make a fraudulent marriage for immigration purposes will be deported and can never be prevented from obtaining citizenship in the country.

There seems no end to illegal immigration news available to people today. As illegal immigration has become a hot topic in the U.S., there is an increasing amount of attention to illegal immigration and what rights they may have or not. The most important item of news about illegal immigration is the issue of whether there should be a path to citizenship for those who have lived illegally in the country for a period of time. This would give illegal immigrants the right to the benefits that some people do not feel they should enjoy where they lived illegally. The debate continues to follow the news and continues to build.

Many people do not realize that the request for help through a waiver, visa and / or change of status that makes them much more readily available to the immigration authorities, and in some event, open to the deportation and / or exclusion. Imagine paying filing fees and go through a cumbersome process of several months of detention by frauds and placed in proceedings before the immigration court! As for the exclusion and deportation, depending on your specific situation, you may be in danger of being detained in a correctional institution or be expelled and barred from the United States for a period of three to twenty years.

For further more knowledge of this topic please click on Global Visas Fraud Department.

Nitin Sharma works as Online Marketer at a British Company. He loves to write articles about Global Visas Fraud and in this way he has submitted many articles over internet. He aware people about the increased fraud cases now days.