Tag Archives: Los Angeles

Los Angeles Assault Attorney Explains California Assault and Battery Law


Assault and battery are frequently mentioned together as if they are
one crime. While the two crimes do go hand in hand, pursuant to
California law, they are different offenses. Assault occurs when a
person intentionally physically attacks another or threatens to cause
harm through physical force. To rise to the level of assault, the threat
must create such fear in the victim that it is perceived to be
authentic, imminent, and well-founded enough that the person who makes
the threat is perceived to likely follow through with the threat. No
actual physical harm is required or physical contact made for assault to
be accomplished. Battery, on the other hand, occurs when a person
intentionally makes physical contact with another and is responsible for
either striking another or causing some object to strike another
against that person’s will.

If you are arrested in an assault or battery incident, representation
by an experienced Los Angeles assault attorney is a necessity. People
who suffer bodily harm as the result of a violent incident or the threat
of physical harm are typically aggressive in the pursuit of justice as
such an incident is both emotionally devastating and traumatic.
Consequently, pursuing a criminal, and sometimes a civil, lawsuit
against the perceived perpetrator of an assault and/or battery may prove
to be cathartic-an argument not easily dismissed.

What Is and What Is Not an Assault

While most of us think of an assault or battery as a crime of
opportunity that occurs between strangers, most assault and battery
crimes occur in familiar places and involve familiar perpetrators. Most
often taking place at work, at home, and in vehicles, these types of
altercations often involve domestic violence, sexual assaults and
reckless motor vehicle operation. Usually defined by what an assault
and/or battery is, most allegations can be best defined as what an
assault or battery is not. For instance the following situations are not
considered to be assaults or batteries.

Every assault and battery is a matter of degree. Your Los Angeles
attorney is your best resource for determining if your situation rises
to the level of a crime of assault or battery. Consequently, for your
Los Angeles assault attorney to effectively represent you, you must
openly discuss the event that led to your arrest and provide all
details, good or bad, so your attorney can craft a solid strategic
defense for you.

One of the most important decisions you’ll make
if you are charged with assault or battery in Los Angeles, is who your
Los Angeles assault attorney will be. Having the right attorney who is
capable of earning your trust and assessing your case objectively will
prove to be your greatest asset when your case goes to trial. While
early representation is important when it comes to any criminal charge,
you’ll want to take your time choosing a Los Angeles assault attorney to
represent you. After all, it’s your future and your freedom at stake.

Experience, Price And Ability Are Important Factors When Choosing a Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer


Probably the most crucial decision you’ll make when charged with a
crime in Los Angeles is who your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney
will be. Issues you’ll want to consider include experience, price, and
ability. Also important is the personality of the lawyer and his or her
staff. A courteous, helpful, compassionate legal staff and an
experienced, trustworthy experienced defense attorney are both important
to the positive outcome of your case.

Things to Consider When Hiring a Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer

To determine who you want to defend your criminal charge, there are a number of things to consider that include:

Selecting a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer is a Very Personal Decision

Selecting a criminal defense lawyer is a very personal decision.
Ultimately, you are the person who must deal with the outcome of your
case. Thus, it is in your best interest to investigate any Los Angeles
criminal lawyer’s record and personality before hiring someone to
represent you in what could be one of the most important moments of your

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Los Angeles Ensure Right Justice For Their Clients


Pedestrians often fall victims to rash driving in the city areas.
Effective application of the existing laws can control this menace to
some extent as they tend to apply brakes on the irresponsible attitude
of the drivers. Accident lawyer acts as effective
partner to hasten the legal procedures involved in road accidents and
protect the rights of the affected pedestrians.

According to reports and surveys, it has been
notified that card drives in the great city of Los Angles often act as
truants without any regard for the pedestrians, cycle riders, children
and women. Their impatience and arrogance often leads to violent deaths
of the walkers or sometimes loss of limbs. Professional pedestrian accident lawyer Los Angeles
acts as true friend in need for the accident victims and their family
members as he/she best utilizes the existing laws to safeguard their due
compensations and acts as deterrent to the arrogant drivers. Generally,
hundreds of pedestrians are directly or indirectly affected by the rash
driving in Los Angles. The accident rate reaches its peak at the zones
of road intersections. Legal professionals here take the necessary steps
required to stop the rash driving menace and bring the perpetrators to
book and make them pay hefty financial compensation to the accident

Reports have revealed a startling fact. Children are
easy prey to the rash accident menace in Los angles. They are often
grievously injured if not loss their precious lives in such mishaps.
Survey has opened up another heart-wrenching data. Kids below the age of
4/5 involve approximately 40+ percent of accident deaths, involving
pedestrians. It is high time that responsible parents extensively guide
their children about road safety rules right from their tender age. They
should teach their kids that caution has no alternative while crossing
the major road intersections, especially during rush hours of the day.
It is suggested to look at either side of the roads while crossing the
road junctions. Moreover, it has been noticed that accidents occur more
frequently during festive times, especially during Christmas and
Halloween. Children should carry torch or flashlights during Halloween
nights as this occasion is known for high-level of traffic even during

the accidents, the insurance companies often misuse the ignorance of
the general victims. They often try to obtain a written disclaimer, duly
signed by the accident victim or his/her immediate family member that
drastically reduces the fair compensatory amount. Moreover, these
unscrupulous insurance organizations hanker for finalizing a hush-hush
deal with the pedestrian victim that leads the victim into a trap and
ignore his/her legitimate demand for availing medical costs, loss of
wages and other financial issues that may accompany the accidents.

Accident attorney
arrives at this crucial juncture to ensure fair ruling in favor of the
accident victims. The legal professionals not only bail their clients
out of complicated legal tangles but also safeguard their interests
within the shortest possible time. Their professional consultancy
service can also be availed right from home, if the family members of
the victim face it tough to move out and meet the lawyer at his/her

What Should You do if You’re Involved in a Pedestrian Accident


Imagine this: You’ve just dropped off a package at the post office and
are heading back to your car. As you step into the crosswalk, a car
turns the corner and slams into you. You wake up in the hospital bruised
and hurting, and with multiple injuries. You’re grateful to be alive,
but aside from trying to heal, what should you do?

Protect Yourself

The best first step you can take after a pedestrian accident is to hire
a good accident injury attorney. Why? Getting hit by a car causes
serious trauma to the human body, and, in fact, will likely result in
severe injuries like fractures, back and head injuries, damage to
internal organs, or even death. Depending on the type of injury
received, recovery could take a long time and involve physical therapy,
multiple surgeries, or permanent damage that can make it difficult to
work and enjoy activities of daily living. On top of dealing with
medical issues, many victims of pedestrian accidents find themselves
having serious financial worries as they try to sort out paid and unpaid
time off from work, possible job loss, and trying to negotiate for
bills to be paid by the driver’s auto coverage or their own health

Your Los Angeles personal injury lawyer will not only
help you handle negotiating the best settlement from the driver’s
insurance company, but will also act as your advocate during the
critical first hours and days after your accident happens. Your
pedestrian accident attorney will be able to ensure that the accident is
thoroughly investigated and that key evidence is documented and
preserved. This may mean contacting investigating police departments,
taking witness statements, and more. Your lawyer will also act as a
buffer between you and the driver’s insurance company, ensuring that any
statements you give will support your claims.

Finding a Good Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Picking a random attorney out of the Yellow Pages is probably not going
to get you the best representation. Instead, ask your friends, family,
colleagues or attorneys you’ve worked with in the past if they can
recommend someone. You can also turn to the local bar association for a
recommendation, but be sure to ask about their screening process, first,
as some will refer you to any attorney who meets minimum standards.
Don’t be afraid to use the internet to gather information on Los Angeles
personal injury lawyers, too: look at their websites and read about the
attorneys’ education, experience and approach to practicing law.

Once you’ve picked an accident injury attorney, set up an initial
consultation. Most attorneys offer this first meeting for free, but ask
about fees before scheduling your appointment; in general, an attorney
who charges for the initial consultation will also want you to pay a
retainer in advance, and therefore may not be worth your time to meet.

Prepare for your initial consultation by gathering together any
documentation you’ve received about the accident, such as police
reports, forms you’ve received from insurance companies, and so on. You
will want to ask about your attorney’s education, how long they’ve been
practicing, their experience with your type of case, whether they
typically represent the victim or the insurer in these kinds of cases,
and what fees and costs will be incurred if you choose them as your
pedestrian accident attorney. You may also want to ask about how they
will handle your case. For example, if you would prefer to settle out of
court for a lower amount than what they think they could get at trial,
would they honor your wish? Or if they think an offer is fair, would
they respect your desire to try for a higher amount by pressing for
trial? Once you have a good sense of how they work and what their
background is, you’ll be in a better position to decide whether to hire
them as your Los Angeles personal injury lawyer.

Having a
knowledgeable legal expert in your corner will make navigating the ins
and outs of your situation much easier. You will be assured that your
interests have a strong advocate, while being able to focus on
recovering from the accident itself.

When to Hire a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Los Angeles


Bicycle accidents happen on a daily basis, and they can cause
substantially more injury than you might think. Whether it is colliding
with another bike rider, tripping over something a person left on the
sidewalk, or even worse, colliding with a moving vehicle, hiring a Los
Angeles Bicycle Accident Attorney will usually be a good idea.

What to Do First

First of all, you’ll need to obtain the contact information of the
person responsible for your bicycle accident. If you ran into a moving
vehicle, hopefully you’ll be in a condition to get their insurance and
driver’s information too. In addition to contact information, you
definitely need to get the other person’s name.

What happened
during the accident? You need to write down exactly what happened: where
was the scene of the accident, what time of day, who was involved, what
were the weather conditions like, what were the traffic conditions like
and what you were doing right before the accident. You’ll also want to
take down any injuries that you have sustained, ranging from minor to
major ones. If you have to seek medical attention for anything alone,
that’s proof enough that you were injured. Nonetheless, you need to
write down the effect these injuries have had on you and take photos of

Lastly, do not fix your bike! If you were involved in a
bicycle accident, chances are high that the bike was damaged in some
shape or form. Take photos of the damage bike and keep it in its damaged
state until everything is over. If you give your bike to anyone, it
should only be to your attorney, which is what we will be discussing

Getting Help from an Attorney

The legal system surrounding a bicycle accident is really more complex
then you probably suspect it is. Consulting with a Los Angeles Bicycle
Accident attorney at the very least will help you navigate through the
complex legal system and help you understand both sides of the law. Even
so, spending the money to fully hire an attorney is usually the better

An attorney will give you advice on the best way to go
forward with the case, how to negotiate with your insurance companies,
can file paperwork for you, and will represent you in court in the event
of a lawsuit. A good attorney also will have worked throughout the
state of California and not just in Los Angeles, and will have worked on
multiple bicycle accidents throughout their career as well. Most
attorneys charge on an hourly basis, and will aggressively fight for all
of your rights in court.

The Law Office of William C. Behrndt Works for Many Parts of Family Law


The law office of William C. Behrndt has become a very notable office around Orange County and other surrounding parts of southern Los Angeles. A critical reason for this comes from how William C. Behrndt works with many kinds of legal cases in mind. These include many cases that deal with family law.

William C. Behrndt understands that family law deals with many points that involve not only adults but also children in mind. Therefore, the law office offers support for cases that relate to divorce, child custody and child support. Visitation rights are also reviewed by Behrndt and argued in a court to help ensure that a fair solution for both people in a divorce can be settled.

Cases involving adoption are also covered. These include cases that relate to attempting to make an adoption legal. This is a critical point to consider for a couple that is looking to adopt a child from a different country.

Divorce cases are also reviewed with monetary support in mind. This includes determining alimony payments. William C. Behrndt can work with either side of a case to help argue for or against an alimony payment based on the needs that a person may have.

Cases that involve actions that a child engages in can also be covered. These include juvenile court cases that involve a child being in trouble for any kind of legal issue.

Cases of abuse are also handled by Behrndt’s law office. Child abuse cases that involve intention harm to a child can be covered. Elder abuse from family members or even from some nursing or retirement homes can also be covered. These are critical cases that must be covered due to how the cases of elder abuse around the country have increased over the years.

Behrndt works with a large variety of partners that work with all of these different kinds of family law cases in mind. These include partners that understand all of the intricacies of different parts of family law. The rules that are used for getting people under control can vary but they are all used with the intention of making it a little easier for people to be supported from a legal standpoint.

It is important for anyone who needs help with family law concerns to contact the law office of William C. Behrndt for assistance. This office offers support for people who need to deal with different issues that involve divorce, abuse, legal payments and even adoption cases. These are all treated with care and as fairly as possible.

The Role of a Trustee in a Bankruptcy Case


Ok, you are getting a fresh start on your financial situation by
filing for bankruptcy. One of the important players that you are going
to be interacting with in the case is a bankruptcy trustee. A bankruptcy
trustee is a lawyer assigned to oversee your bankruptcy case. Their
role in the case differs as to whether your bankruptcy case is Chapter 7
or Chapter 13.

In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

In a
Chapter 7 liquidation case, a trustee is selected at random from a panel
of lawyers. Their main goal is to sell property and distribute the
proceeds to creditors. In this process, a trustee sits down with the
debtor during a “341 meeting” and asks them questions about their assets
and financial affairs. From there, trustees review bankruptcy documents
and is entitled to ask questions to find out if any nonexempt property,
assets, or items can be seized by the trustee and sold to satisfy

In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

In a
Chapter 13 reorganization, a trustee’s role differs somewhat from a
Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A debtor still meets with a trustee in a 341
meeting and is asked about assets and financial affairs. However, the trustee cannot take any of their property or assets.
Instead, they assess the bankruptcy plan to see if it fits technical
requirements and if it seems like it has a reasonable chance of success
in repayment. Additionally, many trustees in Chapter 13 offer financial
counseling and management.

A Reminder

is important to to remember a couple things about a bankruptcy trustee
in order for a case to run smoothly and carefully. First of all, they
aren’t your enemy who is seeking to suck you dry of all of your money.
Their main goal is not to pick through your possessions to sell them
off. In fact, most are quite reasonable people who are simply trying to
do their job. In relating to a trustee, a debtor first of all needs to
be honest. That includes an accurate listing of your assets because
inaccurate disclosure can lead to criminal prosecution and a loss of

Trustees are not the only aspect of a bankruptcy case
that is important to be informed about. If you are seriously considering
bankruptcy and you live in Los Angeles, you need to consult with an
attorney who understands California bankruptcy laws. Not all bankruptcy
attorneys are the same. While the process appears complicated, a Los
Angeles bankruptcy attorney will be able to help you understand your
options and avoid making bad decisions. You get one chance to file
bankruptcy right the first time. The attorneys at Borowitz & Clark
know what they’re doing, because bankruptcy is all they do. Unlike many
firms, they never leave a paralegal or secretary in charge of a case.
That’s why their cases succeed at such a high rate

Legal Proceedings of Los Angeles Car Accident Law Firm in Highways Accident


legal profession is one of subtle variations and amendments that keep
being incorporated from time to time. Hence it is extremely essential
for all lawyers to stay abreast of all such developments and aid their
clients in the best manner possible. After all it plays a significant
part in ensuring that the victim receives an appropriate compensation.
Besides a detailed know how on specific laws pertaining to automobile
accidents specially, comes of great help. This intricate information may
not be available with the common lawyers who work on all types of civil

such a mishap, it is often noticed that the naive victim is not sure
about how to go about recovering his claims and other expenses.
Furthermore pressured by mounting expenses, he is also caught in two
minds whether or not to opt for the expensive services of a specialized
car accident lawyer. It needs to be kept in mind that however exorbitant
the lawyer might seem to be, it is best advised that a car accident
lawyer in your local be appointed at the earliest to ensure a correct
process of any recovery. As the car accident lawyers are fully aware of
all deviations and variations of any situation dealing with car
accidents on roads, they leave no stone unturned in investigation
matters and other collaborative efforts for the client to benefit.

option of choosing the correct head for matters of compensation also
rests on the shoulders of the presiding lawyer. For instance the claim
can be under any category ranging from accounting the impact on the
victim’s job to something as diverse as medical and hospitalization
costs. The expert opinion comes in handy when the demand of the victim
can get rejected outright under one head but will yield all
reimbursements under another one. It is in these situations that rare
cases like damage to property, past and future sources of incomes, past
and future expenses incurred, psychological suffering, harassment caused
to family, security for the future and damage caused to other important
amenities in life are brought to consideration and thought.

legal angles result in multiple impacts coming from the same event. For
example, an auto accident can be claimed from both the insured company
as well as in the court on charges of lawsuit. However this is only
possible if there is a specific scope for such arrangements within the
framework of legal rights. This specialized knowledge is available only
under a well-experienced car accident law firm.

There is a
limited time frame for the victims to move court and press for these
charges. Hence the best option for all is to immediately appoint a
seasoned Los Angeles car accident lawyer with the entire responsibility
and help him with all the requisite information and help he needs. The
acumen to successfully deal with the arising complexities, to understand
and exploit their nuances to our benefit, comes only under their expert
guidance. With time a Los Angeles car accident lawyer adept at bringing
relief to the victim and also play an important role in helping him in
financial recovery and hence in getting his health back.

Los Angeles Family Law Attorneys – What to Look For


One of the dreams of each and every folks living in this world is to
get married and also build their own family. Family laws are passed to
make family ties stronger than in the past being it’s the fundamental
unit of the society.

Like almost any legal areas, there are plenty of
technicalities involved with family laws which are too complicated for
ordinary individuals to have an understanding of. So, the assistance of
legal professionals are highly required. In Los Angeles alone, you will
find several private practitioners as well as law firms. As you are in
chase for legitimate legal guidance from a family lawyer in Los Angeles,
this article will show you exactly how to choose the very best one.

An effective way of getting a number of hints with regards to the
greatest legal services is through referrals from friends or even
relatives who formerly employed the services of a great family lawyer in
Los Angeles.

In addition, you can do your own research just in
case you can’t find anyone who can offer you recommendations. Contact
details of countless private practitioners as well as law firms are
listed on yellow pages. Online directories are available, that is a lot
more convenient simply because besides contact numbers as well as
address, a map towards their office location is included. Enlist all
lawyers in the area having a good track record. Narrow down your list
out from the information you have collected about them.

Make it a
point that you will interview personally all of the attorneys you
include in your shortlist. Fundamentally, there’s always a free
consultation offered by far the most trusted family lawyer in Los
Angeles. Make use of the free consultation to assess how their staff
works as lawyers will usually entrust some assignments to them.

Be sure you listen carefully to what the attorneys have discussed to
you and also take note of it to enable you to have something to compare
later on and will serve as your basis for the final decision.

Among the things you look forward to get a family lawyer in Los Angeles
is experience. Cases just like divorce and also child support are very
complex, and can involve a tremendous amount of cash. Indeed, a
knowledgeable Los Angeles family law attorney knows how to deal with
your case perfectly which will enable you to winning the case.

When you have a case that involves monetary settlements, the lawyer will
guarantee you of getting exactly what is really for you. Itis also
vital to check the number of cases they’ve won or at any rate the cases
they’ve dealt with.

It may set you back a lot of money whenever
you employ the services of the excellent Los Angeles family law
attorney. Nonetheless, you should not think much of the expenses
involved if you’re looking for the very best legal assistance. Going for
the best is the only choice left if the risks are pretty huge.

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