Tag Archives: NY

Do High Net Worth Clients Benefit from Easy Soft New York Family Law Software


Easy Soft is pleased to announce the rollout of New York family law software : EzSupport-NY .

In the previous post, we touched on the comprehensiveness of this divorce law software . In another post, we discussed its intelligence in generating an accurate NY Statement of Net Worth .

As with all of our software, our new EzSupport NY divorce law software
captures all of the case information at the outset. That means that you
only have to enter new information once-and all subsequent court forms,
statements, and correspondence will record the names and roles
(plaintiff versus defendant) of parties, children’s names and ages,
assets, liabilities, and so forth. As with all of our family law software
, calculations and forms are all inclusive-along with technical support
and educational training. As with all of our legal software, a built-in
timer allows family lawyers to record their time spent on a given

But for high net worth clients-there’s an additional
benefit. For those with multiple bank accounts, cars, homes, etc.,
there’s no need to attach messy additional pages to the Statement.
There’s no need to break out the calculator, or Excel-and perform hand
calculations of a client’s net worth.

Not only does our NY family law software automate the necessary calculations in the Statement of Net Worth -ensuring razor-sharp accuracy-it also expands the statement indefinitely to include an unlimited number of expenses, assets, income and liabilities.

To wit, you can add each of the following-in infinite quantity:

You must Know About Your Criminal Defense Attorney


Criminal Justice System in New York is a complex matter. It is not very prudent to defend yourself if you are charged in any such case. You need an attorney who can present the best defense for you in the court of law. However, selecting a good attorney itself is very challenging and you must do certain checks before you hire a criminal defense attorney to defend you in a New York court of law.

Your attorney is open to -plead guilty’ option

If you have committed crime, your attorney should be open to exploring the option of pleading guilty in exchange for a reduced crime.

You will have an attorney personally looking after your case

An attorney handles more than one case at a time. If you hire a law firm, ensure that they assign one attorney for you. He should be your point of contact whenever you need to.

Attorney shares the plan and line of defense with you

Keep yourself informed about the progress and defense in your case. Don’t leave everything to your lawyer. Your attorney is open to discussion, ideas and suggestions

Hire an attorney who explains you and listens to you. He is a person who is open to suggestions and looks at every point of view before weighing his options.

Your attorney has been in this court

Hire an attorney who has practised in the court in New York where your case is being heard. The lawyer has good reputation in the court and it will be advantageous for you to be represented by such a lawyer. What are your duties?

For a good defense in your criminal case, you must – Provide a clear and complete account of the case, don’t hide anything. Listen to your lawyer’s questions without interrupting Provide clear and concise answers Don’t be hesitant in putting your point of view but let your attorney lead the defense Victory is not guaranteed. accept the fact that your attorney can only do his best Must cooperate with you attorney all the time Pay his fees and charges in time

If you have a case or any question, call him for a free initial consultation. Phone: 212.385.1961 Email: Address: The Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3601, New York, NY 10118 Web:

Custom Family Law Software


Computerization of operations in virtually all office applications
has meant a mushrooming of software developers. Professionals like
doctors and lawyers go in for these applications but if there is a flaw
or if the package lacks what they need, they discard it and go back to
manual operations. A case in point in family law software developed for
lawyers specializing in this field. Family law is intricate, involved
and touched by federal as well as state laws. Family law involves
divorce considerations, alimony payments, property division, child
support and various intricate calculations as well as documentation,
further complicated by State laws. A lawyer engaged in family law and
divorce needs a software package that meets his professional needs. If
he is in New York he needs a custom family law software that includes
documentation and calculations pertinent to this State.

Take the case of New York Family Law Software . In addition to the
usual features to calculate alimony and child support with tax
implications, the software for family law lawyers operating in this
state has to take care of generating New York divorce forms, New York
statement of net worth, child support worksheet UD-8 and other relevant
forms and documents in order that the NY family law software be of
practical use.

In the case of Pennsylvania family law software , a lawyer needs to
generate calculations and forms in respect of child and spouse support
in conformity with PA Guidelines 1910.16-1 through 1910.16-7 along with
customizable family law Pennsylvania law conformant income-statements,
expense statements, inventory, insurance, litigation documents and
everything else that is connected with family law litigation

Laws in Arizona have been revised in respect of child support amount.
Family law lawyers in Arizona need Arizona family law software to be
customized to include support order, assignments, child support
calculations, divorce case data, inventory of property and debts and
affidavit of financial information along with Arizona family law forms
in conformity with the State laws. Naturally, any lawyer practicing
family law in Arizona would want the Az family law software to have
these features otherwise it is worthless for him.

In addition to the custom requirements of each state, lawyers in the
field of family law appreciate the family law software being able to
come up with what if scenarios in respect of property and asset division
with tax implications, child support and alimony payments with the same
considerations so that they can present a client a complete picture of
his liabilities or how the litigation is likely to go if divorce
proceedings are initiated.

Lawyers in the field of family law also need to have a number of
forms and documents filled with relevant figures and data in a short
time. Family law software that has an easy to use interface allowing
input of data at one point and populating forms and documents across the
case with the same data makes for a lot of accuracy and time savings.
In addition, a feature that enables the lawyer to compile the entire
case papers in one folder helps archiving and easy access. Family law
software with these features and the ability to prepare documents and
convert them to PDF format that can be accessed anywhere and printed
easily are the ones that find favor. With mobiles and smart phones
becoming an increasingly regular part of professionals’ lives, software
that is smart phone friendly also benefits lawyers, helping them review
documents on the go. A family law software with all these features is
what lawyers should choose.

Different Scenarios Where Seek Help of an Immigration Lawyer


Citizen of every country has the liberty to travel and stay in other
countries, permanently or for a certain time period. Any legal matter
which may arise during the stay of the person in the country would call
for hiring an immigration attorney, who takes charge of that particular
legal matter.

Law structures of every country are different and highly complex in
nature. Therefore, to deal with these infinitely cumbersome matters, one
would require a professional who is expert in law practices. In a
country like USA where immigration laws are strict, individuals can
choose from a number of great lawyers in NY. Some of the scenarios which
call for an immigration attorney are:

Work permit and obtaining
visa: Every individual is required to obtain a visa for his/her family
in order to enter any country. The purpose can be work, study, business
or leisure. Attorneys work to get their visa application sanctioned in
order to obtain the visa. They assist in getting non-immigrant and
business visa as well.

Illegal stay: A
situation in which an immigrant resides on the basis of fake visa or a
person who has entered illegally is what these professional deal with.
Attorneys help in preparing non-immigrant paperwork and visas.

Assistance in becoming citizens: They assist foreigners in getting permanent citizenship of a country for which the client has applied for.

Apart from that, they also handle a scenario in which a client has
overstayed his/her visa. It means that they are staying even when their
visa has expired. This is called deportation. Professional would help
the client in renewal of the visa so that they can stay for an extended
or required duration with a legal visa.

International Adoption:
If a couple wishes to adopt children from another country need to get
in touch with an attorney of that country in order to fulfill the legal
formalities involved in adopting the child.

A scenario in which the citizen of a country has been accused of
smuggling foreign people illegally inside the country hires an attorney.
The immigration attorney would handle the case to defend him.

Political Asylum:
A person who feels unsafe in his/her own country due to the fear or
oppression or violence can seek shelter from any other country to ensure
his protection. Such a situation is called seeking political asylum. An
immigration attorney would ensure the safety and stay of the client in
that particular country in such a situation.

For immigrant or
citizens of Manhattan, facing legal issues regarding immigration, can
get in touch with a renowned and good lawyers in NY. These firms provide
proficient attorneys. Any person can hire them to settle down their
immigration matters.