Tag Archives: United States

Why and How to Choose The Right Immigration Attorney


Planning immigration? There would be pretty paperwork and legal
formalities involved. When you sit to get your forms prepared, you might
feel panicky with the quantity of work to be done. Migrating to a
different place brings a set of duties that you need to think about. You
can save yourself time and harassment by hiring an attorney for the
procedure who knows the process well.

If you want to keep yourself away from the wearing
hassle involved in the immigration process, you must be conscious of the
fact that dealing with it without help is hard. This is precisely why
you should hire a professional to help you with the procedure. There are
several attorneys and law companies to guide you.

If your case
is truly uncomplicated and you have little understanding of the
migration laws in your city then you may choose to handle things on your
own. In case you need to hire a professional, some factors should be
kept in mind before hiring. The professional who guides you on the legal
complications are called immigration attorneys. They are lawyers
specialized in all the immigration laws, and can guide people with the
lawful process of getting citizenship of a country. They have good
knowledge about the necessities pertaining to immigration to a country.

To migrate to a country like the United States, you will require the
legal supervision of such an expert. If you are scheduling migration to
Los Angeles you need to find the correct attorney. This Immigration
Attorney Los Angeles will guide you through the laws and regulations
associated with immigration in the United States. There are many easily
available legal representatives for different services. These
experienced attorneys go an extra mile to make sure your path to
acquiring a US work visa, or green card a smooth one.

Once you
have decided to be assisted by an expert decided there are a certain
important factors that you must consider before proceeding. You have to
keep in mind that finding the right lawyer is very important. The right
professional can prove to be significantly helpful while an incompetent
one may just add to your difficulties. When choosing an attorney for
immigration, it is always advised to contact associates who have been
through the process. You will be able to learn about the reputation of
different attorneys and, accordingly, choose the best out of the
available alternatives.

Truck – Bicycle Accidents


No one wants to imagine the consequences of a truck accident.
But one of the most frightening prospects is a collision involving a
large semi truck or tractor trailer and a bicycle rider.

In any
truck accident, the bicyclist is at a great disadvantage because the
truck is big, heavy, and usually moving fast. As a result, the bicycle
rider is at grave risk of severe, or even fatal, injuries.

facts are shocking. In the United States, 41,000 bicyclists were
injured in traffic accidents in 2004, and 725 of these cyclists died.
Of all non-motorists killed in highway crashes, one out of every eight
was a bicycle rider.

Cyclists under age 16 account for 21% of the
deaths and 32% of the injuries in traffic accidents. At the same time,
the proportion of adult victims has increased in the past decade, as
more Americans rely on bicycles for local transportation and exercise.
Regardless of the bicyclist’s age or circumstances, the results of a
collision with a truck can be devastating.

If the victim survives
the truck accident, he or she may lose substantial income from work or
time from school. The bicyclist could have to cope with severe
injuries, major surgery, extensive rehabilitation, or even lasting

In short, a serious truck accident can change the victim’s life — temporarily — or permanently.

you or a family member is a bicyclist involved in a truck accident, you
need to protect your legal rights. Consult an experienced truck
accident attorney, before you talk with the insurance company of the
person at fault. If you sign the wrong papers, you may give up all your
legal claims for payment of medical bills and lost income, as well as
compensation for the pain and suffering caused by the truck accident.

truck accidents, injured bicyclists and their families tend to focus on
their physical, emotional, or financial challenges. Nevertheless, the
time that truck accident law allows an adult — or a child — to act to
preserve legal rights starts to run from the day of the truck accident.

you or a loved one was injured in a truck accident, make the time to
talk with an experienced truck accident lawyer immediately.

What Is The Ellis Island Immigration Facility


The Ellis Island Immigrant Facility was the main entry point immigrants had to pass through, from January 1, 1892, until November 12, 1954, in order to enter the United States. It was here that all transatlantic immigrants were inspected, processed, and sometimes held in quarantine About 2% of immigrants were not allowed entry to the United States, and were returned to their home country, earning Ellis Island the nicknames The Island of Tears and Heartbreak Island.

Ellis Island is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, in New York Harbor, between Jersey City, New Jersey, and New York City, New York. It was originally called Little Oyster Island, and was later named after the man who first owned it, Samuel Ellis.

Prior to 1891, the Castle Garden Immigration Depot in Manhattan was used to process immigrants entering the United States.

Immigrants disembarking onto Ellis Island were viewed by doctors; those who were visibly sick or had obvious medical needs had symbols marked on their clothing in chalk. For example, if a woman was obviously pregnant, the letter PG would be chalked on her clothing; the letter C signified conjunctivitis; an X meant the immigrant was suspected of having mental illness; a circled X meant the immigrant displayed definite symptoms of mental illness.

Some managed to enter the country by turning their clothing inside out or slyly wiping the marks off. For healthy immigrants it generally took from two to five hours to be processed before being admitted into the United States.

For those less fortunate, those who appeared to be ill in either mind or body, the process could take days in the facility hospital. Many of the sick died in the hospital. Immigrants with contagious disease, insanity, or criminal background were rejected; so, too, were those unable to work or without any viable skills.

Some of the buildings on Ellis Island were damaged during World War I, but the facility was still used to intern some enemies, as well as process returning injured or sick U.S. soldiers.

The year 1907 was a busy one for the facility: more than a million immigrants were processed. Mid-April of that year saw a day where nearly 12,000 immigrants were processed. But after the Immigration Act of 1924, which restricted immigration and also allowed processing at embassies over seas, Ellis Island became mainly a detention and deportation processing facility.

Today, Ellis Island is a national landmark and historic site and houses a museum.

Legal citizen of U.S requires a tough process, know about it


Dreams may be big or small for all, but dreams are seen by all. Everyone loves to be in a dreamy world and some people are so very determined about their dreams that they turn no stones unturned to make it happen. Elaborating of business is an aspiration for all. All the business people want to have a bigger platform for their business to expand. US are one of the biggest nations over the world. Everyone tries to own a place there so that their lives can be better and bigger as well. The availability of the platform in US is not found that easily. The process of getting US platform is very tough and a person has to go through a lot of rules and regulations to achieve it.

What is EB5 Investment?
Let us jot down some of the points that will make you get to know how about who to make your base over US. The first step to enter over the US world is through EB5 Investment Visa. This is the visa that is used for the foreign nationals for acquiring of the green card and become a legal citizen of United States. The process of getting this visa is not at all easy. For making your business appear in a bigger platform you have to appear for the investment visa. This visa act is created by the Immigration Act of 1990 and is considered as the United States visa. For obtaining that visa it is a long process and the person has to go through a detailed process mode. If anyone wants to obtain the visa then the individuals must invest $1,000,000 or at least $500,000 in a “Targeted Employment Area”, creating and preserving of atleast 10jobs for the U.S worker by each of the migrated company.ny.

Going through such a process will help you to get the EB5 Investment that will help you to acquire a great life and a prosperous business over the world’s most influential state. The business gets a great increase very easily. When you have acquired this then it can be made for sure that you will get a citizenship of the country as well. EB5 Green Card holders are found very rare and they have to go through a tedious process to posses it. Getting green card means that you have the rights to access all types of benefits for its citizens in US. Being a legal citizen is a great achievement for all who have acquired it. it helps the betterment of your life easily.

Now let us focus a bit on what does franchise opportunity all means. It is about to increase your business in a much easier way. The more the outlets of a business, the more its popularity and also the profit benefits are also increased very easily through this opportunity. In short it would not be wrong to say that business gets expanded when the franchises are more.

Family Law Software Provides Equitable Solutions


law is complicated across the United States, with each state having its
own set of regulations all of which a family law lawyer has to keep in
mind when handling family law issues, separation, divorce, child support
and spousal support as also property settlement and distribution of
assets. No doubt vendors are offering a variety of family law software
targeted at lawyers and designed to make their life easy but software
developers are not lawyers and cannot be expected to know the finer
points of daily operations going on in a lawyer’s office. Consider
family law software developed with the help of experienced lawyers and
you have something that really meets all expectations of attorneys
engaged in family law matters. It has been designed to make the
attorney’s life easy, help him with all documents, forms and
calculations and do the best for his client. Family law software is not
only desirable, it is indispensable in today’s context.

engaged in family law matters certainly appreciate the Family Docs
module of the New Jersey Family Law Software permitting entry of data at
a single, central point and then populating all family law forms and
documents with this data. It is easy to review all the documents
compiled in a central folder and then output them as Word or PDF
documents or even sent them through email from within the application.

law software eases burden on the lawyer and streamlines workflow,
automating these repetitive and time consuming tasks. Computerized
calculation of support worksheets, equitable distribution and child
support give finely balanced accurate estimations free of errors. This
keeps lawyers safeguarded and clients happy at the optimized, equitable

beauty of this family law software family is the inclusion of divorce
settlement program for all 50 states of the US . The family law attorney
can arrive at the best tax optimized settlements, carry out alimony
calculation and analysis, compare alimony to child support with trade
offs, pension valuation, alimony buyout, asset/liability distribution
and lifestyle analysis computations. All these are done within the
software in a few simple steps.

From a client’s point of view,
family law software gives the best of what if scenarios and from a
lawyer’s side, it eases him of all the various calculations and
compliances and leaves him free to concentrate on handling more cases
translating to higher revenues.

What Is The Role Of The Federal Government In Criminal Law


Criminal law is an area of law that is normally reserved to the states. The federal government pursues its own investigations in cases that are primarily interstate criminal operations and often work with the specific states in large investigations, but the federal government prosecution always reigns supreme in any criminal charge. If the federal government deems that a legal issue is solely a jurisdictional responsibility for the state, then the state case normally is allowed to proceed.

If an investigation is extensive across a significant number of state boundaries the charges are then filed in federal district court in the federal judicial offices nearest to the illegal activity. Federal charges are adjudicated by different sentencing and conviction guidelines and the dispensation of punishment is different in terms of probation and parole. Federal sentencing guidelines normally require at least some level of incarcerated punishment, but this is not always the case. In the event that the defendant has had convictions in the past, the eligibility for probation is significantly compromised. There are situations where judges can exercise judicial latitude when the threat to public safety is low. Rarely are cases totally dismissed.

The majority of all criminal convictions are delivered in state courts, primarily because no one lives “federally.” Though the perpetrators are in the United States, everyone has a local state residence also and the prosecuting police agency determines the court of jurisdiction by location of the criminal incident. There are some situations where actions in a state are deemed legal by state statute, but unlawful by federal law. The most common example of this occurrence is the medical marijuana movement across the nation. The Department of Justice is currently initiating a program of prosecuting medical marijuana dispensaries in states that have decriminalized marijuana possession based on medical need, claiming sovereignty over state statute by virtue of the federal contraband status of marijuana possession and sale.

Additionally, prosecution conflicts can occur when federal authorities enter into plea agreements with defendants that preclude any state prosecutions at the lower court level. This can be highly problematic for state judicial systems because these cases often include white-collar corporate crimes where the states would also have the standing to sue the defendant in civil court on behalf of victims in their states who were involved, often unbeknownst to the victim until it is too late.

A primary example of this situation is the current plea arrangement being sought in federal court by a number of banks under prosecution by the Securities Exchange Commission. The agreement being sought by the defendants and the SEC would suppress any consequent inferior state prosecutions and eliminate the civil tort standing of the actual victims of the crime. Federal law is sovereign to state law because of state incorporation to the non-governmental guarantees provided in the U. S. Constitution.

Tips to Find the Right Immigration Attorney in Philadelphia


To do well in an immigration procedure in the United States of America,
it is highly suggested to hire an experienced immigration attorney.
However, it is not mandatory, but it is well known fact that an
immigration attorney can help in successfully clearing the immigration
process. You can simply come across thousands of lawyers offering this
service from the internet, newspaper and references from relatives or
friends, but it is very important to find a right immigration attorney.
However, trusting anyone randomly is not the right practices. You should
find a professional and experienced attorney and make sure that he is
the best one for you. Here are some of the factors that you should
consider while hiring an attorney that can meet your expectations and

Ask For Recommendations

The very first thing you should do is to speak or schedule a face to
face interview interviews with an experienced immigration attorney
recommended by the person you trust and who has had a personal
experience of working with him. It is always good to start with the one
who is good to trust and easy to approach when you are in need. Go for
good references from your family members and friends who personally know
any lawyer who can help you.

Get Reference From Local US Embassy

You can also get some good references of lawyer from the local US
embassy. It can get a list of experienced immigration attorneys that you
can consider contacting them whenever you are starting your hunt for
the right one. Although, they cannot suggest you who is the best person
to contact, but at least you can get names of some reliable attorneys
who have already helped other people in immigrating before.

Check Does He Carry On With Immigration Law

Make sure that the lawyer you are interested in contacting is well
aware of immigration law imposed in the state you are interested in
criminal to. Also, he should be an established board member in that
state so that he can help you in shifting to the new state and start a
new life. Note that various states in US have various needs for
immigrants. So, it is important that your lawyer keep up with
immigration law of all the states.

Consider these factors while
hiring an criminal attorney can help you in ending up contacting a right
person. Clearing the formalities of immigration process of any state is
not an easy job. So, when you need to shift to any other state, make
sure to take the help of an expert lawyer who can make this process
easier for you.

Hiring An Elder Law Attorney to Represent Your Loved One’s Interest


Did you know that in the United States, a significant portion of the aging population who live in assisted care facilities are often mistreated? If you need to place your elderly loved ones into a nursing home or some other kind of assisted living facility, you need to make sure you screen your options first. You should also start searching for a good elder law attorney to help protect your loved one’s rights.

Even if your loved one isn’t staying in an assisted living facility, you should still know of a good elder law attorney you can go to. Having reliable legal representation is tremendously beneficial for senior citizens. This legal professional can help them with final arrangements, estate planning, insurance issues and any other legal affairs that need to be taken care of.

Regardless of the situation, you should do your best to choose an elder law attorney that has a lot of experience with cases that involve senior citizens. A good way to find experienced representation is to go online and look for names and contact information for several professionals in the field. Make appointments to meet and discuss your loved one’s situation with them, If it’s possible, ask your loved ones to come along. That way, they can be involved in the decision process and get to know their legal representation.

There are many different ways that your loved ones can be taken advantage of and dealing with the consequences of that can be very challenging, time consuming and frustrating. Don’t let others mistreat your loved one. Protect them by finding and contacting a good elder law attorney. Check with your state’s bar Association and legal aid organization. Make a list of professionals you can turn to in order to get your loved one the best legal representation.

Don’t let money deter you from finding good legal help. Many professionals in this field offer flexible payment arrangements so that you don’t have to worry about finances while you are receiving legal guidance. Be prepared to protect yourself and your loved one so that their rights are not abused. Give your loved one a voice so that they are heard, recognized and acknowledged. Just because your loved one is older in age doesn’t mean that they are any less important than anyone else. Improve the value and quality of treatment your loved one receives by hiring a good elder law attorney to represent their interests.

Looking for an elder law attorney? Grand Rapids, MI residents can find helpful information here: .

Fixing The House Or Breaking The Law The Scoop On Hiring An Illegal Maid


An illegal immigrant is a person who has crossed a national border in any manner that violates the laws of immigration. People do this for a variety of reasons. Some feel this is their way out of poverty. They come to the United States to look for work. You may come across someone like this who seems to need your help. Perhaps you are looking for an affordable way to keep your home clean. You may consider the possibility of hiring an illegal immigrant as a maid. In that scenario, it would seem that both parties have something to gain.

Is it Wrong to Hire an Illegal Immigrant Maid?

On one hand, seeing a person in a desperate situation can naturally make a person want to help. The person may be very nice and just in a bad predicament. Your job offer could help feed this person’s family. Another reason people may wish to hire an illegal immigrant as a maid is to possibly get the labor for a lower amount than they would normally pay, because an illegal immigrant will not report them for substandard pay due to having an illegal status.

On the other hand, when considering whether or not to hire an illegal immigrant maid, it is important to remember that there are consequences that can go along with offering that help. Consider the fact that if you do, you could possibly be charged with a felony.

An alternative does exist in encouraging this person to apply for the guest worker program, which, if approved, would allow an illegal immigrant to remain legally employed without the risk of deportation. The guest worker program is a way for illegal immigrants to temporarily remain in the U.S. for employment purposes. Qualifying for the guest worker program will take away the risk of deportation.


As mentioned on FairUS.org, knowingly encouraging or harboring an illegal alien, by assisting him or her in finding work or by providing employment, is a violation of federal law. Employment is defined as any service or labor. Is a maid considered an employee? The answer is not simple. Some may consider maid services to be domestic services.

According to The Boston Globe, a border protection chief is facing criminal charges for hiring illegal immigrants as maids. Perhaps a solution for him before hiring these maids could have been to encourage the illegal immigrants to apply for the guest worker program. If they had been approved, they could have been legally employed by him.

White Collar Criminal Lawyer New York


The term white-collar crime was coined in 1939 by sociologist Edwin Sutherland. The term encompasses nonviolent criminal offenses that are committed in a business or professional setting to achieve financial gain. White-collar crimes are committed by people in the context of their occupation.

Below is the list of some common types of crime that fall under this category:

Bank Fraud


Bankruptcy Fraud

Computer Fraud


Credit Card Fraud


Economic Espionage


Insurance Fraud

Money Laundering


Securities Fraud

Tax Evasion

Under jurisdiction of the FBI, crimes of this nature are “illegal acts which are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust, and which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence.” There are many controversies surrounding the convictions and penalties between white-collar crime suspects versus blue collar crime suspects. As white collar crimes are typically nonviolent and involve individuals of a higher class, convicts receive shorter sentences and nicer prison accommodations than their blue collar counterparts. But in few big fraud cases, some convicts have received sentences for life in prison, along with huge court-ordered fines and restitution payments.

While the charge depends on the size of the illegal operation and the degree of involvement for each individual, committing a white collar crime typically results in a felony charge. In the United States, sentences for white-collar crimes may include a combination of imprisonment, fines, restitution, community service, disgorgement, probation, or other alternative punishment.

For serious white collar offenses, you need a serious defense. A white collar attorney in NY understands that your case may be complicated, atypical, and in need of personalized representation. If you have concerns with white-collar crimes, you can contact white-collar criminal lawyers New York Paul D. Petrus, Jr. by phone at 212-564-2440 or visit www.petruslaw.com. Mr. Petrus, through hard work and a personal touch, will build a defense for you. NYC white-collar lawyer Paul D. Petrus, Jr. is dedicated to providing individually tailored legal solutions in the areas of white-collar criminal defense litigation, internal investigations, and corporate compliance.

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