Tag Archives: USA

Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer


Divorce can be a nasty experience, even if you and your former spouse separated ways in good terms. Even after the decision to separate has been made, it still involves a lot of work to finalize, notwithstanding the heartaches and headaches that you have to deal with. As far as the legal issues are concerned, the processes for legal separation do vary from state to state across the continental USA.

Now if you are divorcing in Florida there are some specific issues you need to be aware of and prepare for. These differ from other states and it should be noted that a lawyer that is well versed in the divorce laws can really help you navigate through this minefield.

The Divorce Basics in Florida

First off, you need to get proper representation from a Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer to aid you in the process. You should be aware that divorcing in the state of Florida is fairly uncomplicated if there are no minor children involved in the case. This is because there will not be any involvement of the family court system, which is where custodial issues are addressed. So long as there are no minor offspring involved you and your former partner can simply apply for a -dissolution of marriage-

There are, of course, certain requirements in order to be eligible for a simplified dissolution process however it is relatively simple – you and your spouse must be residents of Florida for a minimum of 6 months. As long as this is met, you can file your application and cite the reason behind the split as -irreconcilable differences- since Florida law does not require the specific reasons behind the separation. In other words, you need not air your dirty laundry to the public.

Once both parties have submitted their written consent and have made an agreement for the division of assets, the marriage can be quickly dissolved by Florida’s divorce court even without a formalized trial. In the event that one of the divorcing parties does not give their consent, the court will likely give an order to have you and your partner go through marriage counselling before they will agree to dissolve the marriage.

Division of Family Assets

Under Florida Law, all assets, estates, and other property that have been acquired by the couple while they were married will be divided equally with the exception of cases wherein there is a pre-nuptial agreement that stipulates otherwise. Any asset or income accumulated before the marriage is exempt from the proceedings.

There is one exception to the -equal division- law. This circumstance is when the court chooses to give preference to one of the spouses for the ownership of certain assets as per a -special reason for that particular spouse to hold on to certain property-. An example of this is when the court determines that one of the parties gets the family home because he or she has been given custody of the minor children, if there are any. These circumstances are fairly logical in nature and your attorney can help you through these issues.

To know more about divorce proceedings in the state of Florida and to protect your right and those of your children, acquire the services of Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer today.

Achieve Your Dream Law Office With Effective Law Billing Software


Are you also a victim of this tragic scenario? You are a full-time lawyer. You know that your days on earth are not on an increasing basis and so you want to maintain your law inclination. You think that your goal will be materialized through pioneering or building up a law firm or a certain law office which shall provide the citizens near your parameter and beyond. You are aiming (with your law firm) to provide your nearest citizenry with an explicit service regarding law paraphernalia, law nature, certain legalities on specific legal matter and how it circles around the greatness and complexities of the entire society. With your goal of securing your future as well as the others when it comes to law services provisions, you want everything to be materialized with great value of professionalism and high mark of excellence. But due to the fact that you do not know where to start, you engaged yourself on an extreme hunt for something or someone to help and assist you to materialize with your goals.

You are already a lawyer, and if ever you are type who has pride in everything that you are engaged with there this one amazing stuff that you should cling on-legal software. Legal software are also of different types and they are namely such as: attorney billing software, law firm management software, law practice management software, law practice software and law software. Most of this software was designed to manage certain cases and records. As well as tasks like billing, bookkeeping, forming schedules and appointments, meeting deadlines, computer filing and to facilitate any compliance such as those with and strict compliance with document retention policies and electronic filing usually performed by courts.

The use of law software is really a growing business in certain powerful areas such as USA and UK. This is due to the highly competitive market to gain customers. Legal Software is the industry body for legal software systems developers, vendors and business enthusiast in the internetwork industry.

Everything in this world has a purpose and so does the law software do. Because law schools do not generally teach their prospected attorneys with business skills to run a law office, many offices have turned to technology to ease the learning curve and reduce clerical errors. That is why, the dire need for an investment in software tools can yield to a long term savings in defending against such claims. Moreover, the main purpose of these programs is to allow a law firm run and operate smoothly and with high level of efficiency.

Immigration Benefits The Nation or The Immigrants More


Most of the developed countries have a major percentage of their
population occupied by the immigrants. Most of the countries like USA,
Canada, Australia and UK have considerable number of immigrants who make
their presence felt in every corner of these countries. Immigration has
made the world a small globe wherein people can move freely from one
end to the other as per requirement and wish.

The much debated issue is whether the concept of
“Immigration” benefits the nation where the immigrants come or it
extends larger benefits to the immigrants themselves.

The Benefits Immigrants enjoy

come from various other nations which supposedly have lesser job
opportunities and narrower options of earning a good livelihood. The
other optionsAmy include the facility available at various Universities
in the developed countries and even the lifestyle which is different and
free from “social judgement”.

The pay outs better in developed
countries than the underdeveloped countries; the hard work is
reciprocated with a better remuneration.

There are world class
universities which have all modern technology to impart education.
International students learn a great deal and earn a degree which is
recognized worldwide. In fact, many of these countries have the option
of offering jobs to the pass out students which makes things easier for
them. The social structure is also quite different in these countries as
it allows everyone to live in his own way.

Benefits that nation get out of Immigration

of the developed countries have galore of options available on job
front but their own natives sometimes do not take them up, as they are
either not happy with the timings or with the remuneration.

The immigrants pick up those jobs at a lesser pay out and are ready to work for even more number of hours.

skilled workers meet ends on behalf of these nations and come with new
inventionsintotheir respective fields which are credited to the country
and rarely to the immigrant.

Immigrant investors bring money
toinvest in foreign country ether by strengthening their economy. Even
the internationals students contribute majorly to their economy by
creating huge revenues teach and every University which enrols foreign

The contention

Why You May Need An Attorney That Specializes in DWIDUI


In all the fifty states of the USA, law forbids the driving of any vehicle while being intoxicated with alcohol or any other such substance. This violation is referred to as Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in some states, while other states refer to it as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Drivers charged for DWI/DUI usually seek the help of a professional DWI attorney, a lawyer who deals with such cases and who agrees to argue the case of the driver that is accused during all legal trials.

Firstly, a DWI attorney is a legal representative who is authorized to carry out the law in the same state in which the alleged felony occurred. Just as how other legal representatives may handle cases of personal injury or domestic violence, a DWI attorney chooses to specialize in cases of accusations of driving while drunk. This usually means that the speech and application of the laws concerning DWI in the State, have been studied by the lawyer and he or she is believed to be able to effectively defend a client faced with such charges.

While the trial is in session, a DWI attorney will question the process’s legality which was carried out by the officer who carried the arrest. For instance, the police officer may have failed to inform the defendant of his rights. The tests for determining intoxication may not have been carried out on an even surface or under conditions that were not very ideal. It could be that the defendant was exhausted at the time, or may have been suffering from illnesses such as hypoglycemia of diabetes.

The alcohol blood test results may also be disputed by the DWI attorney. The breathalyzer may have been incorrectly adjusted, which makes the reading incorrect. The test may have been wrongly administered by the officer, or the driver may have a medical condition which may have caused high levels of alcohol to have been registered. The sample collected for the blood test while the accused was imprisoned may have been contaminated, processed improperly, or switched with a different sample. Although these implications of police conspiracy or incompetence seem unfounded and implausible, a DWI attorney is obligated to present them as legal defenses.

After the arguments of both sides have been presented in the presence of a judge or a jury, or even both, the defendant may then be deemed not guilty or guilty of Driving While Intoxicated. If he or she is deemed guilty, the DWI lawyer may attempt to obtain a sentence that is lenient based on the extenuating circumstances of the defendant or his or willingness to get treated for alcoholism.

Jhon Ford is the author of this article. For more information about Baton Rouge dui lawyer please visit

Different between immigration and non-immigration visa


The foreign citizen interested to live in the USA permanently to work or to live. An immigrant visa gives all privileges like a normal US citizen. The non-immigrant visa issued to foreign citizens for temporary bases like travelling, tourism, business and education with limited privileges. The US consulate provides the Visa either immigration or non-immigration visa is depend upon the purpose. Non-immigrant visa is granted by the Department of Homeland Security Office.

Present Non immigration visa has more than twenty non-immigrant visas for temporary usage. Depend upon the reason US consulate temporarily provides appropriate non Immigration visas. Some of the non-immigrant visas: >

A transit C-1 visa is a temporary transit visa when you are going to another foreign country through the United States and your final destination is not a United States.

The B1 visa is a temporary visiting visa for either business or work and come back to your home country after completing work. B2 visa is a tourist visa with pleasure. With pleasure you go to the USA for tourism purpose like a honeymoon or tourism and more.

The F1 visa: is study visa. The student interested to go to the USA for the higher education purpose and come back to their motherland after completing your education. You must qualify TOFEL test to get F1 visa.

In this way have a lot of non-immigration visas. All non-immigrant visas are having a temporary limited period of time. Mostly US Department provides Australian (E-3) visa, border crossing card for Mexican travels.

Immigration visas: The visa for Live and Work in the USA permanently without any restrictions as a home country is legally called an Immigration visa.

The first step to get immigration visa is Visa sponsors petition to the USCIS for permanent residency. (United Stages Citizenship and Immigration Services simply called USCIS) Once USCIS has approved that petition, then it is forward to the NVC (National Visa Centre) further process to check petitioner is eligible or not.

The NVC center first instructs and analyzes the required applications to complete the visa application. Green card holders are the best example for immigration visa holders.

Most of the immigration categories are family sponsorship and employment sponsorship. It is also possible to upgrade non-immigrant visa holders as immigration visa holders. You can get non immigrant visas easily and quickly, but immigration visas are taken long period to get a green card.

Each and every visa have a certain limited number of visas either immigration or non-immigrant visas. If petitions are crossed the number of petitions, that petition is under waiting list and it will delay to approve that petition.

More info contact Immigration Attorney or at call 718-263-5999 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Different Scenarios Where Seek Help of an Immigration Lawyer


Citizen of every country has the liberty to travel and stay in other
countries, permanently or for a certain time period. Any legal matter
which may arise during the stay of the person in the country would call
for hiring an immigration attorney, who takes charge of that particular
legal matter.

Law structures of every country are different and highly complex in
nature. Therefore, to deal with these infinitely cumbersome matters, one
would require a professional who is expert in law practices. In a
country like USA where immigration laws are strict, individuals can
choose from a number of great lawyers in NY. Some of the scenarios which
call for an immigration attorney are:

Work permit and obtaining
visa: Every individual is required to obtain a visa for his/her family
in order to enter any country. The purpose can be work, study, business
or leisure. Attorneys work to get their visa application sanctioned in
order to obtain the visa. They assist in getting non-immigrant and
business visa as well.

Illegal stay: A
situation in which an immigrant resides on the basis of fake visa or a
person who has entered illegally is what these professional deal with.
Attorneys help in preparing non-immigrant paperwork and visas.

Assistance in becoming citizens: They assist foreigners in getting permanent citizenship of a country for which the client has applied for.

Apart from that, they also handle a scenario in which a client has
overstayed his/her visa. It means that they are staying even when their
visa has expired. This is called deportation. Professional would help
the client in renewal of the visa so that they can stay for an extended
or required duration with a legal visa.

International Adoption:
If a couple wishes to adopt children from another country need to get
in touch with an attorney of that country in order to fulfill the legal
formalities involved in adopting the child.

A scenario in which the citizen of a country has been accused of
smuggling foreign people illegally inside the country hires an attorney.
The immigration attorney would handle the case to defend him.

Political Asylum:
A person who feels unsafe in his/her own country due to the fear or
oppression or violence can seek shelter from any other country to ensure
his protection. Such a situation is called seeking political asylum. An
immigration attorney would ensure the safety and stay of the client in
that particular country in such a situation.

For immigrant or
citizens of Manhattan, facing legal issues regarding immigration, can
get in touch with a renowned and good lawyers in NY. These firms provide
proficient attorneys. Any person can hire them to settle down their
immigration matters.