No decision is more critical for a married couple than dissolving a
marriage. In fact, family therapists and marital counselors have
theorized that a divorce is just as stressful as the passing of a loved
one. Obtaining the services of a competent Wayne County divorce attorney
can do much to relieve the tension and angst a divorce can cause.

To get divorced in the state of Michigan requires
filing the appropriate documents in court. Any final decree will decide
complex arrangements like the division of property between the couple,
custody of any offspring, and court ordered support for the children.
Since these critical issues will settled before a judge in a court of
law with finality, it is critical that partners seeking a legal marital
dissolution decree be acutely aware of the issues involved.

the emotions that will surface during a marriage dissolution proceeding
is a difficult undertaking. Many spouses involved in dissolving
marriage have sought professional help to cope with anxious feelings,
fear, and pain. It is vital that couples experiencing a breakup not make
weighty decisions during this difficult time.

Competent legal
help can be an invaluable resource for stressed litigants; experienced
lawyers can help a couple engulfed in marital difficulties to consider
other viable alternatives. Before filing legal documents, a couple
should attempt to work out their differences and avoid terminating the
marriage altogether. In this regard, an attorney can recommend marital
counseling to help estranged marriage partners.

If one of the
parties has been a Michigan resident for at least six months, a petition
can be filed in a county court. Once a petitioner has submitted
paperwork, the respondent has twenty-one days to respond. If no response
is filed, legal difficulties and the loss of certain rights could
result– leading to legal rulings of an adverse nature.

for litigants seeking a split, the importance of having legal counsel
cannot be overemphasized. Dissolving a marriage has permanent
consequences. Therefore, before going through the process of seeking the
dissolution of a marriage, it is critical to have a skilled qualified

There are a number of commercials that advocate seeking
a marital dissolution without professional legal help, this course of
action should be ignored. It is important not to risk a disaster when
facing litigation. Having a Wayne County divorce attorney can ensure
legal issues get resolved in a manner that lessens stress, pressure, and

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