Throughout the history of Canada, studies have been created to
analyze the likelihood of risks that people may take. In one poll, it
suggested, that in our lifetimes, we will be involved in at least one
type of accident, causing injury and an insurance claim. Despite an
advancement in laws to protect citizens from themselves, motor vehicle
and slip fall accidents remain the most common types of accidents for
people to be involved in. As a result, it is absolutely pivotal, to
familiarize yourself with auto accident law, so you understand your
rights after an accident. Here is a guide to help you along.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an
automobile accident, it is absolutely important that you do two things,
stay at the scene until help arrives, and contact a personal injury
lawyer. Being involved in an accident is never an enjoyable experience
for anyone, but your life can become a whole lot more difficult if you
leave the scene of the accident. Essentially, whether you were at fault
or not, staying at the scene can show the courts and insurance adjusters
that this was in fact an accident and you behaved in the right way.

by staying at the scene of the accident, it will allow you to document
everything that is important to your case. This important list should
include: writing down the information of the other driver involved
included their full name, insurance company, vehicle number, type of
vehicle and address. You should also document your own damages, such as
those to your vehicle and injuries you and the people in your car may
have. All of this information will be pivotal when your attorney helps
you create your claims letter to seek compensation from your insurance
company for benefits.

will also need to obtain a police and medical report, as they will be
used to give a third party account of your accident and injuries.
However, as we noted throughout, you should contact a personal injury
lawyer to go over your rights. For this reason, do not, and we mean do
not blurt anything out regarding your accident, besides driving contact
information. In laymen’s terms, only speak when necessary, but do not
admit fault or accuse the other driver of fault. That is not your role.
By staying silent, it is the best defense, since the insurance providers
can’t find a way to lower your claim.

As we mentioned earlier,
you will need to provide your attorney with a medical report of your
injuries. This report alone can make or break your case. Make sure the
doctor examining you needs is as detailed as possible in their report.
You should be open and communicative about how you are feeling and the
effects of the stress, anxiety and any possible pain. With a slew of
insurance reforms coming into play recently, the more detail the better
odds you have of receiving compensation. With this in mind, having your
doctor write out full descriptions of your injuries, instead of bullet
points will be important.