If you charged with the conviction of being a criminal then you
can’t judge that you are really the culprit or not, because that’s the
job of the court. However, you have all the rights to fight for your
case in order to prove yourself innocent if possible or at least to get
minimum punishment. But getting convicted for some criminal case is a
very big matter and definitely need professional assistance in order to
put your case strongly. There are certain convictions, which you can
handle on your own, but for criminal cases you must take the help of the
criminal attorney, as these are real bad situation and only some
learned in legal matters can help you to get out of this. Listed below
are the times, when you must contact a criminal lawyer:

On being caught under any of the above
mentioned situation, you surely need the professional help. These
criminal attorneys can help you in your tough time because they are well
acquainted with the legal laws and rules in Philadelphia, and can see
your case through the same perspective that the court judge will take
on. You being a common and busy man, you can’t be that aware of the
legal acts and further consequences that can befall on you. You may not
what are the chances of nullifying the charges against you. Hence, it’s
important that you don’t take up risk of not approaching a lawyer,
irrespective of the fact that you are convicted of some misdemeanor or
felony charges.

However, hiring the right attorney is important;
hence you must make a good search before finalizing anyone. You can
take the help of your friends, who have hired any such attorney in the
past or you can check the internet and get hold of law firms or
individual practicing lawyers. Initially you can approach those
professionals who offer initial free consultancy. This will help you to
understand the capabilities and expertise of the lawyer to an extent.

The criminal Attorney will first evaluate your case, give you advice
accordingly and then fight your case to offer you the requisite